iPhone制造商苹果(Apple)周四宣布,将与和硕(Pegatron)、纬创(Wistron)、捷普(Jabil)等苹果最大的一些供应商共同设立一支3亿美元的新基金——“中国清洁能源”基金(China Clean Energy fund)。
The fund is designed to channel investment towards renewable energy sources as part of Apple’s drive to clean up its supply chain.
DWS Group, Deutsche Bank’s rebranded asset management arm, will manage the China Clean Energy Fund, as well as investing alongside Apple and its suppliers.
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)旗下经过更名的资产管理业务DWS Group将管理中国清洁能源基金,并会与苹果及其供应商共同进行投资。
The four-year plan is to pool resources for extra leverage to bring online more than 1 gigawatt of renewable energy in China.
Under social policy chief Lisa Jackson, the former head of the US Environmental Protection Agency, Apple has set itself ambitious long-term goals for reducing its environmental impact. Last year, Apple said that it hoped to one day manufacture all its devices entirely from recycled materials and “stop mining the earth altogether”, although it did not set any deadline for achieving this.
在前美国环保局局长、苹果社会政策负责人莉萨杰克逊(Lisa Jackson)的领导下,苹果为减轻自身造成的环境影响制定了雄心勃勃的长期目标。苹果去年表示,希望有一天能完全使用可再生材料制造其设备,“完全停止开采地球资源”,尽管苹果并没有为这一目标设定完成期限。
Apple has previously invested in wind and solar energy projects in Oregon, Nevada and Iowa in the US, as well as in Japan and China. Earlier this year, Apple said that its global facilities were powered by “100 per cent clean energy”.