A wild boar and two of its young roam around Teufelssee, or Devil's Lake, in Germany in August.
At first glance, swimmers along Germany's Baltic coast thought the creature swimming toward them was a dog. A sailor had seen the animal, too, miles away from shore in the open sea, and thought it was a porpoise. But they were all mistaken. It was a wild boar.
The animal had been swimming for hours. From where? Nobody knew, but judging from a video taken of its arrival in mid-August, it didn't seem tired from the journey.
After paddling ashore at Schönhagen beach in northern Germany, the boar tried to bite a man, who defended himself with a shovel, before it scurried away through hordes of panicked sunbathers.
The Central European boar has coarse hair, tiny eyes and sharp teeth connected to powerful jaws. The wild boar subspecies is native to Germany, and when confronted by humans, it is known to injure and occasionally kill.
In early August when a female boar was photographed alongside her two piglets as she snatched a man's laptop in a bag at Teufelssee, or Devil's Lake, in Berlin, prompting the man to run after them. The scene was made more comical by the man's clothes: He wasn't wearing any. The lake is popular with nude sunbathers.
The photos went viral, and German animal rights activist Sonja Wende was one of millions who clicked on them. (The man managed to get his laptop back.)
"It was such a funny situation, where you have this cheeky little boar that is grabbing this laptop and running around the beach, and this naked man is chasing after her and trying his best to get his laptop back," Wende says. "There was no damage for anyone, and there was so much fun."
The fun didn't last long. The following week, tourists from across the region flocked to the lake to catch a glimpse of the boar, nicknamed Elsa, and her cute piglets. The crowds led animal experts to worry that the boars would soon come to depend on humans for food, which could ultimately endanger their lives — and people's safety.
Experts are worried about these boars contracting African swine fever from eating diseased pork among the rubbish humans leave behind. If that should happen, it would likely lead to an outbreak in Germany. There have been outbreaks in Poland in the past year.
"The situation got to be worse because there were more people coming to see them, and they were getting close and closer to the animals," recalls Marc Franusch of the Berlin Forestry Commission. "And then many of them take some food and they think it's a sign of having a heart for wild boars if we bring them some food. But it's quite the opposite."
So many came to see the boars, Franusch says, that at one point they surrounded Elsa and her piglets in a tight circle, a situation that could have easily spurred the mother boar to attack someone.