It took just 30 seconds in Ohio and zero bullets in Texas for officers to stop two mass shooters this weekend, but not before 29 people were killed and about 50 injured in less than 24 hours.
Officers gunned down the Ohio shooter at the doorstep of a bar-turned-hiding place in the middle of Dayton’s nightclub district, and arrested the El Paso shooter as hundreds fled a crowded shopping center. Though the two attacks staggered a nation accustomed to gun violence, the bigger shock may have been that the death toll wasn’t worse.
In the Texas border city of El Paso, a gunman opened fire Saturday morning in a shopping area packed with thousands of people during the busy back-to-school season. The attack killed 20 and wounded more than two dozen, many of them critically.
Hours later in Dayton, Ohio, a gunman wearing body armor and carrying extra magazines opened fire in a popular nightlife area, killing nine and injuring at least 26 people.
The attacks came less than a week after a 19-year-old gunman killed three people and injured 13 others at the popular Gilroy Garlic Festival in California before dying of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
不到一周前,一名19岁的枪手在加州颇受欢迎的吉尔罗伊大蒜节(Gilroy Garlic Festival)上开枪打死3人,打伤13人,随后自伤身亡。
The El Paso shooting was being investigated as a possible hate crime as authorities worked to confirm whether a racist, anti-immigrant screed posted online shortly beforehand was written by the man arrested. The border city is home to 680,000 people, many of them Latino.
El Paso authorities offered few details about the assault, but Police Chief Greg Allen described the scene as “horrific” and said many of the 26 people who were hurt had life-threatening injuries.
埃尔帕索当局没有提供有关袭击的细节,但警察局长格雷格·艾伦(Greg Allen)称现场“非常恐怖”,并称26名伤者中有许多人伤势严重,危及生命。
In Dayton, the bloodshed was likely limited by the swift police response. Officers patrolling the area took just 30 seconds to stop the shooting, which unfolded around 1 a.m. on the streets of the downtown Oregon District, Mayor Nan Whaley said.
在代顿,警方的迅速反应限制了流血事件的发生。俄勒冈州市长南威利(Nan Whaley)说,巡逻该地区的警察只花了30秒就阻止了枪击事件的发生。枪击事件发生在凌晨1点左右,地点在俄勒冈州市区的街道上。
Video released by police shows 24-year-old Connor Betts being shot down by officers, just steps away from entering a bar filled with hiding patrons.
Had police not responded so quickly, “hundreds of people in the Oregon District could be dead today,” Whaley said.
The shootings were the 21st and 22nd mass killings of 2019 in the U.S., according to the AP/USA Today/Northeastern University mass murder database that tracks homicides where four or more people killed — not including the offender.
这是2019年美国发生的第21起和第22起大规模枪击案据美联社(AP)、《今日美国》(USA Today)和东北大学(Northeastern University)的大规模谋杀数据库,包括犯罪者在内的四人或四人以上被杀的凶杀案。
Including the two latest attacks, 125 people had been killed in the 2019 shootings.