The upgrade from Baa2 to Baa3 by the US rating agency follows sweeping changes under prime minister Narendra Modi, including the introduction of a goods and services tax and a controversial demonetisation programme.
在这家美国评级机构把印度的主权评级从Baa2调高至Baa3之前,印度在总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)的领导下实施了全面改革,包括引入商品与服务税和惹争议的废钞计划。
Moody’s said it expects “continued progress on economic and institutional reforms will, over time, enhance India’s high growth potential and its large and stable financing base for government debt, and will likely contribute to a gradual decline in the general government debt burden over the medium term.”
The agency also changed its outlook for India’s sovereign bonds from positive to stable, adding that while the country’s high-debt burden remained a constraint on its credit profile, reforms already in place have reduced the risk of a sharp increase in debt “even in the event of shocks”.
“The relatively fast pace of growth in incomes will continue to bolster the economy’s shock absorption capacity,” Moody’s said. “And even in periods of relatively slower growth, as seen recently, stable financing will mitigate the risk of a sharp deterioration in fiscal metrics.”