三星电子(Samsung Electronics)开发出核心电池技术,利用石墨烯延长锂离子电池续航时间,并加快充电速度。如果这种技术能投入量产,那将标志着一个行业里程碑。
The South Korean conglomerate said on Monday that its research arm — Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) — has successfully synthesised “graphene balls” that can boost its battery capacity by 45 per cent and increase charging speed by five times the existing standards.
Graphene has been touted in the global electronics industry as a “miracle material” given its strength, electrical conductivity and elasticity, and has been seen as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries since its discovery in 2004. It is a form of carbon that can be used to develop smaller, slimmer batteries but with higher capacity.
Samsung said the graphene-based battery would take just 12 minutes to be fully charged; current lithium-ion batteries take about an hour. The new battery could also be used for electric vehicles, as it can maintain stability at up to 60 degrees Celsius.
The company has stepped up its research into battery technology in the wake of last year’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone safety debacle. The recall and subsequent withdrawal of the fire-prone model cost the company more than $5bn, and some of the phones caught fire due to faulty lithium-ion batteries, according to Samsung.
在去年遭遇Galaxy Note 7智能手机(见文首照片)自燃的安全灾难后,三星加强了对电池技术的研究。据三星透露,召回以及随后撤销这款容易起火的手机使该公司损失50多亿美元,而其中一些手机正是由于锂离子电池有问题而起火的。
SAIT has developed a way to use silica to synthesise graphene like three-dimensional popcorn, and use the graphene “balls” as material for advanced lithium-ion batteries, the company said. Samsung has applied for patents for the technology in South Korea and the US.
According to experts, graphene is more energy efficient so it allows room for other cathode materials. As a result, smartphones with graphene-based batteries can be slimmer and lighter but with a greater capacity.
Graphene, which in its basic form is a single sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a lattice, can be used in flexible displays, wearables and other next-generation electronic devices. But while lithium-ion battery technology — first commercialised in 1991 — is seen to be reaching its limitations, experts caution it will be years before graphene-based battery technology is ready for commercialisation.
“It is a great technology with various potential applications but it will take a long time for graphene-based batteries to be mass produced,” said Kim Young-woo at SK Securities. “The key is who can commercialise the technology first. It won’t be easy to apply the minute processing technology for large-scale production of high-quality, electronics-grade graphene.”
“这是一项潜在用途广泛的了不起的技术,但石墨烯电池需要很久才能投入量产,”SK证券(SK Securities)的金永佑(Kim Young-woo)表示。“关键是谁能抢先把这种技术商业化。应用精细加工技术大规模生产高质量的电子级石墨烯并不容易。”
Khasha Ghaffarzadeh, director at research company IDTechEx, said that Samsung had produced some interesting results but cautioned that the world is a long way from commercially developing such batteries.
研究公司IDTechEx的董事Khasha Ghaffarzadeh表示,三星取得了一些有意思的成果,但他告诫称,世界距离商业开发这样的电池还有很长的路要走。
“The technology readiness level is still at the proof-of-concept to demonstrator stage. We often read about remarkable graphene-based results at these stages but only a few translate into commercial success stories,” he said.
SAIT has been leading Samsung’s core technology development and opened a lab for artificial intelligence research in Canada earlier this year. It also developed Samsung’s new TV technology using cadmium-free quantum dot materials.
Additional reporting by Nic Fildes in London
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