"En garde!" the coach shouts. Two opposing fencers, uniformed and masked, raise their sabers before their own faces.
Both Greek fencers, Panos Triantafyllou and Vasilis Ntounis, are in wheelchairs.
"Prêt, allez!" the coach shouts again, and the match begins. The sound of swift-striking sabers echoes inside the small indoor court in Athens' Apostolos Nikolaidis Stadium, where Greece's national team consisting exclusively of people with disabilities is training.
“好极了,哈利兹!”教练又喊了一声,比赛开始了。在雅典Apostolos Nikolaidis体育场的小室内球场里,快速击打的剑的声音回荡着,希腊国家队正在那里训练,那里只有残疾人组成。
Triantafyllou, 33. won silver at Rio's 2016 Paralympic Games and is getting ready for the Tokyo Paralympic Games in August. He's been picking up medals in the meantime: gold last November at the Wheelchair Fencing World Cup in Amsterdam and silver this month at the cup in Eger, Hungary.
He is currently ranked No. 2 of the year's best athletes by the International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation, and he ranks fifth for Paralympics qualification for Tokyo 2020.
"Only the best 10 qualify for the Paralympics, or the ones who come first in the European tournament and the world championship get a direct qualification," Triantafyllou says. "Theoretically I qualify, but it's better to attend the last three tournaments ahead of the Paralympics."
Despite his huge success, he says Greece hasn't always been very supportive of people with activity limitations.
"Greece gives to a person with disabilities an allowance of maximum 600-700 euro [every month], depending on the disability," he says, an amount equivalent to $660-$770. which is considered low by European Union standards. "If you can't work and don't have your own house, you simply don't get by. When you have to pay 400-500 euros [$440-$550] just for your rent, how can you handle your other expenses, like bills, food, etc.?"
他表示:“希腊(每月)根据残疾情况,向残疾人发放最高600至700欧元的补贴。”按照欧盟的标准,这一金额相当于660至770美元。“如果你不能工作,也没有自己的房子,你根本无法生活。当你不得不为房租支付400-500欧元(440- 550美元)时,你如何处理其他费用,如账单、食物等?”
According to a recently published report by Eurostat, in 2017 more than 82% of adults with disabilities in Greece lived in a household that struggled financially, the highest rate in the European Union and well above the EU average of less than 30%.
Triantafyllou was in a car accident on Nov. 21. 2004. that left him paralyzed from the thorax down.
He considers himself one of the lucky ones because he received some insurance money, but it isn't enough: "They only cover your everyday expenses for some time," he says.
Finances are just one challenge people with disabilities face. Triantafyllou says,Wherever you go, either you need medicines or whatever, you have to prove every time that you are disabled. It takes too long to get a permanent certification.