唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)把朝鲜重新列入了美国的“支持恐怖主义国家”名单,他正在加大努力说服朝鲜放弃弹道导弹与核武器计划。
Mr Trump unveiled the move at a cabinet meeting on Monday, days after his return from Asia where his talks with leaders in Japan, China and South Korea were dominated by North Korea.
“The US is designating North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. It should have happened a long time ago,” he told reporters.
The Treasury would impose more sanctions on Pyongyang on Tuesday, Mr Trump said, adding that the move to designate North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism “supports our maximum pressure campaign to isolate the murderous regime”.
His administration has been pushing nations around the world to put more economic pressure on Pyongyang and to back efforts at the UN Security Council to impose what have become the toughest sanctions on the North Korean regime.
特朗普政府一直在敦促世界各国对朝鲜施加更大的经济压力,并支持联合国安理会(UN Security Council)对朝鲜政权实施的迄今最严厉制裁。
The US placed Pyongyang on its terrorism blacklist in 1987 after North Korea bombed a South Korean airliner that resulted in the deaths of more than 100 passengers. It was removed in 2008 by the Bush administration during negotiations aimed at dismantling its nuclear programme.
美国曾在1987年将朝鲜列入“支恐”黑名单,在那之前,朝鲜炸毁了一架韩国客机,导致100多名乘客丧生。2008年,小布什(George W Bush)政府在旨在解除朝鲜核计划的谈判期间将其移出了该名单。
Dennis Wilder, former top Asia adviser to George W Bush, said the move was partly aimed at reminding China about the need to keep pressure on North Korea. “If the Chinese think that the US president is moving away from the topic . . . then they can say they have done their part,” said Mr Wilder, now at Georgetown University. “This is another signal to the Chinese that this issue is not going off the table and that we both need to maintain the policies that we have agreed.”
曾担任小布什首席亚洲顾问的韦德宁(Dennis Wilder)表示,此举在一定程度上是为了提醒中国需要继续对朝鲜施压。“如果中国人认为美国总统正在远离这一话题……那他们可以说已经完成了自己的任务,”现供职于乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)的韦德宁说,“这是对中国发出的又一个信号,即这一问题并没有完,我们都需要坚持已经达成一致的政策。”