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    It cannot be much fun running the World Bank these days. Apart from the complaints of the institution’s perennially fractious staff, the multilateral lender has seen increased competition from other sources of finance over the past two decades. Now it faces rising criticism from its largest shareholder.

    如今执掌世界银行(World Bank)不可能很好玩。除了该机构一向难管的员工的抱怨外,这家多边贷款机构在过去20年里遭到了其他资金来源的更多竞争。现在它还面临其最大股东越来越多的批评。

    Donald Trump’s administration, never likely to be a great fan of a global institution that sends American money abroad, has complained that the bank lends too much to countries such as China, which can borrow elsewhere.

    唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的行政当局永远不太可能成为一家将美国资金输往境外的全球机构的粉丝。特朗普政府抱怨称,世行目前向中国这样有能力从其他途径获得资金的国家放贷太多。

    In the past, the response of the bank’s president, the American Jim Yong Kim, has been to roll with the punches rather than robustly standing up for the institution’s founding principles. This year he tried to win over Mr Trump by helping to create and administer a fund for women’s development set up by Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter.

    过去,世行行长、美国人金墉(Jim Yong Kim)对此类批评的回应是大事化小,而不是坚定捍卫该机构的成立原则。今年早些时候,他为了争取特朗普的支持,还曾帮助创建和管理由总统女儿伊万卡•特朗普(Ivanka Trump)设立的一只女性发展基金。

    But the charm offensive seems to have had little effect. The US is objecting to the fact the bank continues to lend a large amount of money to middle-income countries, and is threatening to withhold its contribution to a general capital increase unless changes are made.


    There is a debate to be had about exactly what holes in Beijing’s financing the bank needs to fill. But Mr Trump’s objections are almost certainly motivated, at least in part, by the desire to not give money to what he sees as the US’s economic enemy number one. If the bank folds and gives Mr Trump what he wants, its credibility will be badly damaged.


    In an odd twist, it is China itself that has represented the biggest threat to the World Bank’s dominance of providing subsidised credit to emerging markets. By 2010, the activities of huge institutions such as the China Development Bank and the China Export-Import Bank meant that China’s overseas development lending outstripped the World Bank’s for the first time.

    吊诡的是,中国本身对世行向新兴市场提供补贴性信贷的主导地位构成最大威胁。早在2010年,中国国家开发银行(China Development Bank)和中国进出口银行(China Export-Import Bank)等庞大机构的活动就意味着,中国提供的海外发展贷款首次超过了世行。

    More recently, the advent of institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, of which China is the biggest shareholder, has raised the possibility that the centre of development finance has moved from Washington to Beijing. This puts yet more pressure on Mr Kim to secure US financing.


    In reality, the shift has been exaggerated. The creation of the AIIB, whose other member governments can block China from making financing decisions, involves placing Chinese money under plurilateral governance, rather than letting it roam the world at Beijing’s whim. The Chinese government has asked the AIIB to help fund the infrastructure projects in its vast Belt and Road initiative. The bank has responded that Belt and Road is a good idea, but that any lending it does will have to be subject to its standards on environmental and human rights safeguards and transparency.


    In that context, the World Bank would do better to stick to its guns rather than start contorting itself into peculiar postures in order to please Mr Trump. In any case, official development assistance of all kinds has been supplanted by private lending and investment, and by remittances from overseas migrants. Sheer volume of cash no longer equals policy influence: the bank’s role now stands or falls on the quality of the advice it gives.


    It is hard not to feel for Mr Kim. He may not have been the best candidate for the job, but his position has been made very difficult by Mr Trump’s attitude. Yet he should not allow the institution to be pushed around by the whims of one shareholder. The bank should make its decisions on whom to lend to on the criteria it has painstakingly established, not on the basis of political expediency.


      上一篇:Lex专栏:亚洲对冲基金新发数量创新低并非坏事 下一篇:大众未能为电动车落实长期电池原料供应


