德国社民党(SPD)领袖呼吁欧盟(EU)成员国致力于到2025年建立一个“欧罗巴合众国”,阐明一项雄心勃勃的欧洲改革议程。该党已同意就组建新政府与安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)进行谈判。
Martin Schulz told a party conference in Berlin yesterday that he wanted EU member states to agree a new “constitutional treaty” to establish a federal union and that countries that did not sign up would have to leave the bloc.
马丁•舒尔茨(Martin Schulz)昨日在柏林的一次党内大会上表示,他想让欧盟成员国同意一份新的“宪法条约”以建立一个联邦,那些不签字的国家将不得不离开欧盟。
“Such a constitutional treaty has to be written by a convention that includes civil society and the people. This constitutional treaty will then have to be put to the member states and those that don’t approve it will automatically have to leave the EU,” Mr Schulz said. A previous attempt at giving the EU a new constitution more than 10 years ago collapsed after its rejection in referendums in the Netherlands and France.
Mr Schulz also called for a drastic shift in Germany’s position on eurozone reform. His stance echoes demands made by President Emmanuel Macron of France but is at odds with longstanding positions of the Merkel government.
舒尔茨还呼吁彻底改变德国对于欧元区改革的立场。他的态度呼应了法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)的要求,但与默克尔政府的长期立场相悖。
“We don’t need a European austerity diktat, we need investments in a eurozone budget,” the SPD leader said.
“We need a European finance minister who curbs the race to the bottom in tax policy and ends the insufferable avoidance of tax. We need a European framework for a minimum wage that ends wage dumping.”
In a dig at the former German finance minister, Mr Schulz added: “The EU cannot afford another four years of German policy towards Europe à la Wolfgang Schäuble.”
舒尔茨讽刺了德国前财长,称:“像沃尔夫冈•朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schäuble)搞出来的那种德国对欧洲政策,如果再执行4年的话,欧盟会承受不起。”
Ms Merkel reacted coolly, saying that by 2025 she wanted to improve the EU’s competence and make the eurozone “weatherproof”. But the German chancellor added that when it came to Europe there was plenty the parties could agree on.