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    The downing of an Israeli warplane by Syrian air defences, after Israel said it brought down an Iranian drone launched from Syria into Israeli airspace, is the sort of lightning bolt that signals the alarming probability of a new regional war spinning out of the vortex of the Syrian civil war.


    Any new war between Israel and Iranian forces and their allies, will not start now. But all the elements needed to ignite it are in place and on present trends it looks inexorable.


    The Israeli air force, long the lord of the Middle Eastern skies, is reckoned to have last lost a plane in 1982, the year Israel invaded Lebanon at the height of its neighbour’s civil war. This weekend it retaliated with a dozen air strikes inside Syria, including four that it said hit Iranian targets.


    Starting in 2011, as part of the chain of uprisings optimistically dubbed the Arab Spring, Syria’s civil war has sucked in regional and global actors from Turkey to Iran, and the US to Russia. The intervention on the ground of Iran and allies such as Hizbollah, the powerful Lebanese paramilitary force that emerged out of Israel’s 1982 invasion, aligned with Russia’s air force since 2015, saved the minority regime of Bashar al-Assad from succumbing to a mainly Sunni rebellion.

    2011年,作为被乐观地称为“阿拉伯之春”(Arab Spring)的一系列起义的一部分,叙利亚内战爆发。许多国家都已卷入其中,中东地区的有土耳其、伊朗等,全球来看有美国、俄罗斯。伊朗及其盟友如黎巴嫩真主党(一支实力强大的准军事力量,诞生于1982年以色列入侵黎巴嫩以后)在地面的干预,以及俄罗斯空军自2015年以来的介入,使巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)领导的少数族裔政权没有在主要是逊尼派发起的叛乱中倒台。

    Seven years on, President Assad remains in office more than in power, as the ward of two states: Russia and Iran. Russia controls most of the air space of western Syria. Iran, through its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Hizbollah, and Iraqi and Afghan Shia militia, is consolidating a presence on the ground — part of Tehran’s drive to build a Shia Arab axis and land bridge from the Zagros Mountains to the Mediterranean. Israel regards this as strategically unacceptable.

    七年过去了,在俄罗斯和伊朗两国的庇护下,叙利亚总统阿萨德虽然权力被削弱但仍然在位。俄罗斯控制着叙利亚西部的大部分领空。伊朗通过其伊斯兰革命卫队(Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps)、真主党以及伊拉克和阿富汗的什叶派民兵,正在巩固其在叙利亚的势力——这是伊朗打造什叶派阿拉伯轴心以及从扎格罗斯山脉到地中海的陆地走廊的计划的一部分。以色列认为该计划在战略上是不可接受的。

    Israel, at war with Hizbollah episodically for more than 30 years, has avoided intervening directly in Syria’s war. But since 2013 it has carried out more than 100 air strikes inside Syria it says were aimed at Iranian arms destined for Hizbollah and, recently, what it described as an Iranian base. Israel, moreover, has said it cannot and will not accept two eventualities.


    First, if Iran and Hizbollah establish a permanent military presence in Syria, that is a casus belli, since it would open up a new front against Israel, alongside the Lebanese border to its north. Second, since Hizbollah fought it to a standstill over five weeks in 2006, the Lebanese militia has built a large arsenal of Iranian-supplied rockets that can reach deep into Israel. Israel says this stockpile — and missile manufacturing facilities it says it has detected in Lebanon — exceed its strategic tolerance.


    This, as well as the game of chicken going on close to Israel’s borders, makes an eventual war more likely than not, turning Syria — and probably Lebanon — into a battlefield between Israel and Iran.


    Such a war would be orders of magnitude more destructive than the existing mayhem in Syria’s crowded skies and contested territory: aside from the downed Israeli jet, a Russian plane was shot down by jihadis in Idlib and a Turkish helicopter was destroyed by Syrian Kurdish fighters (backed by the US but under attack by Nato ally Turkey) in north-west Syria. All this has happened in the past week.


    Also last week and further east in the Euphrates valley, US air strikes obliterated a pro-Assad force, partly made up of Afghan Shia militia and Arab tribal fighters, as it moved against Washington’s Kurdish allies.


    For the moment, neither Israel nor Iran look ready to add exponentially to this chaos. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, heads an ultra-right nationalist coalition but has always been more risk-averse than his bellicose rhetoric suggests. Iran’s clergy-dominated regime, no rhetorical slouch, will defend but probably not wish to risk its regional gains.

    以色列和伊朗目前看来都无意让这场混乱骤然升级。以色列总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)领导一个极右翼民族主义执政联盟,他喜发好战言论,但其实一直以来都没那么爱冒险。伊朗由神职人员掌控的政权在言论上也不遑多让,他们会捍卫自己的地区利益,但应该不希望拿这些利益冒险。

    There is still the risk of miscalculation. Israel and Iran both believe in the utility of force to achieve their ends. Israel, moreover, is being egged on by Donald Trump, the US president, who looks set to undermine the nuclear restraint accord Iran agreed with six global powers in 2015; and encouraged surreptitiously by a Saudi Arabian-led Sunni Arab camp that is trying to roll back Iranian influence in the Levant and the Gulf.

    误判的风险仍然存在。以色列和伊朗都相信可以利用武力来达到目的。此外,以色列正受到美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的挑唆,后者似乎打算破坏2015年伊朗与六个大国签署的核协议;以色列还受到由沙特牵头的逊尼派阵营的暗中怂恿,该阵营试图削减伊朗在地中海黎凡特地区(Levant)和海湾地区的影响力。

    US secretary of state Rex Tillerson tours the Middle East next week, and will presumably urge restraint on Israel. But it is Russia, which under President Vladimir Putin has nurtured relations with Israel even as it has aligned with its enemy Iran, which is the only player with the capability to talk the two antagonists down from what could otherwise become a mechanical escalation towards war.

    美国国务卿雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)本周访问中东,他可能会敦促以色列保持克制。但是,唯一有能力说服两个对手避免任由局势自动升级为战争的只有俄罗斯——在总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)的领导下,俄罗斯虽说已与以色列的敌人伊朗结盟,但它仍然与以色列巩固了关系。

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