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    Many students from Asian countries opt to study for an MBA in Canada, but might they be better off closer to home? On day one, we compare Asian and Canadian schools.


    Their fortunes have contrasted over the past 19 editions of the annual FT Global MBA ranking, both in terms of the numbers of ranked schools and actual ranks.


    The FT published its first MBA ranking in 1999. It included the top 50 programmes worldwide, which included no Asian schools, 31 US schools, 16 from Europe and three from Canada.


    Among the latter, both Toronto’s Rotman School of Management and Ivey School of Business at Western University have been ranked continuously in all 19 editions up to 2017.

    在上榜的加拿大商学院中,多伦多大学(University of Toronto)罗特曼管理学院(Rotman School of Management)和西安大略大学(Western University)艾维商学院(Ivey Business School)在截至2017年的全部19次排名中一直榜上有名。

    Canadian schools did well in the 2001 ranking, with nine out of 100 ranked programmes. Among them, Ivey Business School was the best placed at 19. In comparison, there were only two Asian schools in 2001, including HKUST Business School at 48.

    加拿大商学院在2001年的排行榜中表现不俗,9所商学院进入排名前100的课程项目。其中,艾维商学院排名最高,位列第19。相比之下,2001年只有两所亚洲商学院上榜,包括位列第48的香港科大商学院(HKUST Business School)。

    Fast-forward 16 years to the 2017 ranking, and only three Canadian schools remain among the top 100, including Rotman at 65. Twelve Asian schools were in the ranking — Ceibs was the highest at 11. In 2018, the highest new entrant is also an Asian school.


    Canadian schools had an advantage two decades ago. Most passed the FT eligibility criteria for participation as they were already accredited by the US-based Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, one of three international bodies recognised then by the FT, with Equis and Amba.

    加拿大商学院在20年前还具有优势。多数都符合英国《金融时报》的参评标准,因为它们已经获得总部位于美国的国际精英商学院协会(Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)的认证。该协会是英国《金融时报》当时认可的3家国际机构之一,另外两家是欧洲质量发展认证体系(Equis)和工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)。

    Because many Asian schools were founded more recently, it took longer for most to go through the accreditation process. The Indian School of Business was the first school from India to appear in the FT ranking, in 2008, while the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta was ranked in 2017.

    因为许多亚洲商学院建成时间不长,所以多数需要花更长的时间才能通过认证程序。2008年,印度商学院(Indian School of Business)成为印度首家登上英国《金融时报》排行榜的商学院,印度管理学院加尔各答分校(Indian Institute of Management Calcutta)则在2017年上榜。

    Canadian schools’ alumni cannot compete with their US counterparts in terms of salary. Alumni from Ivey Business School are the only graduates of a Canadian school with average salaries regularly over $100,000. Alumni from Schulich School of Business at York University had a smaller average salary in 2015 at $87,000 — the last year the school was ranked — than in 2002, when it was $88,000.

    薪资方面,加拿大商学院毕业生无法与美国商学院毕业生竞争。艾维商学院是加拿大唯一一所毕业生平均薪资超过10万美元的商学院。约克大学(York University)舒立克商学院(Schulich School of Business)毕业生2015年(该校上榜的最后一年)的平均薪资为8.7万美元,比2002年的8.8万美元还低。

    In the same period the salary of Ceibs’ alumni went from $35,000 to $163,000, reflecting the shift eastward of the global economy. The school was ranked 17 and 11 in 2014 and 2015 respectively, and then 17 and 11 in 2016 and 2017. Will it climb again?


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