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    Theresa May, the British prime minister, has accused Russia of being responsible for the “indiscriminate and reckless” nerve agent attack in the English cathedral city of Salisbury that left a Russian double agent and his daughter critically ill.

    英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)指责俄罗斯要为发生在英格兰大教堂城索尔兹伯里(Salisbury)的“不加选择和鲁莽的”神经毒剂袭击负责。这起袭击导致一名俄罗斯双面间谍和他的女儿病危。

    In a dramatic House of Commons statement in which she threatened robust reprisals against the Kremlin, Mrs May said the former spy, Sergei Skripal, was attacked using a military-grade nerve agent from a family of chemical weapons called Novichok, which were developed in Russia.

    在英国下院(House of Commons)发表的一份措辞激烈的声明中,梅扬言要对克里姆林宫实施强有力的报复。她说,前俄罗斯间谍谢尔盖•斯克里帕尔(Sergei Skripal)遭到一种军用级神经毒剂的袭击。这种毒剂来自一个名为“诺维乔克”(Novichok)的化学武器家族,这些化学武器是在俄罗斯研发出来的。

    “The government has concluded that it is highly likely that Russia was responsible for the act against Sergei and Yulia Skripal,” Mrs May said, citing more than a week’s worth of investigations by police at the crime scene and biological experts at the British military’s Porton Down chemical weapons research centre.

    梅表示,“政府得出结论认为,很有可能是,俄罗斯要为这一针对谢尔盖•斯克里帕尔和尤利娅•斯克里帕尔(Yulia Skripal)的行为负责。”她引用了警方对犯罪现场长达一个多星期的调查和英国军方波顿道恩(Porton Down)化武研究中心的生物专家的说法作为论据。

    Mrs May said she had given Russia until the end of the day on Tuesday to explain what had happened, warning Britain could announce “much more extensive” sanctions against President Vladimir Putin’s government than currently exist.

    梅表示,她已要求俄在周二这天结束前对上述事件作出解释,并警告称英国可能会宣布对俄总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)的政府实施比现有制裁“广泛得多”的制裁。

    “Should there be no credible response, we will conclude that this action amounts to an unlawful use of force by the Russian state against the United Kingdom,” she told a packed chamber.


    Moscow has denied any involvement in the attack. Russia’s foreign ministry dismissed Mrs May’s intervention as a “circus show in the British parliament”.


    “The conclusion is obvious: another information and political campaign based on provocation,” said Maria Zakharova, a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman.

    俄外交部女发言人玛丽亚•扎哈罗娃(Maria Zakharova)表示:“结论很明显,这是建立在挑衅基础上的又一场情报和政治战。”

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