On Thursday, the Trump administration laid out its case in a 35-page report entitled “How China’s Economic Aggression Threatens the Technologies and Intellectual Property of the United States and the World.” It exhaustively details the steps Chinese officials take to protect and promote their domestic industries and disadvantage foreign competitors, including the use of government subsidies, cyberespionage and forced intellectual property transfers to Chinese companies from American and other foreign firms.
周四,特朗普政府在一份长达35页、题为《中国的经济侵略如何威胁美国及世界的技术和知识产权》(How China’s Economic Aggression Threatens the Technologies and Intellectual Property of the United States and the World)的报告中阐明了这一情况。该报告详尽列举了中国官员为保护和促进国内产业,并使竞争对手居于劣势所采取的措施,包括利用政府补贴、网络间谍活动,以及强迫美国和其他外国公司向中国企业转让知识产权。
The United States is trying to derail China’s dominance by punishing Beijing. But it has yet to detail how it plans to build America’s dominance in industries that will power economic and job growth in the future, or cultivate what the administration officials call the “crown jewels of American technology and intellectual property.”
Speaking with reporters on Tuesday, a senior administration official said Mr. Trump’s tariffs are designed to benefit American high-tech industries from the sort of “predation” China has used in the past.
Many economists say those steps are insufficient — and possibly counterproductive — to position American companies to compete in emerging, high-tech, globalized industries. They say the administration needs a proactive strategy to bolster American innovation and technology. That includes investing in federal research and development spending, worker skills and attracting more high-caliber foreign students to American graduate programs and fostering advanced industries such as biodefense and artificial intelligence.
Whether industries like semiconductors thrive going forward in the United States “will depend not on America’s success in curbing China’s progress, but rather on its ability to sustain and support innovation by U.S. companies,” Laura D’Andrea Tyson, a former top economic adviser to President Bill Clinton, wrote this week.
未来美国的半导体等行业能否茁壮成长“并不取决于美国能否成功遏制中国的进步,而在于美国维系和支持美国公司创新的能力”,曾任比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)总统高级经济顾问的劳拉·丹德烈亚·泰森(Laura D'Andrea Tyson)本周写道。
Instead of targeting innovation, the administration’s policy efforts to date have focused largely on supporting legacy industries like coal mining and steel production, which have shed hundreds of thousands of jobs in recent decades, and which few economists expect to generate significant job growth in the years to come.
China, meanwhile, targets support to companies that demonstrate a winning strategy for growth. The government forces subsidized and protected firms to compete on the global marketplace, shutting down those that are unable to perform, said Ann Harrison, an economist who specializes in industrial policy at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
与此同时,中国的目标则是支持表现出了成功增长战略的企业。宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)沃顿商学院(Wharton School)专攻产业政策的经济学家安·哈里森(Ann Harrison)说,中国政府强制受资助和受保护的企业参与全球市场竞争,而那些没有业绩的企业则会被关闭。
“Firms are supported, but if it’s not working, they cut it out,” she said. “That’s really different from Trump’s industrial policy. What we’re really doing now is, we’re not supporting emerging industries. We’re bailing out failing industries.”
Many experts worry the United States is not doing enough to help its own advanced industries compete — not just against China, but the rest of the world.
Experts in artificial intelligence say the administration should push for more investment in academic and government research, instead of cutting back on scientific research across the government. They say administration immigration policies have spooked many foreign-born artificial intelligence researchers based in the United States.
Canada, South Korea, France and Britain have ramped up government spending in an effort to ensure that they retain and attract top talent and promote artificial intelligence research. China has unveiled a plan to become the world leader in the field and create a domestic industry worth $150 billion by 2030, committing billions of dollars to the effort.
At the tail end of the Obama administration, the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the White House began to address the industry’s development. But after Mr. Trump took office, the office’s work in that area seemed to stagnate. The administration has yet to name a director for the office, which is currently run by its deputy chief technology officer, Michael Kratsios, who used to work with Silicon Valley venture capitalist Peter Thiel. It recently convened a meeting of companies working in artificial intelligence at the White House, in which Mr. Kratsios indicated the administration would take a hands-off approach to the industry’s development.
在奥巴马政府的末期,白宫的科学和技术政策办公室(Office of Science and Technology Policy)开始关注科技行业的发展。但特朗普上台后,该办公室在这个领域的工作似乎停滞不前。特朗普尚未任命该办公室的主管。目前,该办公室由副首席技术官迈克尔·克拉齐奥斯(Michael Kratsios)管理,他曾与硅谷风险投资家彼得·蒂尔(Peter Thiel)共事。前不久,该办公室召集人工智能公司在白宫举行了一次会议,克拉齐奥斯在会上表示,政府将对该行业的发展采取不干涉的态度。
“If we don’t have the government setting big goals, then we will just see business as usual: The private sector will continue to optimize for its own problems, pulling people out of universities and not really giving back to government because that is not its priority,” said Jack Clark, who oversees policy for OpenAI, an independent artificial intelligence lab based in San Francisco. “Academia will get left behind and the government will have no clear mandate in this very important area.”
“如果政府不设立宏大的目标,那么,该行业的情况会一如往常:私营部门将继续重点解决自己的问题,把人才从大学吸引出来,不回馈政府,因为那不是政府的重点考虑事项,”旧金山独立人工智能实验室OpenAI的政策主管杰克·克拉克(Jack Clark)说。“学术界将被抛在后面,政府在这个非常重要的领域将没有明确的授权。”
The United States has a long history of industrial policy, including the Obama administration’s bailout of the automotive industry during the financial crisis and its subsequent efforts to foster advanced manufacturing.
“We sought to have a strategic focus,” said Gene Sperling, who directed the National Economic Council for much of the Obama administration, “that did accept that there were strong positive impacts for innovation and jobs in not just protecting the manufacturing base — as was done with the auto rescue — but making the U.S. the attractive place to build what comes next in manufacturing as well.”
“我们希望有一个战略重点,”在奥巴马政府的大部分时间领导国家经济委员会(National Economic Council)的吉恩·斯珀林(Gene Sperling)说。“它的确会对创新和工作机会产生强烈的积极影响,不仅能保护制造业根基——例如对汽车行业的救助——而且能使美国成为吸引未来制造业的地方。”
Policymakers in Washington have a large array of tools to tilt the economic playing field to help particular industries. Mr. Trump signed a tax law in December that reduced the corporate tax rate to 21 percent, a move that disproportionately helped banks and real estate companies. He has relaxed regulations for fossil fuel exploration and other industries. But he has not singled out emerging growth industries for support, as Mr. Obama did.
That is not China’s approach.
Trump administration officials outlined 53 examples of China’s “economic aggression” that they contend have lifted the Chinese to domination of traditional manufacturing and positioned China to beat the world in industries like artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and blockchain technology.
The administration is trying to counter that rise with tariffs, and it also supports a bipartisan bill moving through Congress that would give the federal government greater leeway to block Chinese investments in American companies, a practice that the administration official called “colonization by purchase.”
Many economists and lawmakers applaud the administration’s efforts to crack down on Chinese intellectual property theft.
Fighting Chinese intellectual property theft is critical to supporting American industries. “It is something that is very real,” said Chang-Tai Hsieh, an economist who focuses on growth and development issues at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. “It happens all the time. It is generally viewed by many of these firms as just the way you do business in China.”
打击中国的知识产权盗窃行为对支持美国的产业至关重要。“这是非常真实的事,”芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)布思商学院(Booth School of Business)关注增长和发展问题的经济学家谢昌泰(Chang-Tai Hsieh)说,“这种事一直在发生。这些公司中的很多人普遍认为,这是在中国做生意的方式。”
But he said that fight may be best waged in American courtrooms, not trade negotiations, and that the administration may have missed a potential victory on that front by recently deciding to soften penalties on Chinese smartphone maker ZTE.
The Commerce Department had previously barred the company from selling into the United States for seven years because of violations of American sanctions. That earlier decision, Mr. Hsieh said, had Chinese companies “terrified.”