是时候面对跨境并购的现实了。阿里巴巴(Alibaba)创始人马云(Jack Ma)比其他商业领袖更早、更卖力地向特朗普政府献殷勤。这样的奉承未能带来好的结果。周二,马云控制的蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)以12亿美元收购速汇金(MoneyGram)的交易被美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)以国家安全为由否决。
It has been obvious for some time that Chinese bids for US semiconductor assets are futile. With the demise of this payments merger, any Chinese company wanting to buy anything of significance in the US should give up.
The work of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US is opaque and the MoneyGram deal may have faced scrutiny under the Obama administration over data security but it is hard not to detect the influence of China hawks in the administration.
US companies active in China should be wary of repercussions. And any US recipient of Chinese bid interest should engage only with extreme caution. After accepting $800m, or $13.25 a share, from Ant in January last year, MoneyGram then received a $15.20 a share offer from Euronet Worldwide, which despite its name is based in Kansas City. It is hard to criticise MoneyGram for preferring Ant’s subsequent $18 a share counter-offer but in hindsight that was the one to take.
在中国活跃的美国企业应该警惕负面反响。任何收到中国企业竞购意向的美国企业都应该以极度谨慎的态度来应对。在去年1月收到蚂蚁金服每股13.25美元、合计8.8亿美元的收购要约之后,速汇金收到了Euronet Worldwide每股15.2美元的要约。尽管名字中带有“世界”(Worldwide),但Euronet Worldwide是一家总部位于堪萨斯城的企业。MoneyGram更青睐蚂蚁金服在之后提出的每股18美元的要约无可指摘,但事后看来它应该接受Euronet Worldwide的要约。
Does Euronet knock again? The company has long coveted MoneyGram, including a failed hostile bid (at $1.65bn) a decade ago. Without a rival bidder, though, Euronet can afford to wait for a better buying opportunity: MoneyGram’s shares fell only 5 per cent on the end of the Ant deal. That may reflect too much optimism on the part of the MoneyGram shareholders that a looser partnership with Ant, announced alongside the demise of the merger, can open up growth opportunities.
In accepting the Ant bid, MoneyGram had to state why it might not prosper on its own. It made a worryingly compelling case, including the risk of relying on Walmart for almost a fifth of its revenues and its burdensome junk-rated debt.