An update to a tracking index compiled by the Brookings Institution think-tank and the Financial Times confirms the momentum of the global growth cycle and shows that the outlook for the rest of the year and 2018 remains healthy.
布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)和英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)联合编制的一项追踪指标的最新读数证实了全球增长周期的势头,并表明今年余下时间和2018年的经济前景仍然保持良好。
The index, which covers all significant advanced and developing economies, is at or close to five-year highs on measures of the real economy, confidence and financial conditions.
But with global growth rates well below those before the financial crisis that began a decade ago, the results echo concerns that further economic reforms are needed to maintain growth rates and stave off another downturn.
In recent weeks the OECD has urged finance ministers and central bankers to use the “window of opportunity” created by the upturn wisely after the economic troubles of the past decade. Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, has urged them not to let a decent recovery “go to waste”.
最近几周,经合组织(OECD)督促各国财政部长和央行行长,在经历了10年的经济困境后,要巧妙地利用经济复苏创造的“机会窗口”。国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)督促他们不要“白白浪费”这一轮还算强劲的复苏。
Professor Eswar Prasad, an economics professor at Cornell University and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said that while the recovery was broad based and reasonably strong, “policymakers seem averse to the broader and tougher reforms that may be necessary to kick growth into a higher gear”. He said recovery from the financial crisis was still hampered by “weak productivity and investment growth”.
康奈尔大学(Cornell University)经济学教授、布鲁金斯学会高级研究员埃斯瓦尔•普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示,尽管此轮复苏范围广泛且相当强劲,但“政策制定者似乎不愿进行更广泛、更坚定的改革,而这些改革对于促进经济更快速增长可能是必要的”。他称,从金融危机中复苏的步伐仍然受到“生产率和投资增长低迷”的阻碍。
The Brookings-FT Tiger index compares many separate indicators of real activity, financial markets and investor confidence with their historical averages for the global economy and for each country separately. The data suggest growth, financial conditions and confidence has improved in both advanced economies and emerging markets in recent months.
布鲁金斯学会/英国《金融时报》“全球经济复苏追踪指标”(Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery,简称:TIGER),把全球经济和各国的实体经济活动、金融市场和投资者信心等多项指标与各自的历史平均水平分别进行比较。数据表明,最近几个月发达经济体和发展中经济体的经济增长、金融状况和信心都有所改善。
The composite Tiger index is at its highest level since 2012, indicating that economic data, on average, across the world is significantly stronger than it has been at any time in those five years. Confidence is particularly strong in advanced economies. The US picked up after President Donald Trump’s election victory late last year, while confidence has improved in the resurgent eurozone this year.
TIGER综合指数目前正处于自2012年以来的最高水平,这表明总体来看世界各地的经济数据都显著强于过去5年内任意时间的水平。发达经济体的投资者信心格外强劲。在去年底唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)赢得美国大选后,美国投资者信心回升,与此同时,在经济复苏的欧元区,投资者信心今年也有所提高。
A sharp recovery in commodity exporters, which have repaired much of the damage of the oil price slump that began in 2014, has enabled the emerging economies index of real economic data to improve towards recent highs. Exuberant stock markets have also helped financial conditions remain supportive of growth in the global economy.
Although 2017 is likely to show a significant improvement on 2016, there are concerns that the global economy is still not generating a sufficiently strong expansion to raise living standards in many countries and ease some of the financial strains of the past decade.
“The combination of weak productivity and investment growth does not portend well for an increase in growth or even for the sustainability of the current low growth,” Prof Prasad said.
“Policymakers should use the breathing space they have been granted to strengthen the resilience of their economies and policy frameworks to the inevitable next downturn. Otherwise, next time may be no different.”