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    Switzerland’s banks have begun reporting suspicious account activity among some of their Saudi Arabian clients to the Swiss Money Laundering Reporting Office, part of the federal police service, say people close to the situation.

    知情人士称,瑞士各银行纷纷开始向瑞士反洗钱报告办公室(Swiss Money Laundering Reporting Office)报告一些沙特阿拉伯客户的可疑账户活动。该办公室是瑞士联邦警察部门的一部分。

    Lawyers acting for the banks have submitted information over the past week and expect several dozen submissions to be made in total, two people involved in the process said.


    The exercise reflects the banks’ nervousness about being found in breach of rules governing money laundering and corruption. It follows the arrest in Saudi Arabia last month of more than 200 people, including some of the country’s richest businessmen and princes. They were detained at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Riyadh as part of an anti-graft operation launched by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s powerful heir apparent.

    这些操作反映了银行的紧张,生怕自己被发现违反有关洗钱和腐败的规则。沙特阿拉伯在上月逮捕了200多人,其中包括该国一些最富有的商人和多位王子。他们被羁押在利雅得的丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton Hotel),这是沙特权力极大的王储穆罕默德•本•萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman,见文首照片)发起的反腐行动的一部分。

    While Swiss banks strive to protect client confidentiality, they are obliged to report suspect transactions. So far the account reports have not led to action, such as searches or freezing accounts, by Swiss authorities.


    Saudi officials must submit a formal request if they want access to the data, which is being analysed by the Swiss authorities. “As is standard procedure, incoming information is currently being assessed,” the office of the Swiss attorney-general told the Financial Times. “At this time, criminal proceedings in this connection have not been opened.”


    Swiss bankers also say they have begun to prepare cash transfers on behalf of clients, as princes and business people seek to settle allegations against them. The crown prince is seeking to recover at least $100bn through the crackdown on “systematic corruption and embezzlement” that took place over several decades.


    The Gulf state’s regulator has asked local and foreign banks to disclose if they have credit facilities and safety-deposit boxes in the names of those arrested, including billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the media-savvy investor with stakes in companies including Citigroup and Twitter.

    这个海湾国家的监管机构已请求本国和外资银行披露其有没有在押人员开设的信贷安排和保管箱。这些人包括亿万富豪阿尔瓦利德•本•塔拉勒(Alwaleed bin Talal)王子,这个善于同媒体打交道的投资者在花旗集团(Citigroup)和Twitter等公司持有股份。

    One person familiar with the process said the focus on Saudi accounts was similar to previous episodes regarding possible suspect funds held in Swiss accounts linked to scandals at Fifa, world football’s governing body, and Petrobras, the Brazilian oil company.


    Large volumes of Saudi money are held in the Alpine country, much of it old wealth. “It’s been here for 30 or 50 years, it’s not nouveaux riches,” said the person familiar with the process.


    Credit Suisse said recent developments in Saudi Arabia had so far had “no implications on our business”, while UBS declined to comment on its clients.

    瑞信(Credit Suisse)表示,沙特阿拉伯最近的事态发展迄今“对我行的业务没有影响”,而瑞银(UBS)拒绝发表有关客户的评论。

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