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    Egypt’s president aspires to build a new administrative capital in the desert. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi appears undeterred by the likely costs, the consequences for Cairo’s 19m residents, or the city’s 1,000-year history. He might draw some useful lessons, though, from countries that have tried similar experiments — from Australia, Brazil or Turkey to, more recently, Kazakhstan and Myanmar.

    埃及总统希望在沙漠地带兴建一座新的行政首都。阿卜杜勒•法塔赫•塞西(Abdel Fattah al-Sisi)似乎不畏惧可能的成本、对开罗1900万市民的影响,以及这个城市1000年的历史。不过,他也许可以从尝试过类似实验的国家汲取一些有用的经验,从澳大利亚、巴西或土耳其,到近年的哈萨克斯坦和缅甸。

    There can be good reasons to attempt a transplant of government. When Australia opted to build its capital on the site of Canberra, the reasons included security from naval attack, climate and, above all, a wish to prevent either Sydney or Melbourne dominating the new federation. Brasília was founded with similar aims of sharing resources and influence across a large country. It was also planned on utopian principles, from the aeroplane shaped design declaring Brazil to be modern and global, to the residential blocks intended to promote social equality.


    Another honourable example is Ankara, whose elevation from provincial backwater to capital of the Turkish republic was driven by military necessity. Istanbul was under allied occupation. Ankara became an embodiment of Ataturk’s secular, westward-facing republic — an exercise in urban planning with the great man’s mausoleum more visible than the minarets.

    另一个值得称赞的例子是安卡拉,它从一个落后的小地方升格为土耳其共和国首都,是由军事必要性推动的。当时伊斯坦布尔在盟军占领之下。安卡拉成了现代土耳其之父凯末尔(穆斯塔法•凯末尔•阿塔图尔克,Mustafa Kemal Atatürk)建立的亲西方的世俗共和国的象征;在城市规划上,这位伟人的陵寝比清真寺的尖塔还要醒目。

    More recently, the construction of Abuja made sense as a means to lessen Nigeria’s regional, ethnic and religious rivalries, and to take the pressure off Lagos, whose explosive growth had made it unmanageable. The new capital has in some ways become a showcase of what Nigeria can be like when it is well run. This has come at a cost, though — in the form of countless procurement scams, ruthless clearance of informal settlements and lingering resentment at the funds Abuja sucked up at the expense of other regions.


    There is a fine line between creating a national showcase and pursuing a vanity project with ample scope for corruption that may offer a less flattering reflection of an autocratic regime.


    The decision by Kazakhstan’s leader Nursultan Nazarbayev to abandon Almaty for a hastily built capital on the country’s empty northern steppe had some strategic merit, to fend off Russian claims to the territory. But the result, Astana, is bizarre: dotted with structures commissioned from international architects, but conceived by the president and plastered with his portrait, from a shopping mall shaped like a nomad’s tent, to a tower that references Kazakh folklore.

    哈萨克斯坦总统努尔苏丹•纳扎尔巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev)抛弃阿拉木图、在该国北部大草原匆忙建都的决定,在当时有一些战略逻辑:阻止俄罗斯人对这块领土的主张。但建成的新都阿斯塔纳是一个怪异的城市:委托外国建筑师设计、但由总统构思的建筑散落在城市各处,建筑上张贴着总统的画像——有像牧民的帐篷一样的购物中心,还有取意于哈萨克民间传说的高楼。

    Then there is Naypyidaw, Myanmar’s capital, built in secrecy under military rule in an apparent bid to move the country’s parliament as far as possible from most of its population. Vast, gilded and strangely empty, there could be no better illustration of the isolation and paranoia of the junta.


    Even for the well-established capitals of Canberra and Brasília, the question remains whether people want to live there. Canberra’s functional suburbs — more politely described as the world’s biggest garden city — are notoriously unloved. As one official review notes, Canberra is often used simply “as a surrogate pejorative to describe decisions made on Capitol Hill”. Brasília’s residents appreciate its unusual architecture, but many still decamp to Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo for fun at weekends.


    Egypt’s government should take note. Yes, civil servants might be glad to escape Cairo for a sanitised new capital. But to most Egyptians, prioritising a vast, military-led construction project while the country grapples with rising inflation and worsening militant violence might look like an attempt to bury heads in the sand.


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