Alphabet Inc’s Google on Monday announced that it would neutralize carbon emissions from delivering consumer hardware by next year and include recycled plastic in each of its products by 2022.
Alphabet Inc .旗下谷歌周一宣布,它将在明年之前消除交付消费硬件所产生的碳排放,并在2022年之前将再生塑料纳入其每一种产品中。
The new commitments step up the competition among tech companies aiming to show consumers and governments that they are curbing the environmental toll from their widening arrays of gadgets.
Anna Meegan, head of sustainability for Google’s devices and services unit, said in an interview that the company’s transport-related carbon emissions per unit fell 40 percent last year compared to 2017 by relying more on ships instead of planes to move phones, speakers, laptops and other gadgets from factories to customers across the world.
谷歌设备和服务部门的可持续发展主管Anna Meegan在接受采访时说,与2017年相比,谷歌的单位运输碳排放量去年下降了40%,2017年从工厂到世界各地的客户,更多地依靠船只而非移动电话、扬声器、笔记本电脑和其他产品。
The company will offset remaining emissions by purchasing carbon credits, Meegan said.
Three out of nine Google products for which the company has detailed disclosures online contain recycled plastic, ranging from 20 percent to 42 percent in the casings for its Google Home speakers and Chromecast streaming dongles.
In a blog post, Google committed to introducing some recycled plastic to 100 percent of products by 2022.
Meegan acknowledged that Google’s 3-year-old hardware business trails far larger hardware rival Apple Inc in some sustainability efforts.
Apple, which in 2017 committed to “one day” only using recycled and renewable materials, has at least 50 percent recycled plastic in some parts of several products, recycled tin in at least 11 products and recycled aluminum in at least two.
But sustainability standards are now a part of Google’s hardware planning, Meegan said. Devices cannot clear the second checkpoint in the company’s design process unless they show that sustainable packaging and materials and ease of repair have been considered.
“We are fundamentally looking to build sustainability into everything we do,” she said. “It’s going to take us time to demonstrate progress.”