The executive order, which could be released within days, is expected to raise the barrier for government agencies to buy products from foreign telecom equipment providers like Huawei and ZTE, two of China’s most prominent technology firms. Private government contractors may also be restricted from buying foreign telecom products, which the United States believes may be vulnerable to Chinese espionage or disruption.
The order would follow a series of intensifying actions by the Trump administration to block Chinese technology that is seen as a national security threat. In March, the Federal Communications Commission took action to block broadband companies that receive federal subsidies from buying equipment from suppliers that are deemed a risk to national security. In April, the Commerce Department barred ZTE from purchases of American technology for seven years, saying that the company failed to punish employees who violated United States sanctions.
The Trump administration increasingly views national security and emerging technology as intertwined and has used its authority to protect national security as a way to block China from gaining an economic edge, particularly as it relates to that nation’s ambitious industrial policy, known as Made in China 2025. Both nations are racing to claim dominance in cutting-edge technology like autonomous vehicles and the next generation of wireless services, known as 5G.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for the Department of Defense said the Pentagon was stopping the sale of phones made by Huawei and ZTE in stores on American military bases around the world because of security concerns.
While the Pentagon cannot stop service members from buying the phones elsewhere, the spokesman, Maj. Dave Eastburn, said in an email that the Defense Department was directing American military personnel to be “mindful of the security risks posed by the use of Huawei devices, regardless of where they are purchased.”
尽管五角大楼无法阻止服役人员从其他地方购买华为和中兴手机,但发言人戴夫·伊斯特本(Dave Eastburn)少校在电子邮件中说,国防部正在指示美国军事人员“注意使用华为设备所构成的安全风险,无论它们是从哪里购买的。”
“Huawei and ZTE devices may pose an unacceptable risk to the department’s personnel, information and mission,“ Major Eastburn said. He cited Senate testimony in February by the director of national intelligence and the heads of the F.B.I., the C.I.A. and other agencies that Americans should not use Huawei products because of potential security risks.
Huawei declined to comment.
The crackdown on the telecom companies comes as the United States and China trade accusations of unfair policies and threats of tariffs. A delegation of top Trump administration officials, including Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, arrived in China this week for talks aimed at defusing the tensions.
这两家电信公司遭受打击时,正值美国和中国相互指责对方实施不公平的政策,并威胁要加征关税。本周,一个由财政部长史蒂文·努钦(Steven Mnuchin)等特朗普政府高层官员组成的代表团抵达中国,参加旨在缓和紧张关系的会谈。
The Trump administration has been considering other curbs on China, including investment restrictions and curtailing visas for Chinese nationals who work on sensitive research projects. The White House is also weighing new rules that would add to the goods and services traded with China that are subject to so-called deemed export rules. If such rules go into effect, American companies and universities will be required to obtain special licenses for Chinese researchers who have contact with a broader range of technology — making it harder for Chinese citizens to join in scientific research and product development programs.
People familiar with the discussions cautioned that an executive order that expanded on these actions was still being worked on, and that legal hurdles remained.
Lindsay E. Walters, the White House deputy press secretary, said the White House had no comment on individual actions. “Protecting critical infrastructure, including the supply chains associated with such infrastructure, is a critical part of protecting America’s national security and public safety,” she added.
白宫副发言人林赛·E·沃尔特斯(Lindsay E. Walters)说,白宫对个人行为不予置评。“保护关键基础设施,包括与这类基础设施相关的供应链,是保护美国国家安全和公共安全的重要部分,”她接着说。
American companies have expressed similar national security concerns about foreign tech companies, but say they’re waiting for details of the order.
“Addressing global supply chain security concerns has long been a priority for the tech industry,” said Pamela Walker, vice president at the Information Technology Industry Council, a lobbying group. “Moving forward, we urge policymakers to share information with suppliers and contractors so we can increase the level of security and assurance within the supply chain.”
“应对全球供应链安全问题一向是科技行业的首要任务,”游说团体信息技术产业委员会(Information Technology Industry Council)副会长帕梅拉·沃克(Pamela Walker)说。“今后,我们呼吁政策制定者与供应商和承包商共享信息,这样我们就能提高供应链内部的安全和保障水平。”