即使不是天才也看得出,在雅各布•祖马(Jacob Zuma)担任总统的糟糕时期,企业很难在南非保持声誉。一家像毕马威(KPMG)或麦肯锡(McKinsey)这样的跨国咨询公司,不应该看不清这一事实。
Neither firm was as crass as Bell Pottinger, the PR firm that went into administration after running a racially divisive campaign for the holding company of the Gupta family, Mr Zuma’s business patrons. But both have been tarnished by Mr Zuma’s misgovernance of his country and its tragic descent into cronyism and corruption.
虽然这两家公司都不像公关公司贝尔-波廷格(Bell Pottinger)那样愚蠢——后者在为祖马总统的商业赞助人古普塔(Gupta)家族的控股公司开展了一场宣扬种族分裂的公关活动后,被破产管理人接管——但祖马对南非的不当治理、以及南非悲剧地沦落到任人唯亲和腐败盛行的境地让这两家公司都名誉受损。
KPMG audited many of the Guptas’ companies and eight of its executives last week resigned as it admitted its errors of judgment. McKinsey took a juicy contract with Eskom, a state utility, that involved working with a consultancy linked to the family. The firm still maintains that it behaved correctly and is walking the tightrope of self-justification. I am intrigued to see how long it will take to fall off.
Here is a simple guide to South African due diligence: avoid the Guptas, the Zuma family and state-owned enterprises over which they exert any influence. Other professional services firms paid greater attention to the daily bulletins of “state capture” by the president’s allies; they were also better at resisting financial temptation.
以下是针对在南非开展尽职调查的一份简明指导:避免古普塔家族、祖马家族以及这两个家族能够施加任何影响的南非国有企业。其他的专业事务所更重视总统的盟友们发布的《掠夺之国》(state of capture)每日简报,也更能抵御金钱的诱惑。
A client gains two things when it hires a KPMG or a McKinsey: sound advice that helps it to raise revenues while maintaining strong controls, and the imprimatur that comes with their names. Particularly in economies where corruption is common, government officials take bribes, and regulation is suspect, they can charge for lending the benefits of integrity.
South Africa is tricky, for the end of apartheid in the early 1990s offered a chance for advisers and consultants not only to make money but to become part of the legitimate rebuilding of a nation that needed business expertise. As the country has degenerated during Mr Zuma’s tacky leadership, their responsibility to examine carefully what they are asked to endorse has increased.
KPMG has conceded that it failed in that duty, although it took far too long to recognise this failure. It was auditor and adviser to Gupta companies for 15 years, until the taint became too great last year. It audited the accounts of one Gupta entity that diverted $3.3m of public money to a family wedding and wrote a report that helped Mr Zuma’s circle wrongly to discredit Pravin Gordhan, former finance minister.
毕马威已承认了自己在这一点上的失职,虽然它花了太长时间才承认这一错误。毕马威为古普塔家族的企业担任了15年的审计所和咨询顾问,直到去年污点过大而败露。毕马威审计的古普塔家族的一家实体,曾挪用330万美元公款举办一场家族婚礼,它还出具了一份报告,帮助祖马的圈子不当诋毁前财长普拉温•戈尔丹(Pravin Gordhan)。
By its own account, the firm ignored warning signs about “the integrity and ethics of the Guptas” and should have ditched them earlier. It fell into the trap of sticking with an old client after its flaws became clear, but it can hardly complain that it was not informed. Mr Zuma has undermined many of South Africa’s institutions but it still has a vibrantly outspoken media.
McKinsey’s mistake was shorter lived and less blatant, but it was wrong nonetheless. As one partner of a Johannesburg firm sees it: “KPMG became part of the machinery, while McKinsey looked the other way for money.” It was indeed a lot of money. Eskom paid McKinsey $73m for nine months work ending in July 2016, and at one point the consultancy anticipated receiving a payment of up to $370m over four years.
McKinsey produced a restructuring plan for the inefficient utility, which was inflicting power cuts across South Africa. It was also due to work on implementing the plan and be paid a share of the financial gains. The firm insists that such contracts are common and the terms matched similar deals, but rivals are astonished. One internal McKinsey document noted the risk of being criticised for “exorbitant fees”.
It was never tested because of another obstacle. McKinsey legally had to work with a black economic empowerment partner and Eskom wanted it to be Trillian, a consulting firm formerly majority owned by Salim Essa, an associate of the Guptas. After six months, Trillian failed McKinsey’s due diligence and Eskom later ended the contract.
由于另一项障碍,麦肯锡始终未受到考验。根据《黑人经济振兴法案》(Black Economic Empowerment,BEE),麦肯锡必须与一家符合该法案要求的伙伴合作,南非国家电力公司希望这个伙伴是Trillian——此前由古普塔家族的手下萨利姆•埃萨(Salim Essa)持有大部分股权的一家咨询公司。6个月后,Trillian未能通过麦肯锡的尽职调查,南非国家电力公司后来终止了这份合同。
The firm has a brisk defence to accusations from South African politicians and Corruption Watch that it facilitated state capture by helping Trillian to gain money from Eskom. It says that its own inquiry into its behaviour has not uncovered wrongdoing, nor anything that would require it to report itself to the US authorities under anti-corruption laws. This seems to be setting the reputational bar rather low.
南非政客和腐败观察(Corruption Watch)指责麦肯锡帮助Trillian从南非国家电力公司捞钱,从而充当了“掠夺之国”的帮凶;面对这样的指责,麦肯锡理直气壮地为自己辩护道:它对自身行为的调查没有发现不当之处,也未发现任何依照反腐败法律应向美国当局自首的问题。这似乎把信誉标准设得相当低。
Being willing to charge an entrenched institution in a fractured country so much money looks awfully like rent seeking, especially when payments of up to $700m were to be split with what it should have known was a dubious consulting partner. McKinsey is full of superior intellects but sometimes you only need to open your eyes.
None of this occurred in a vacuum. The group Business Unity South Africa this month bemoaned the “scourge of corruption that is stifling the country” and called for an end to a “culture of immunity”. Each time that a consultant or accountant fails to take a decisive stand, the scourge worsens.
这一切都不是发生在真空里。9月,南非商业总工会(Business Unity South Africa)哀叹“腐败之祸勒住了这个国家的喉咙”,并呼吁终结一种“豁免文化”。每当一名顾问或会计师未能采取坚决立场,这场灾祸就会又加重一些。
KPMG has recognised it but McKinsey is still learning. It could start by confessing that it was wrong and promising not to repeat its failure.
john.gapper@ft.com 译者/何黎