A joint statement released by the two agencies said they would be working together to "foster these innovative food products and maintain the highest standards of public health."
The FDA would be in charge of regulating the collection, banking and growing of the cells usedto make artificial meat, while the USDA would work on the production and labeling of food products.
"A transition from FDA to USDA oversight will occur during the cell harvest stage," the statement said.

"This regulatory framework will leverage both the FDA's experience regulating cell-culture te chnology and living biosystems and the USDA's expertise in regulating livestock and poultry products for human consumption. USDA and FDA are confident that this regulatory framework can be successfully implemented and assure the safety of these products."
In 2013, scientists created the first-ever burger made from cultured meat. Since then fundingfor artificial meat has skyrocketed, with private companies and high-profile investors makinghuge strides into its commercial development.
There are many benefits to lab-grown meat. It would eliminate the need for animals to be bred and slaughtered -- in the U.S. alone, around 9 billion chickens and 32 million cattle are killed every year.
It would also help limit climate change -- agriculture, and meat production in particular, is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. There would also be major financial incentives if the technology could be successfully scaled.