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    Dozens of the world’s multinationals and tech companies have launched a fight to help keep “Dreamers” in the US, as time runs out on Barack Obama’s amnesty for the hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children.

    全球数十家跨国公司和科技公司发起行动,试图帮助让“追梦人”(Dreamers)留在美国。巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)赦免从小就来到美国的数十万无证移民的截止日期即将到来。

    “Without an immediate, permanent, legislative solution roughly 800,000 Dreamers who are working, going to school and serving in our nation’s military will lose their ability to work and study legally,” 65 business and industry groups including Amazon, Apple, Goog­le and Facebook said in a petition to Republican and Democratic lawmakers.


    The immigrants “will be forced from jobs and subject to immediate deportation from the country they grew up in”, the lobby says. “If Congress fails to act, our economy could lose $215bn from the national GDP and $24.6bn in social security and Medicare contributions.”


    Among the groups taking action are General Motors, Mars, IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Uber, as well as hospitality companies such as Marriott, Hilton and Hyatt. Dozens of other tech groups have also signed the petition.


    Mr Obama’s two-year amnesty, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca), expires in March next year.


    A bipartisan group of lawmakers have indicated they hope to find a legislative solution to Daca before the deadline, but there are concerns that other issues such as tax reform and healthcare could take priority and leave the Dreamers in the lurch. There are also fears that political wrangling could cause a delay.


    Republican lawmakers have insisted they will push through a legislative solution, dubbed the Dream Act, only if it is accompanied by tougher security measures on the Mexican border, a position shared by President Donald Trump.

    共和党立法者坚称,只有在墨西哥边境采取更严格安防措施的同时,他们才会通过一个立法方案,并将此称为《梦想法案》。唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)总统也持这一立场。

    Democrats, meanwhile, have said that any replacement law should be free of punitive measures that target other undocumented immigrant groups inc­luding Dreamers’ parents.


    According to FWD.US, a pro-immigration reform group co-founded by Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg, close to three-quarters of the 25 largest Fortune 500 companies employ Daca beneficiaries. Apple employed about 250, said chief executive Tim Cook.

    Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)联合创立的一个支持移民改革的组织FWD.US表示,《财富》全球500强企业中最大的25家企业,有近四分之三都雇佣了DACA的受益人。苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)称,该公司雇佣了大约250人。

      上一篇:隐私将成为科技公司竞争优势 下一篇:普京为何回避十月革命百年庆典?


