Wine Australia said on Tuesday exports to China rose 63 per cent year on year to A$848m ($680m) in 2017 as Chinese consumers sipped more Australian wines across all price points. The volume of exports to China rose 54 per cent to 153m litres, equivalent to 61 Olympic-size swimming pools of wine.
澳洲葡萄酒管理局(Wine Australia)周二表示,随着中国消费者增加了对各价位澳大利亚葡萄酒的消费,2017年澳大利亚对华葡萄酒出口额增长了63%,至8.48亿澳元(合6.80亿美元)。2017年澳大利亚对华葡萄酒出口量则增长了54%,至1.53亿升,相当于61个奥运会标准尺寸游泳池的容量。
China surpassed the US as the biggest buyer of Australian wines in 2016.
Australian wine exports rose to A$2.56bn in 2017, up 15 per cent on the previous year and at the fastest growth rate since 2004. The volume of exports rose 8 per cent to a record high of 811m litres.
Growth from mainland China came as exports to northeast Asia grew 47 per cent passing A$1bn for the first time, Wine Australia said.