The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa. 邮差刚刚塞进一些信件在我们的信箱,爷爷.
Probably a lot of advertising and bills. 大概是一大堆广告和帐单.
Why don't you write to me, Robbie, 你为什么不给我写信呢,Robbie.
so I can get some interesting mail? 那样我就可以收到一些有趣的信件了。
You were right, Grandpa. 给你说对了,爷爷。
Advertising, bills, bills, advertising. 广告,帐单,帐单,广告。
Yes. It's just like I said, Robbie. 正像我说的那样吧,Robbie。
Nothing interesting. 没有什么有趣的。
You won't believe it, Grandpa, 你绝不会相信,爷爷。
but there's a letter here addressed to you, 这儿确实有一封信是寄给你的,
Mr. Malcolm Stewart, and it looks like a personal letter. Malcolm Stewart先生收,而且看来是一封私人信件。
Oh, it must be a bill. 噢,还不是帐单。
I don't think so. 我想不是吧。
The return name and address is 发信人姓名和地址是
Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. Pete Waters,Chesterton乡村免费邮递路一号。
You're joking. Pete Waters? 你在开玩笑吧。Pete Waters?
Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. Pete Waters 乡村免费邮递路一号,Chesterton。
You know him? 你认识他吗?
Do I know Pete Waters? 我认识Pete Waters?
You bet I do! 你可以打赌我当然认识!
He was my roommate in college. 他是我大学时的的室友。
He visited with Grandma and me in Florida 他到Florida看过祖母和我
about five years ago. 大约五年前。
What does he say? 他说了些什么?
Is he OK? 他还好吗?
Yeah, he's fine. 是的 ,他不错。
Just fine. 相当不错。
He's writing to invite me 他写信邀请我
to spend a weekend with him at his farm. 去他的农场跟他一起渡个周末。
He's planning a get-together 他计划办一个聚会。
with two or three other college friends. 邀两三个其他的大学朋友一起。
A kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion. 等于是五十年重逢聚会。
Sounds like fun. 听起来好像蛮好玩的。
Fifty years? Wow! 五十年?喔!
It sounds like fun to me, too, Robbie. 对我来说也像是蛮好玩的,Robbie.
What kind of farm does he have? 他的农场是什么样?
I've never been there, Robbie, 我从来没有去过那儿 ,Robbie。
but he has chickens and cows and all. 但他有鸡牛等等。
That means fresh eggs and fresh milk. 也就是说会有新鲜的鸡蛋和牛奶。
Does he have a family? 他有亲人吗?
No, he doesn't, Robbie. 没有,他没有,Robbie。
He never married. 他没有结过婚。
He's not as lucky as I am 他不像我这样幸运
to have a family and grandchildren. 拥有一个家庭和孙子们。
I'm a lucky man. 我是个幸运的人。
How come he never got married? 为什么他不结婚?
That's a good question, Robbie. 这是个好问题,Robbie。
A very good question. 一个非常好的问题。
He never married because 他不结婚是因为
the girl he was in love with in college married someone else. 他大学时代所爱的女孩跟别人结婚了。
As simple as that. 就这么简单。
He never got over it. 他一直念念不忘。
He must have loved her very much. 他一定非常地爱她。
Yes. Very much. 是的,非常爱。
Lillian Winters. 她是Lillian Winters。
She was in our class. 她和我们同班。
And what happened? 发生什么事呢?
She was in love with Donald McGrath, 她爱上了Donald McGrath,
the quarterback on our football team. 我们足球队的四分卫。
Football players are always popular with the ladies. 足球队员往往很讨女生的喜爱。
She liked Pete, and they went to dances together. 她喜欢Pete,他们也一起去跳舞。
But her heart was with Donald. 但她的心里想的是Donald。
Did he ever get over it? 他有没有忘掉这件事?
No, he never did. 没有,从来没有。
Where is she today? 她如今在哪?
I don't know. 我不知道。
Maybe Lillian will be at the reunion. 或许Lillian也会参加聚会。
You think so? 你想会吗?
Pete's full of surprises. Pete总是出人意料。
I wish I could go there with you, Grandpa. 我真希望我能够跟你一起去,爷爷。
What do you think the surprise will be? 你想会是什么样的意外惊喜呢?
With Pete, you never know, Robbie. 你不可能猜到Pete会耍什么花样的, Robbie。
Won't it be exciting to see all your college friends there again? 在那儿又要见到你的大学朋友,难道不兴奋吗?
It is already. 现在已经很兴奋了。
I'm kind of excited about going now. 我现在就想去了。
Next weekend ... 下周末……
sleep over Friday and Saturday night 星期五和星期六晚上在那儿过
and come back Sunday. 然后在星期天回来。
I can't wait! 我迫不及待!
Don't you think you ought to call Pete 你不觉得应该打个电话给Pete
and tell him you're coming? 告诉他你要去吗?
You're reading my mind, Robbie. 你说的正是我想做的,Robbie。
He's planning a get-together
with two or three other college friends.
A kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion.
I got a letter in the mail today.
It said, "How're you doing, old friend?
I've been thinking about you.
So tell me what's new.
We should get together again.
"I haven't seen you for a long time.
I was thinking about you today.
And if I could, I'd come right over.
But you live too far away."
The letter said, mmm-hmm!
"Here's your invitation."
It said, mmm-hmm!
"We're having a celebration.
Let's get together.
Have a reunion.
"It's been a while.
You've got to show me that smile.
And I want to see you again.
"Let's get together.
Have a reunion.
Come on!
You're invited.
We'll be reunited
and we'll get to know
each other again.
"I want to hear those old stories.
I want to sing an old, old song."
The letter said, "Bring your camera.
Take some pictures.
Hope you can come along.
"And if you can come,
Won't you let me know?
You can write or give me a call.
Before you know it,
you're going to feel
like the years never passed at all."
The letter said, mmm-hmm!
"Here's your invitation."
It said, mmm-hmm!
"We're having a celebration.
Let's get together.
Have a reunion.
It's been a while.
You've got to show me that smile.
And I want to see you again.
Let's get together.
Have a reunion."