美联储(Federal Reserve)向着下月就进一步加息谨慎迈步。珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen)在可能是她担任美联储主席的最后几个月期间权衡强劲经济增长与通胀持续偏弱的证据。
With Donald Trump expected to announce his nominee for Fed chair on Thursday, the central bank kept the key rate at 1 to 1.25 per cent at the end of the Federal Open Market Committee’s latest two-day meeting. The Fed continued to signal that “gradual” rate rises lie ahead, even if it did not offer any explicit indications as to when the next move will come.
在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)预计将在周四宣布他的美联储主席提名人选前夕,美国央行在联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)最近一次两天会议结束之际将关键利率保持在1%至1.25%的区间。美联储继续发出信号表明,未来会有“逐渐”加息,即便它没有明确说明下一次何时动手。
While high petrol prices associated with the recent hurricanes had boosted some prices, “inflation for items other than food and energy remained soft,” the central bank said. On the upside, it noted that the labour market had continued to improve and “economic activity has been rising at a solid rate despite hurricane-related disruptions.”
Investors have been expecting a further quarter-point rate rise at the Fed’s final meeting of the year on December 12-13, but the direction of US monetary policy beyond that is about to be cast into a period of further uncertainty as the president considers installing a new Fed chair following the end of Ms Yellen’s first term in early February.
At a press briefing earlier on Tuesday, President Trump said Janet Yellen was “excellent”, but did not say whether she would be renewed in her position as Fed chair when the term expires in February.
Asked if Yellen was his choice to keep leading the Fed, Trump said: “I didn’t say that. I think she’s excellent.”
Administration officials expect Mr Trump to nominate Jay Powell, one of the Fed’s current governors, to take over the helm of the US central bank, although it remains possible that the president will change his mind at the last minute. Mr Powell would represent the continuity candidate for the Fed’s top job, given he hewed closely to Ms Yellen’s monetary policy approach in recent years.
特朗普政府的官员们预期,总统将提名美联储现任理事之一杰伊•鲍威尔(Jay Powell)执掌美国央行,尽管特朗普仍有可能在最后一刻改变主意。考虑到鲍威尔近年密切附和耶伦的货币政策姿态,他被提名为美联储主席将最有希望保持政策连续性。
The White House has suggested a decision on the Fed chair could come on Thursday. The expected change comes as a near-decade of loose monetary policy helps power a vigorous economic recovery — but one that is also coupled with surprisingly low inflation.
Ms Yellen has been presiding over a fierce debate within the Fed on how to reconcile the conflicting trends in the recovery. Unemployment has dropped to just 4.2 per cent despite the economic damage done by the recent hurricanes, and the US has now seen two straight quarters of roughly 3 per cent annualised growth. The global backdrop has become increasingly sunny.
Yet at the same time the Fed’s preferred measure of inflation, excluding food and energy, was just 1.3 per cent in September, following months of disappointing readings that have fostered concerns among some policymakers that entrenched factors are depressing prices following a half decade of sub-target price growth. The Fed stuck to its guns in expecting that inflation should stabilise around its 2 per cent objective in the medium-term. But it also noted that both its favoured inflation measures are running below target.
After the Tuesday statement, US government bond prices held on to their rally, with yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note staying below the 2.4 per cent mark at 2.3649 per cent.
Stocks remained a mixed bag. Both the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average added to their slight gains to trade up 0.2 per cent at 2,580.34 and 23,424.89 respectively. The Nasdaq Composite is at 6,712.31 after trimming its losses from 0.4 per cent to 0.2 per cent. The dollar, as measured by the DXY index, remained 0.1 per cent higher for the day.
股市有涨有跌。标普500指数(S&P 500)和道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)延续微幅涨势,分别上涨0.2%,至2580.34点和23424.89点。纳斯达克综合指数(Nasdaq Composite)的跌幅从0.4%缩小至0.2%,至6712.31点。按照DXY美元指数衡量,美元汇率保持0.1%的当日涨幅。
At the Fed’s September meeting many policymakers said they thought another rate rise would be needed later in the year, yet views were divided. Some officials insisted they wanted to see firmer evidence that inflation is heading back to the Fed’s 2 per cent target.
The Federal Reserve put one key element of its stimulus programme into reverse at the September meeting as it announced the gradual reduction of a balance sheet swelled to $4.5tn by quantitative easing — a well-telegraphed move that has not jolted markets.
However Ms Yellen has suggested the quantitative easing programme could well be needed when the US hits its next downturn — even if it is milder than the last one. That is because the Fed is not expecting to raise rates very far — perhaps to less than 3 per cent — leaving it with little rate-cutting firepower when the next recession happens.
Additional reporting by Pan Yuk
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