The Court of Arbitration for Sport yesterday upheld the appeals of the 28 and said there was “insufficient” evidence that they committed doping violations at the previous Winter Olympics, held in the Russian resort of Sochi in 2014.
This followed the International Olympic Committee’s decision in December to ban 43 Russian athletes from the Olympics and strip them of their Sochi medals after the country’s “unprecedented systematic manipulation” of the anti-doping system in 2014.
Russian officials seized on the acquittals as proof that the IOC’s allegations of a nationwide doping conspiracy were false, and called for the 28 athletes to be allowed to compete in Pyeongchang.
“We insisted from the very start that our athletes are not involved in any doping,” said Alexander Zhukov, president of the Russian Olympic Committee.
“我们从一开始就坚持说,我们的运动员没有服用任何兴奋剂,”俄罗斯奥委会主席亚历山大•朱可夫(Alexander Zhukov)说。
Pavel Kolobkov, Russia’s sports minister, said: “The athletes fought for their rights and finally won. We hope the IOC will . . . give them the unconditional right to participate in the upcoming Olympic Games.”
俄罗斯体育部长帕维尔•科洛布科夫(Pavel Kolobkov)表示:“这些运动员为争取自己的权利而战,最终获胜了。我们希望国际奥委会能够……给予他们无条件参加即将到来的冬奥会的权利。”
The Lausanne-based IOC yesterday warned the ruling could “have a serious impact on the future fight against doping”, and said it would consider an appeal to Switzerland’s highest court.
A further 11 Russian athletes had their appeals partially upheld, reducing their lifetime Olympic bans to cover just the games in South Korea. Three more had their hearing postponed.
However, it remained unclear whether the 28 would be allowed to participate in Pyeongchang. The IOC, which has previously said that Russian athletes with no evidence of doping can compete under a neutral flag, said it retained the right to choose which athletes were allowed to participate.
“The result of the CAS decision does not mean that athletes from the group of 28 will be invited to the games. Not being sanctioned does not automatically confer the privilege of an invitation,” it said.
The IOC investigation relied heavily on the testimony of a former senior Russian anti-doping official, as it accused Moscow of running a highly complex state-sponsored doping programme at the 2014 Games.