上市公司中石油(PetroChina)的母公司中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC) 称,正斥资5.75亿美元收购阿布扎比的3个海上油田10%的权益,作为这个酋长国私有化计划的一部分。
The investment by CNPC comes as potential buyers pore over another Chinese investment in Abu Dhabi, the 4 percent stake in Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.'s onshore concession held by CEFC, the energy firm whose chairman Ye Jianming was detained last month. CEFC bought into Adnoc's onshore Adco operations last year for $888m, as part of an ambitious overseas expansion that has now been curtailed.
Last year, CNPC bought into 8 percent of Adco, alongside CEFC. It also has shares in other Abu Dhabi concessions.
CNPC produces about half of China's crude oil.