in Europe as early as 2019, aiming to be ubiquitous across the continent within “a few years”, according to the company’s chief.
创始人和首席执行官刘强东(Richard Liu)告诉英国《金融时报》,他的公司将首先在法国,接着在英国和德国推出电子商务平台和送货服务。
Richard Liu, founder and chief executive, told the Financial Times his company will launch its ecommerce platform and delivery services in France, then the UK and Germany.
It will spend at least €1bn over two years to build a logistics network in France. By contrast, Amazon says it has invested €15bn in Europe in the six years from 2010. JD recently announced plans to launch in the US this year.
刘强东说,他的目标是在10年内从中国境外获得一半利润,尽管大部分产品销售仍将在中国完成——这似乎表明该公司将在全球范围扩张业务,超出电子商务的范畴。去年京东剥离其放贷部门京东金融(JD Finance),使其成为一家独立的集团。
Mr Liu said he was aiming for half of profits to come from outside China within 10 years, although the bulk of product sales would remain in China — suggesting the company will expand beyond its ecommerce operation globally. Last year it spun off its lending branch, JD Finance, as a separate group.
Mr Liu said JD planned to launch its first European research centre in Cambridge in the UK in the first half of 2019. The centre will be its second outside China, and will focus on artificial intelligence and big data.
“UK talent and education is first-class,” Mr Liu said, adding that the cost of hiring AI talent was now lower in Europe than in the US and even China.
在英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)访问北京期间与她会晤后,刘强东与英国政府签署谅解备忘录,拟在未来两、三年通过直接采购和第三方销售,向中国顾客销售20亿英镑的英国商品(主要是食品和饮料)。
After meeting UK premier Theresa May during her visit to Beijing, Mr Liu signed a memorandum of understanding with the government to sell £2bn of British goods — mostly food and beverages — to customers in China over the next two to three years, through direct procurement and third-party sales.
Mr Liu said he expected sales of UK goods on JD to soar from £3bn-£4bn last year to more than £10bn in three years.
Unlike Amazon and rival Alibaba, JD owns and runs its logistics network. Its army of migrant delivery workers means it can deliver a box of cereal within 24 hours in Beijing for less than a dollar.
“We built our logistics to be online from day one,” said Mr Liu. “Companies like DHL built their systems on decades-old technology, it’s very hard for them to overturn their systems overnight.”
But in Europe, Mr Liu said, it is considering enlisting local partners for last-mile delivery, although it will own its own network of warehouses. Yingzhi Yang补充报道
Additional reporting by Yingzhi Yang 译者/和风