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    It remains one of the greatest experiments in economic and political history. A bloody civil war, the abolition of private property, the creation of a command economy with near full state ownership, price regulation and the elimination of markets.


    One hundred years on from the Russian Revolution, three main lessons emerge from the 75-year Great Soviet Experiment. They are not rocket science but worth re-stating. First, industrialisation through terror is inefficient. Second, without terror the command economy eventually flags and goes bankrupt. Third, lack of political competition creates a rigid governance system unable to make necessary reforms.


    The first is probably the least obvious. Stalin accomplished industrialisation and eventually led the Soviet Union to victory in the second world war. His method was top-down and, in the words of the writers Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson, “brutal but effective”.

    第一个可能是最不明显的。斯大林(Stalin)实现了工业化,并最终领导苏联在二战中获胜。他的方法是自上而下的,用作家达龙•阿杰姆奥卢(Daron Acemoglu)和詹姆斯•罗宾逊(James Robinson)的话来说,“残酷但有效”。

    The benefit of centralised economic control is that it allows you to move 25-30 per cent of the labour force from farm to factory within just one decade. However, a recent study I co-authored found this did not work as planned: the gains from moving resources to industry did not make up for destroying productivity within both agriculture and industry. Terror is brutal and effective in moving resources, but it is not productive in organising them efficiently.


    The net economic benefits of Stalin’s policies were trivial — and this is not to mention millions who perished due to repression and famine. Also, the Soviet Union could not win the war alone — resources and equipment provided by the US were essential in beating Hitler.


    After the war, the Soviet economy recovered, Sputnik was launched and nuclear parity with the US maintained. Yet, it failed to deliver growth and innovation — proving that competitive markets are needed for efficient incentives. Also, as shown by the economist János Kornai, a collectivised system is inherently vulnerable to “soft budget constraints”. In a socialist economy, all inefficient enterprises are bailed out by the state — hence managers have no incentives to avoid bankruptcy.

    二战后,苏联经济复苏,发射了斯普特尼克号(Sputnik)卫星,并在核领域与美国保持了势均力敌。然而,苏联未能实现经济增长和创新,这证明,有效激励需要竞争性市场。另外,就像经济学家雅诺什•科尔奈(János Kornai)所说的,集体制从本质上来说在“软性预算约束”下很脆弱。在社会主义经济中,所有低效的企业都会由政府纾困,因此管理者没有避免破产的激励。

    Soft budget constraints also feature in market economies — as the massive bailouts since the financial crisis show. But there is a major difference: if a capitalist firm goes bankrupt, private shareholders lose their equity. If a socialist one cannot pay its debts they are taken over by the state — and eventually the whole state goes bankrupt. When Mr Kornai was writing in the late 1970s it was unthinkable that a superpower like the Soviet Union could go bankrupt. In fact its bankruptcy was not just plausible — it turned out to be inevitable.


    With the end of Stalinist terror the government could no longer resist pressures to raise living standards. To pay for this, Moscow resorted to petrodollars and later loans. By the late 1980s the Soviet budget deficit went into double-digit percentages of gross domestic product. In its last year it was 30 per cent of GDP. Creditors stopped lending and the Soviet Union was no more.


    As bankruptcy loomed, why were Soviet leaders unable to recognise the problem and launch radical reforms? The answer points to the third, most painful lesson. In the absence of political competition and free debate, the USSR ended up with a leadership that was neither competent nor decisive. This was not a coincidence — it was how that system selected and promoted its leaders.


    The Great Soviet Experiment demonstrated the deficiencies and unsustainability of the non-market model. Yet still every now and then proposals emerge for a new version of socialism — from “Bolivarian” to market varieties, from state capitalism to a new “digital Gosplan” matching algorithms to economic planning. In decades of socialist experimenting, communists tried many alternatives to the market. None of them worked. That is what we should remember 100 years later.

    “苏维埃大实验”显示了非市场模式的缺陷和不可持续。然而,时常会出现社会主义新版本的提议,从“玻利瓦尔主义”(Bolivarianism)到各种市场经济变体,从国家资本主义到把算法与经济规划匹配的新的“数字国家计划委员会”(digital Gosplan)。在几十年的社会主义实验中,共产主义者尝试了很多替代市场的方案。其中没有一个成功。这就是我们在100年后应该记住的事情。

    The writer is chief economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

    本文作者是欧洲复兴开发银行(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)首席经济学家

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