According to the ministry, the balanced developmentof compulsory education has been achieved in 2,717 counties, representing 92.7 percent ofcounties across the country.

Tian Zuyin, chief of the ministry's educational inspection department, said that there has beensteady improvement in educational conditions of schools since 2015, with 338 countiesinvesting 254.4 billion yuan (about 38 billion dollars) to build 1,598 new schools andexpanding nearly 40,000 existing schools.
A State Council directive on the balanced development of compulsory education issued in 2012 foresees that by 2020, the balanced development of compulsory education should be achievedin 95 percent of China's counties.
2012年颁布的 国务院关于义务教育的均衡发展的指示 预计到2020年在全国95%的县实现义务教育均衡发展