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    Jun Sui didn’t plan to get naked for the Chinese art photographer Ren Hang. But as the day wore on, she loosened up, and the clothes came off. Ren’s shoots could become electrified with the illicitness of being nude, especially when they were in public, where such activity in China guarantees arrest or worse. The atmosphere of adventure created trust, as did the spirit of rebellion. “There was a sense of being free,” Sui told me. In person, Sui is demure, inconspicuous; in Ren’s photographs, her eyes blaze from her crouch between two upright women, her arms snaking between their thighs. “We hide the body in our culture,” Ren once said; in China, it is “a demoralization to show what they think should be private.” Ren, Sui said, encouraged everyone around him to shed that conditioning.

    Jun Sui并未打算为中国艺术摄影师任航脱光衣服。但随着那天工作的进展,她变得更加放松,衣服也就脱了下来。任航的拍照可能也因此变得令人兴奋,因为裸体有违社会常规,尤其是在公共场所,在中国,这种行为肯定会导致被逮捕或更糟的事情发生。冒险的气氛创造了信任,反叛的精神也一样。“有一种自由的感觉,”Jun Sui对我说。她外貌端庄,并不引人注目。在任航的照片里,她曲卷在两个直立的女子之间,胳膊从她们的大腿间伸过,两眼闪闪发光。“在我们的文化中,我们把身体隐藏起来,”任航曾说,在中国,“展示人们认为应该是私密的东西是一种不道德的行为。”Jun Sui说,任航鼓励他身边的人摆脱那种文化熏陶。

    Ren once described his work as “satisfying a thirst.” He found beauty in almost everything — a person, a snake, a flower — and trained his camera on his friends and his boyfriend, Jiaqi, turning their bodies into sculptures. In a 2013 Vice interview, the reporter fixated on a series of photographs of people urinating — into the air, on each other, into a colorful tropical drink. “What’s with all the pee in your photos?” the reporter asked, perhaps hoping for a lurid answer. Ren had none. “I like to portray every organ in a fresh, vivid and emotional way,” he said. In other words, urinating isn’t scandalous or erotic — it’s a biological reality, at once amusing and a fact.


    In Ren’s photographs, the body never seems ordinary; it’s humorous, bizarre, sublime — even unnerving. There are people piled on top of one another, penises placed delicately on cheeks, pelvises thrusting skyward. Sexuality and gender become fluid, destabilized. The images should be shocking or titillating, but somehow they’re not. Spread orifices seem as pretty and delicate as a palm frond or a lily.


    Ren picked up a point-and-shoot camera out of boredom at 17, while he was a student at the Communication University of China. His photographs were first shown a few years later in Beijing, and he was almost immediately anointed a rising star in the art world. He had shows in Paris, in Vienna, in New York, but at home, Ren ran afoul of local authorities and was arrested frequently. One exhibition in China was shut down by censors on “suspicion of sex”; at others, people spat on his work.


    Ren’s images tell a story about Chinese youth, a generation pushing back against censorship and societal restrictions. The American understanding of China is filtered through years of politics; we rarely see the culture on its own terms. Ren’s work challenges our stereotypes. He once said he didn’t want others to have “the impression that Chinese people are robots.” Life is present in all his images, but so is death. One image features a fully nude woman hanging by her feet from a rope in a barren tree. Others show heads submerged in bags of water, bodies consumed by smoke. There’s an entire series of bodies half-buried in fields. His work seemed to acknowledge that the price of living is dying.


    “He repeated over and over that nothing was ever planned for photographs,” said Dian Hanson, an editor at Taschen who worked with Ren on a monograph of his photographs that was published earlier this year. “Nothing was planned in his life. He was determined to live in the moment always. There was no thought for the future. In retrospect, one sees that as a plan not to be around for very long.”

    “他再三重复自己从来不为拍摄做计划,”今年早些时候与任航合作出版了摄影作品集的塔森出版社(Taschen)编辑迪安·汉森(Dian Hanson)说。“他的生命里没有什么是计划好的。他决心要永远活在当下。对未来没有任何考虑。现在回想起来,这可以看成是一个不打算在此地久留的计划。”

    Though he rarely discussed it, Ren suffered from depression. In China, mental health is almost as taboo as nudity, and Ren projected happiness to make people comfortable, but he frequently posted desperate journal entries on his website. On July 19, 2016, he wrote, “Every person is suddenly like an enormous wound.” Several months later, in February, at age 29, he jumped to his death from the 28th floor of a building.


    Hanson told me she doesn’t know what will happen to Ren’s legacy. Like many people in China, his family, who now control his estate, did not approve of his work. A journalist once asked Ren how he coped with the refusal of acceptance in China. “True, I’m restricted here,” he said. “The more I’m limited by my country, the more I want my country to take me in and accept me for who I am and what I do.”


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