美国对朝实施新制裁 两家中企上制裁名单
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    The US has imposed more sanctions on Chinese and North Korean companies, in an effort to pressurise Pyongyang into halting its nuclear weapons programmes.


    Washington sanctioned 16 North Korean individuals and targeted two Chinese groups — Beijing Chengxing Trading Co and Dandong Jinxiang Trade — accused of exporting goods to North Korean firms included on a UN list of sanctioned entities.

    华盛顿方面对16名朝鲜人和两家中国企业——北京成兴贸易有限公司(Beijing Chengxing Trading Co)和丹东锦祥贸易有限公司(Dandong Jinxiang Trade)实施了制裁。这两家企业被控向联合国制裁实体名单上的朝鲜公司出口商品。

    The move marks the latest salvo in a global campaign led by Washington to impose maximum economic pressure on Pyongyang in the hope that Kim Jong Un, the North Korean dictator, will agree to negotiations about dismantling his nuclear programme.

    此举标志着,美国牵头的、向朝鲜施加尽可能大经济压力的全球性战役打响了最新一枪。这一努力是希望促使朝鲜独裁者金正恩(Kim Jong Un)同意就弃核展开谈判。

    “The US government is targeting illicit actors in China, Russia, and elsewhere who are working on behalf of North Korean financial networks, and calling for their expulsion from the territories where they reside,” Steven Mnuchin, the US Treasury secretary who is attending Davos, said in a statement.

    “美国政府正瞄准住在中国、俄罗斯和其他地方、代表朝鲜金融网络做事的非法行为者,并呼吁有关方面将他们驱逐出境,”正在达沃斯(Davos)参会的美国财长史蒂文•姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)在声明中表示。

    The imposition of what are known as “secondary sanctions” on Chinese companies will rile Beijing, which says it is fully implementing UN sanctions on North Korea. While the US concedes that China has gone further than before in punishing North Korea, Donald Trump and his team, including Mr Mnuchin and Rex Tillerson, secretary of state, argue that the progress is uneven and not satisfactory.

    对中国企业实施所谓的“二次制裁”会惹恼中国。中国政府表示,已经充分执行了联合国(UN)对朝鲜的制裁。尽管美国方面承认,在惩罚朝鲜方面,中国已经比过去走得更远,但唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)和及其团队,包括姆努钦和国务卿雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)在内,都主张制裁取得的进展有起伏、无法令人满意。

    In December, Mr Trump accused China of helping North Korea to obtain oil, tweeting that Beijing had been “caught RED HANDED” and adding that there would “never be a friendly solution to the North Korea problem if this continues to happen”. Yet, last week, the US president appeared to shift the blame to Russia. “What China is helping us with, Russia is denting,” Mr Trump told Reuters.


    Anthony Ruggiero, a former US Treasury official, said the sanctions were an effort to show that the US would not ease off as North and South Korea engaged in talks. But he said it was surprising that Russian companies or individuals had not been hit.

    美国财政部前官员安东尼•鲁杰罗(Anthony Ruggiero)表示,这次制裁是为了表明,即使朝鲜和韩国正在会谈,美国也不会松劲。不过他表示,俄罗斯的企业和个人没有受到制裁,这令人感到意外。

    “Russia escaped these sanctions, which is surprising with Trump’s comments on Moscow’s backfill of Chinese sanctions implementation,” said Mr Ruggiero. “But the sanctions did include action against Chinese companies which is an important development even in the atmosphere of inter-Korea talks.”


    The new US sanctions target 10 representatives of Korea Ryonbong General Corporation, a North Korean trading company that sources military components, who are based in China, Russia and Georgia. The Treasury said it was also sanctioning five North Koreans based in China and Russia who were working with North Korean financial institutions. It also sanctioned five North Korean shipping companies.

    美国此轮制裁的目标包括朝鲜永邦总公司(Korea Ryonbong General Corporation)的驻中国、俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚的10名代表,这家朝鲜贸易公司采购军用零部件。美国财政部表示,它还将制裁驻中国和俄罗斯、为朝鲜金融机构做事的5名朝鲜人。另外,还有5家朝鲜航运公司被列为制裁对象。

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