微软发布了带有未来主义设计的新Xbox X系列游戏机
Microsoft unveiled its “fastest, most powerful” Xbox gaming system yet Thursday — and it looks straight out of a sci-fi movie.
With a vertical design resembling the black monolith from “2001: A Space Odyssey,” the Xbox Series X will have four times the processing power of its predecessor, the Xbox One X, and the capability to show images at up to 120 frames per second, Microsoft said.
微软表示,Xbox系列X的垂直设计类似于《2001:太空漫游》(2001:a Space Odyssey)中的黑色巨石,其处理能力将是上一代Xbox One X的四倍,并能以每秒120帧的速度显示图像。
“It’s bold and unique, very much like our fans around the world and the team of collaborators and innovators who built it,” Microsoft’s head of Xbox Phil Spencer wrote in a blog post.
A dramatic trailer for the console — which will be available for the 2020 holiday season — shows it floating over a body of water under a cloudy sky. It can be set up vertically like a PC tower or horizontally, according to Spencer.
The Series X is expected to hit stores around the same time as its rival console, Sony’s PlayStation 5. While Sony has not revealed a design for its next-generation console, it has detailed plans for a new wireless controller with “haptic feedback” that will transmit sensations from games into players’ hands.
X系列预计将与竞争对手索尼(Sony)的PlayStation 5同时上市。尽管索尼尚未透露其下一代游戏机的设计,但它已详细计划推出一款带有“触觉反馈”的新型无线控制器,将游戏中的感觉传递到玩家手中。