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    As Robert Kuok completed his memoirs in 2003, he began to have second thoughts. Worried that he had been too critical in parts — especially of some people he felt had cheated him over the years — the Chinese-Malaysian tycoon decided that he needed to “clean up” the manuscript.

    2003年,当郭鹤年(Robert Kuok)完成他的自传时,他开始产生疑虑。他担心,书中的某些内容批评太多,特别是对那些他觉得多年欺骗他的人,这位马来西亚华裔大亨决定,需要“清理”底稿。

    “This took time because except for very short spells, I never retired from managing my companies,” Mr Kuok said via email.


    Some people close to Mr Kuok also thought that it was perhaps not the most opportune time for him to publicly criticise the Malaysian government’s “excessive” racial preference policies that discriminate against Chinese and Indian communities.


    Fifteen years later, the tycoon’s memoirs are finally out. Published in November, they have indeed stirred up controversy in his native Malaysia, where he once controlled 85 per cent of sugar imports and helped found its national shipping line. As one senior member of the ruling United Malays National Organisation said shortly after publication, “anybody who finds success in Malaysia shouldn’t forget where they came from”.

    15年后,这位大亨的自传终于在去年11月出版。该书的确在他的出生地马来西亚激起了争议,在马来西亚,他曾控制85%的糖进口,并帮助创建了该国的国家航运公司。正如马来西亚执政党马来民族统一机构(United Malays National Organisation)的一位高官在自传出版后不久所说的,“在马来西亚取得成功的任何人都不应该忘本”。

    Mr Kuok left Malaysia for Singapore before finally settling in Hong Kong in 1979 — a move that he attributes in his memoirs to the then “punitive” tax rates in the two Southeast Asian countries. With a fortune estimated to be worth $14.2bn, the founder of Kerry Holdings, the commodities-to-property group, is now the territory’s sixth-richest person.

    当年,郭鹤年离开马来西亚到新加坡发展,最后于1979年在香港扎根——他在自传中把此举归因于这两个东南亚国家当时的“惩罚性”税率。这位身价达到142亿美元的大亨现在是香港第六大富豪,是横跨大宗商品到房地产业务的集团嘉里控股(Kerry Holdings)的创始人。

    The 94-year-old’s new-found willingness to court such controversy is a sign that, though “still remarkably spry” according to one person who knows him well, he has at least one eye on posterity.


    Mr Kuok is not alone. Many of Hong Kong’s richest families are preparing for a generational changing of the guard. Unfortunately for the UK colony turned Chinese “special administrative region”, the sons and daughters who will inherit Hong Kong’s biggest fortunes will continue to dominate an economy defined by rent-seeking monopolies.


    Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong’s most global tycoon, is reportedly preparing to step aside as chairman of CK Hutchison Holdings when he turns 90 in July.

    据报道,全球意识最强的香港大亨李嘉诚准备在今年7月年满90岁时,卸任长江和记实业(CK Hutchison Holdings)董事长一职。

    Stanley Ho, 96, has been incapacitated by frail health in recent years. The carve-up of SJM Holdings, his transportation, property and Macau gambling empire, has featured Winnie, an estranged sister; 17 children, the most prominent of whom is Pansy, 55, and Angela Leong, 56, his fourth wife.

    最近几年,96岁的何鸿燊(Stanley Ho)的健康状况一直不佳。参与他旗下的澳门博彩控股(SJM Holdings)股权分配的有一直与他不和的妹妹何婉琪(Winnie Ho);17位子女,其中最知名的是55岁的何超琼(Pansy Ho);以及第四任太太、56岁的梁安琪(Angela Leong)。澳门博彩控股是一家交通、房地产和澳门博彩集团。

    At Sun Hung Kai and Henderson Land, Hong Kong’s largest property developers, Kwong Siu-hing and Lee Shau-kee, aged 88 and 89 respectively, continue to call the shots.

    在香港最大房地产开发商新鸿基(Sun Hung Kai)和恒基兆业(Henderson Land),88岁的邝肖卿(Kwong Siu-hing)和89岁的李兆基(Lee Shau-kee)继续掌舵。

    The generational transition at Ms Kwong’s empire has been even more of a soap opera than Mr Ho’s. One of Ms Kwong’s three sons was unceremoniously pushed aside while another is serving a five-year prison term for bribing a senior government official.


    As the old saying has it, the hardest million dollars you will ever earn is your first million. Hong Kong’s next generation of tycoons never had to earn their first million, let alone their first billion. The city’s property, ports, electricity and supermarket sectors, to name just a few, have been locked up by just eight families.


    Hong Kong’s monopoly madness extends far down the economic food chain to its licensing systems for taxis and public minibuses. The number of taxi licences has not increased since 1994, while those for minibuses has been frozen since 1976. So when the Heritage Foundation proclaims Hong Kong the world’s “freest economy”, as it does year after year, it says more about the conservative US group’s approval of the city’s low tax rates than it does about competitiveness.

    香港的垄断疯狂延伸至经济食物链的底层,连出租车和公共小巴的牌照体系也不放过。自1994年以来,香港出租车牌照数量一直没有增加,公共小型巴士的牌照从1976年起一直被冻结。因此,当美国传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)年复一年地宣告香港是全球“最自由经济”时,它在更大程度上说明了这个保守的美国机构对香港低税率的赞许,而不是竞争状况。

    In his memoirs, Mr Kuok rues missing an opportunity on his first trip to Hong Kong to buy land in the city centre at HK$5 a square foot. He did not make that mistake a second time. One of his first decisions after deciding to base himself in the city in the late 1970s was to establish a property development company, although he admits he did not fully appreciate at the time that “as China developed . . . [Hong Kong] rents would soar and soar”.


    Four decades ago, it was indeed difficult to envisage China’s economy taking off as it has. As recently as 2012, only one person on the Chinese mainland was richer than Mr Kuok. Now 14 people are, led by the founders of some of the world’s largest and most innovative internet and ecommerce companies. 40年前,确实很难想象中国内地经济发展如此之快。就在不那么久之前的2012年,中国内地只有一人比郭鹤年更富有。如今,比他富有的中国内地富豪达到了14位,首当其冲的是全球一些最大也最具创新性的互联网和电商公司的创始人。

    And that, unfortunately, says much about Hong Kong. In terms of entrepreneurial dynamism, the city has changed less in the last 40 years than China has in the past five.


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