俄罗斯电视节目主持人和社会名流克谢尼娅•索布恰克(Ksenia Sobchak)表示,她将在明年竞选总统,这种对弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)表面上的挑战可能分化反对派。
In a letter published in Vedomosti newspaper on Wednesday, Ms Sobchak, who became famous as the host of the Russian equivalent of reality TV show Big Brother, said she wanted Russia’s opposition to use her campaign as a way to vote “against everyone”.
索布恰克在周三发表在《Vedomosti》报上的一封信中表示,她希望俄罗斯反对派将其竞选作为投票“反对所有人”的方式。索布恰克因主持俄罗斯版的《老大哥》(Big Brother)真人秀节目而成名。
“You want to speak your mind, but your candidate hasn’t been admitted to the elections? You don’t have a candidate? Tick Sobchak. You’re not picking her to be the president. You’re just using a legal and peaceful way to say, ‘Enough! I’ve had it!’” she wrote.
Mr Putin, in power for 18 years, is widely expected to declare his candidacy for March’s vote towards the end of the year. The Kremlin — which usually fields the same spoiler candidates from opposition parties that are in reality under its full control — has been seeking a way to increase turnout at a time of slumping electoral participation.
Alexei Navalny, by far the most popular figure in Russia’s opposition, previously accused Ms Sobchak of preparing to mount a presidential bid as a spoiler aimed at dividing anti-Putin forces.
阿列克谢•纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)绝对是俄罗斯反对派中最受欢迎的人物,他早先指责索布恰克准备利用竞选总统来搅局,目的是分化反普京阵营。
Mr Navalny is barred from running by a fraud conviction he says is politically motivated. He has mounted a campaign nonetheless that has collected 600,000 signatures and opened offices in dozens of cities across the country.
Although she joined the opposition during the protests against Mr Putin’s return to the presidency five years ago, Ms Sobchak, 35, is still seen as an acceptable candidate for the Kremlin.
Her late father Anatoly, was mayor of St Petersburg in the early 1990s and a political mentor to Mr Putin. Ms Sobchak has denied persistent rumors that the Russian president is in fact her godfather. Ms Sobchak met Mr Putin this week on the eve of her announcement, ostensibly to interview him for a film about her father.
Ms Sobchak said she had told Mr Putin she wanted to run. According to her, she claimed he replied: “Every person has the right to make a decision.”
Ms Sobchak’s pitch is one of generational renewal. “Ksenia is trying to put forward the idea that ‘Our fathers couldn’t do it, but we, the children, can.’ It’s not for nothing she says she’s her father’s daughter,” said Alexei Chesnakov, a former Kremlin spin doctor. “But her negatives are pretty high. I don’t think she’ll be able to attract a broader audience.”
索布恰克宣扬一种时代变化。“克谢尼娅试图提出这样一种观点:‘我们父辈做不到的事,作为孩子的我们能够做到。’她提到自己父亲并非毫无意义,”克里姆林宫的前发言人阿列克谢•切斯诺科夫(Alexei Chesnakov)说。“但反对她的呼声也很高。我不认为她能吸引更广泛的观众。”
The Kremlin was alarmed earlier this year when Mr Navalny organised nationwide protests on an unprecedented scale. He then began holding campaign rallies in provincial cities that attracted large crowds until he was sentenced to 20 days in jail for violating protest laws earlier this month.
Last month, Mr Navalny said Ms Sobchak was “playing the repulsive game called ‘Let’s drag a liberal laughingstock to the polls’”. He accused her of preparing her candidacy as a “plus for her show business career”.
The head of Russia’s election commission said earlier this week that Mr Navalny would be allowed to run when his ban expired in 2028.
Ms Sobchak said that she wanted Mr Navalny to be allowed to run, in which case she promised to consider withdrawing her candidacy. “I might not be your candidate,” she wrote. “But my taking part in this election is good for voters and useful for the Russian political system.”