The 100,000 pennies were placed in the fountain at Quayside in Cambridge at 08:00 BST last Saturday and were due to be left for 48 hours.
All of the coins were gone by 09:00 BST last Sunday, but the In Your Way project is not treating it as theft.
不过在上周日上午9点的时候,所有的硬币就已经消失了,不过在此次“In Your Way”的试验项目中,并没有将该行为定义为盗窃。
Artistic director Daniel Pitt said it was "a provocative outcome".

Cambridge-based artist Anna Brownsted said her fountain piece "was an invitation to respond, a provocation".
"It was an experiment in the dynamics of human behaviour and our complex reactions to heightened situations," she said.
Had any money been left over at the end of the project, it would have been given to a local homeless charity.
Mr Pitt added: "We do not consider the removal of the money to be a theft as the money was there for people to interact with as they saw fit as part of this art project. The experiment had a provocative outcome, it opened conversations about human nature and the bystander effect."