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    China has relaxed a ban on group tours to South Korea imposed in retaliation over Seoul’s deployment of the US-built Thaad missile shield, according to official media.


    China’s National Tourism Administration will allow tour agencies in Beijing and Shandong province to sell package tours to South Korea, state news agency Yonhap reported, citing unnamed industry sources. However, it added that China had demanded these packages not include visits to businesses linked to Lotte Group – the South Korean conglomerate that has agreed to host a US missile defence system on its golf course.

    韩国官方通讯社韩联社(Yonhap)援引不具名行业人士的消息报道称,中国国家旅游局将允许北京和山东的旅行社销售赴韩跟团游产品。但韩联社补充称,中方已要求这些跟团游的行程不能涉及与乐天集团(Lotte Group)有关联的企业。这家韩国综合性企业此前同意出让其高尔夫球场用于部署“萨德”。

    A ban will remain on online sales of tours as well as cruises and charter flights in South Korea, an official at the Korea Tourism Organisation told Reuters.

    韩国旅游发展局(Korea Tourism Organisation)一名官员告诉路透社(Reuters),对赴韩跟团游网销产品以及赴韩邮轮游和包机的禁令还未解除。

    Beijing banned Chinese tour groups from visiting South Korea in March, which tour agencies said at the time was linked to Seoul’s decision to deploy Thaad, the Terminal High Altitude Defence platform. South Korean companies have borne the brunt of a Chinese government-led boycott over the missile shield.


    Shares in South Korean cosmetics brand AmorePacific – which owns brands popular with Chinese shoppers – were little moved by the prospect of a partial return of Chinese tourists, up 0.2 per cent on Tuesday afternoon. Lotte Shopping, the retail subsidiary of conglomerate Lotte, was up 1 per cent.

    旗下品牌受到中国消费者青睐的韩国美妆品牌爱茉莉太平洋(Amore Pacific)的股价并未因为可能有部分中国游客回流的前景出现多少波动,该公司股价在周二午盘上涨0.2%。乐天集团旗下零售公司乐天百货(Lotte Shopping)的股价上涨1%。

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