The Gaokao is regarded as suitable preparation for Cambridge. The Gaokao scores of successful applicants will vary from province to province and year to year. As a guideline, successful applicants will usually have scores in the top 0.1% of those taking the Gaokao in their province. In addition to the total score, Cambridge Colleges will pay close attention to individual subject scores and scores in the Senior High School Examinations (Xueye Shuiping Kaoshi; previously the Huikao). The Xueye Shuiping Kaoshi alone are not regarded as suitable preparation for Cambridge.
Applicants studying for the Gaokao are encouraged to undertake additional study outside of their school qualifications. This might include, for example, relevant science Olympiads or College Board SAT I or II; or Advanced Placement Tests.
除了参加高考以外,我们也鼓励考生参加一些校外的学习考试,比如,科学奥林匹克竞赛、SAT I/II,或者美国大学预修课程考试(AP考试)等。