为上月举办的臭名昭著的总裁俱乐部(Presidents Club)慈善晚宴招募了130名女招待的劳务中介机构告诉这些女性,她们可以不用管她们签署的保密协议,向警方报告犯罪行为。
The hostesses were told by their agency, Artista, to sign the non-disclosure agreements on arrival at the Dorchester Hotel, where the charity dinner — which had an exclusively male guest list — has been held annually for the past 33 years.
这家叫做Artista的中介机构曾告诉这些女招待,她们一到多切斯特酒店(The Dorchester)就要签署保密协议。过去33年,总裁俱乐部的慈善晚宴每年都在这里举行,参加晚宴的嘉宾都是男性。
The women were given little time to read the agreements and were not provided with a copy of the documents, raising concerns among legal professionals that the agreements were used to intimidate female staff from reporting wrongdoing.
A Financial Times investigation of the event found that many of the hostesses were sexually harassed, propositioned or groped by male attendees on the night. The Presidents Club charity closed down shortly after the FT published its investigation.
Caroline Dandridge, founder of Artista, emailed the women last week to advise them that they were free to report any criminal behaviour that took place to the police.
Artista创始人卡洛琳•丹德里奇(Caroline Dandridge)上周给这些女招待发去电子邮件,建议她们可以自由地向警方汇报任何发生过的犯罪行为。
She said: “The Presidents Club Charity have asked me to make it clear that if you wish to complain to either me or them or the police about any illegal or criminal behaviour, the deed of confidentiality you signed does not stop you doing that, which I am sure you all know.”
Max Winthrop, a partner at Short Richardson & Forth, the law firm, said Artista’s decision to tell the hostesses they could report a crime to the police several weeks after the event was akin to “shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted”.
Short Richardson & Forth律师事务所的合伙人麦克斯•温思罗普(Max Winthrop)表示,在事情发生几周后,Artista决定告诉这些女招待,她们可以向警方报告犯罪行为,这种做法无异于“亡羊补牢”。
He added: “It sounds as if [the use of NDAs] is a particular problem in the more precarious sectors of the economy — you are talking about vulnerable workers who can be intimidated in a way that workers who are better paid and can take advice are not.”
Three days before the event took place, Ms Dandridge told the hostesses via email that they would sign an NDA on the night. The email stated: “Absolutely nothing must be discussed/disclosed before, during or after the event to anyone, your flatmates, boyfriends, work colleagues — ever.
“Absolutely NO comments about this event on any social media. You will have signed an NDA. This is a legally binding document.”
Ms Dandridge did not respond to a request for comment on the move to release the hostesses from their agreements.
The Presidents Club guest list included 360 high-profile figures from politics, business and the entertainment industry, including Nadhim Zahawi, the Conservative MP and minister for children and families, and Ocado boss Tim Steiner. One of the hosts was David Walliams, the comedian and children’s author.
总裁俱乐部嘉宾名单包括来自政界、商界和娱乐界的360位知名人士,其中包括保守党议员、儿童及家庭事务部长纳齐姆•扎哈维(Nadhim Zahawi)和Ocado老板蒂姆•施泰纳(Tim Steiner)。其中一位主持人是喜剧演员、儿童文学作家大卫•威廉姆斯(David Walliams)。
More than 100,000 people signed an online petition after the scandal calling on the government to reintroduce rules that protect employees from harassment from third parties such as clients or customers.
Section 40 of the Equality Act, which made employers liable for an employee being harassed by a third party, was repealed in 2013.
规定雇主应对雇员受第三方骚扰承担责任的《平等法》第40条(Section 40 of the Equality Act)于2013年被废止。
The petition stated that the current legal framework allowed “organisations like the Presidents Club [to] turn a blind eye to blatant sexual abuse because they aren’t culpable”.