iPhone X用户抱怨来电显示延迟
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    Some owners of Apple’s new iPhone X are finding an unusual bug in their $1,000 device: answering calls.

    苹果(Apple)新款智能手机iPhone X的一些用户发现,这部售价1000美元的设备在接听电话方面存在一个不同寻常的漏洞。

    The three-month-old smartphone boasts a new design, can be unlocked at a glance with facial recognition software and has been hailed by Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, as preparing the iPhone for its second decade.

    这款问世3个月的智能手机号称拥有全新设计、可用面部识别软件实现一眼解锁,苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)称赞道,它为iPhone步入第二个10年奠定了基础。

    But hundreds of owners have complained on Apple forums that their pocket supercomputer cannot accomplish the most basic task that a $10 phone can: take an incoming call.


    When the phone rings, the iPhone’s touchscreen appears to them to be delayed from turning on for up to 10 seconds, preventing the user from tapping the virtual button required to answer it.

    在电话铃声响起后,iPhone X的触摸屏最长会延迟10秒才亮起,导致用户无法按下虚拟按键接听。

    “Whenever I receive an incoming call in my iPhone X, ringtones start but the display comes in after 6-8 seconds,” says one user on Apple’s support pages.

    一位用户在苹果的支持页面上表示:“每当我用我的iPhone X接听来电时,铃声响了,但显示屏要等6到8秒后才亮起。”

    Hundreds of other customers have indicated that they are suffering the same problem. “I can often not see an incoming call coming, can only hear it! At other times, there is a significant delay” reads another post.


    Apple said it was “looking into these reports”.


    The bug is the latest problem for Apple after production delays pushed back the 10th anniversary smartphone’s launch and reports of underwhelming sales volumes sent the company’s shares plunging.


    A 4 per cent drop in Apple’s stock on Friday brought what is known on Wall Street as a “correction” — a 10 per cent decline over sequential days. It was Apple’s first correction in more than a year and came amid a broader market sell-off. The decline followed Thursday’s earnings report showing iPhone unit sales fell by 1 per cent in the crucial holiday quarter, missing analysts’ forecasts, even as net profits of $20bn beat market expectations.


    Nonetheless, Mr Cook insisted on Thursday that customer satisfaction was “off the charts” for the iPhone X. He pointed to a study by 451 Research that found US customer satisfaction ratings of 96 per cent or higher for all iPhones.

    然而,库克在上周四坚称,客户对iPhone X的满意度“非常高”。他指出,451 Research的一项研究发现,美国顾客对所有iPhone的满意度达到96%或更高。

    Concerns are growing about longer-term prospects for the iPhone X, which quality issues such as the incoming call bug will only amplify.

    人们日益担忧iPhone X的较长期前景,诸如来电显示等质量问题只会放大这种担忧。

    Apple forecast sales for the three months to March of $60bn-62bn, several billion dollars less than Wall Street was expecting. Market researcher Canalys has estimated that Apple shipped 29m iPhone Xs in the December quarter, making it the world’s most popular smartphone in the run-up to the holidays. Apple has said that the device has been its top-selling iPhone model since it was released.

    苹果预测,今年1至3月的销售额将达到600亿美元至620亿美元,比华尔街预期的低数十亿美元。市场研究公司Canalys估计,苹果在截至去年12月的财季出货2900万部iPhone X,这让它成为了节前全球最受欢迎的智能手机。苹果表示,iPhone X自发布以来一直是最畅销的iPhone手机。

    Complaints among Apple customers about its software quality have also mounted in recent months. In December, the company rushed to patch a security flaw in its Mac operating system.


    Apple said on Friday that it would offer free repairs to a “small percentage” of iPhone 7 owners whose devices had a problem with cellular service.

    苹果在上周五表示,将为“一小部分”设备出现蜂窝服务问题的iPhone 7用户提供免费维修服务。

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