Smartphone messaging app WhatsApp, which boasts more than 1.5 billion active users, will soon go silent for millions who are still using outdated devices.
Calling it a “tough decision,” the Facebook-owned company outlined which smartphones would no longer support the app, including older versions of Android, Apple and Windows phones.
facebook旗下的这家公司称这是一个“艰难的决定”,并概述了哪些智能手机将不再支持这款应用,包括较老版本的安卓(Android)、苹果(Apple)和Windows phone。
“For the best experience, we recommend you use the latest version of iOS available for your phone,” WhatsApp wrote in the support section of their website.
The latest app update will require iOS 9 or higher, which means anyone using an iPhone 5 will be locked out come Feb. 1. At the same time, consumers with Samsung, Huawei, Sony or Google smartphones, which run on an Android operating system, should be up to version 4.0, dubbed “Ice Cream Sandwich,” to continue with full service after February.
最新的应用程序更新将要求iOS 9或更高,这意味着任何使用iPhone 5的用户将在2月1日被锁定。与此同时,三星(Samsung)、华为(Huawei)、索尼(Sony)或谷歌等搭载安卓(Android)操作系统的智能手机的用户应该升级到4.0版,也就是所谓的“冰淇淋三明治”(Ice Cream Sandwich),以便在明年2月之后继续享受全面服务。
Unfortunately for Windows Phone users, they’re getting cut off for good. “You’ll no longer be able to use all Windows Phone operating systems after Dec. 31, 2019,” the company wrote on their website.
不幸的是,对于Windows Phone用户来说,他们将永远失去联系。“在2019年12月31日之后,你将不能再使用所有的Windows Phone操作系统,”该公司在其网站上写道。
In all, these changes will leave millions of current users without WhatsApp, the Independent reports.
据《独立报》(the Independent)报道,总的来说,这些变化将使数百万现有用户失去WhatsApp。
Earlier this year, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced plans to merge messaging functions for their three social-media platforms, including Instagram and WhatsApp.
今年早些时候,Facebook首席执行官马克?扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)宣布,计划合并Instagram和WhatsApp等三家社交媒体平台的消息功能。