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    The US Treasury needs to intensify efforts to fill the “regulatory vacuum” for the cryptocurrency industry, according to a top US regulator.


    The explosion in cryptocurrencies — the total value of bitcoin and other digital currencies stands at more than $354bn despite a fall in recent months — has attracted the interest of regulators, who have had to balance the desire not to stymie the new technology while weeding out fraudulent ventures.


    The US Treasury needs to intensify efforts to fill the “regulatory vacuum” for the cryptocurrency industry, according to a top US regulator.


    The explosion in cryptocurrencies — the total value of bitcoin and other digital currencies stands at more than $354bn despite a fall in recent months — has attracted the interest of regulators, who have had to balance the desire not to stymie the new technology while weeding out fraudulent ventures.


    Steven Mnuchin, Treasury secretary, said in January that the Financial Stability Oversight Council, which was set up after the 2008 financial crisis to identify threats to the US economy, had formed a working group to look at cryptocurrencies.

    美国财政部长史蒂文•姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin) 1月份表示,金融稳定监督委员会(Financial Stability Oversight Council)已成立了一个工作组来研究加密货币。金融稳定监督委员会成立于2008年金融危机后,负责识别美国经济面临的威胁。

    However, Rostin Behnam, a commissioner at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, said much more needed to be done, emphasising the need to go beyond the currencies themselves and focus on issues related to the underlying “distributed ledgers” and initial coin offerings.

    但美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)委员罗斯坦•贝南(Rostin Behnam)表示,需要采取多得多的行动,他强调,目光需要超越加密货币本身,关注同根本的“分布式账本”和首次代币发行(ICO)有关的问题。

    “I think they really need to step in, gather all the regulators, take in ideas, talk to stakeholders and then if legislation is needed, propose that to Congress,” he told the FT. “There is a regulatory vacuum right now in this space.”


    Mr Behnam, the sole Democratic commissioner at the CFTC, also spoke against fellow commissioner Brian Quintenz, who this week reiterated his support for “self-regulatory organisations” to oversee the emerging cryptocurrency industry.

    贝南是美国商品期货交易委员会唯一的民主党委员,他还表态反对另一位委员布赖恩•昆滕斯(Brian Quintenz)的言论。昆滕斯在本周重申,他支持由“自律组织”来监督新兴的加密货币行业。

    Mr Quintenz applauded recent proposals from Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss to set up a self-regulatory organisation for cryptocurrencies called the Virtual Commodity Association, funded by membership fees.

    昆滕斯赞扬了泰勒•文克莱沃斯(Tyler Winklevoss)和卡梅伦•文克莱沃斯(Cameron Winklevoss)兄弟最近提出的建议,即设立一个名为“虚拟商品协会”(Virtual Commodity Association)的加密货币自律组织(SRO),资金由会员费提供。

    “Ultimately, a virtual commodity SRO that has the most independence from its membership, the most diversity of views, and the strongest ability to discover, reveal and punish wrongdoing, will add the most integrity to these markets,” Mr Quintenz said.


    SROs are widely used in US financial markets, such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and National Futures Association. However, Mr Behnam argued that setting up an cryptocurrency SRO would be unsuitable for such an embryonic industry.

    自律组织在美国金融市场上运用广泛,例如美国金融业监管局(Financial Industry Regulatory Authority)和美国全国期货协会(National Futures Association)。不过贝南认为,建立一个加密货币自律组织不适合这样一个处于萌芽阶段的产业。

    “We need ideas, but I am a little sceptical of an SRO model given the nascent stage of the industry . . .  SRO models, whether its Finra or NFA, were born as products of congressional mandates,” Mr Behnam said. “I am not suggesting Congress has to act or is going to act anytime soon, but I do think there needs to be movement together.”


    Also weighing in on the need for better regulation, Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, argued this week that “we should take a step back and understand the peril that comes along with the promise”.


    国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)也认为需要加强监管,她本周表示“我们应该退后一步,了解光明前景承诺所伴随的危险”。

    Steven Mnuchin, Treasury secretary, said in January that the Financial Stability Oversight Council, which was set up after the 2008 financial crisis to identify threats to the US economy, had formed a working group to look at cryptocurrencies.

    美国财政部长史蒂文•姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin) 1月份表示,金融稳定监督委员会(Financial Stability Oversight Council)已成立了一个工作组来研究加密货币。金融稳定监督委员会成立于2008年金融危机后,负责识别美国经济面临的威胁。

    However, Rostin Behnam, a commissioner at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, said much more needed to be done, emphasising the need to go beyond the currencies themselves and focus on issues related to the underlying “distributed ledgers” and initial coin offerings.

    但美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)委员罗斯坦•贝南(Rostin Behnam)表示,需要采取多得多的行动,他强调,目光需要超越加密货币本身,关注同根本的“分布式账本”和首次代币发行(ICO)有关的问题。

    “I think they really need to step in, gather all the regulators, take in ideas, talk to stakeholders and then if legislation is needed, propose that to Congress,” he told the FT. “There is a regulatory vacuum right now in this space.”


    Mr Behnam, the sole Democratic commissioner at the CFTC, also spoke against fellow commissioner Brian Quintenz, who this week reiterated his support for “self-regulatory organisations” to oversee the emerging cryptocurrency industry.

    贝南是美国商品期货交易委员会唯一的民主党委员,他还表态反对另一位委员布赖恩•昆滕斯(Brian Quintenz)的言论。昆滕斯在本周重申,他支持由“自律组织”来监督新兴的加密货币行业。

    Mr Quintenz applauded recent proposals from Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss to set up a self-regulatory organisation for cryptocurrencies called the Virtual Commodity Association, funded by membership fees.

    昆滕斯赞扬了泰勒•文克莱沃斯(Tyler Winklevoss)和卡梅伦•文克莱沃斯(Cameron Winklevoss)兄弟最近提出的建议,即设立一个名为“虚拟商品协会”(Virtual Commodity Association)的加密货币自律组织(SRO),资金由会员费提供。

    “Ultimately, a virtual commodity SRO that has the most independence from its membership, the most diversity of views, and the strongest ability to discover, reveal and punish wrongdoing, will add the most integrity to these markets,” Mr Quintenz said.


    SROs are widely used in US financial markets, such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and National Futures Association. However, Mr Behnam argued that setting up an cryptocurrency SRO would be unsuitable for such an embryonic industry.

    自律组织在美国金融市场上运用广泛,例如美国金融业监管局(Financial Industry Regulatory Authority)和美国全国期货协会(National Futures Association)。不过贝南认为,建立一个加密货币自律组织不适合这样一个处于萌芽阶段的产业。

    “We need ideas, but I am a little sceptical of an SRO model given the nascent stage of the industry . . .  SRO models, whether its Finra or NFA, were born as products of congressional mandates,” Mr Behnam said. “I am not suggesting Congress has to act or is going to act anytime soon, but I do think there needs to be movement together.”


    Also weighing in on the need for better regulation, Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, argued this week that “we should take a step back and understand the peril that comes along with the promise”.

    国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)也认为需要加强监管,她本周表示“我们应该退后一步,了解光明前景承诺所伴随的危险”。

      上一篇:伊丽莎白•霍姆斯被控重大欺诈 下一篇:北约大国齐声指责俄罗斯投毒


