老友记第六季The One That Could Have Been
教程:老友记第六季  浏览:6190  
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    诸位,大新闻!巴利和明蒂闹离婚了!天啊!哇!你什么毛病?!错! 说的是巴利和明蒂。抱歉,一听到离婚我就条件反射以为是罗斯。巴利和明蒂是谁?巴利差点成了我丈夫,明蒂是我的闺中密友。哦,那他岂不是背着你和她乱搞?是,但他跟她睡觉,而不是跟我。天啊,如果当初嫁给他,试问我的生活会变成怎样?我明白你的感触,我也常常想如果我没离婚会怎样。哪一次?第一次!老实说,如果卡萝没意识到她是同性恋该多好我觉得女同志 满好。我肯定还在习武,练习空手道在我的婚姻末期,我热衷空手道,以发泄因缺少某种体力活而积蓄的精力。也许问题出在你讲“空手道”时的发音吧还有我!如果我还肥胖,你肯定不会跟我好。我当然照样喜欢你!得了吧!什么?你们都以为我那样浅薄?非也,只是莫妮卡着实太胖。嘿,如果我没被《光辉岁月》炒鱿鱼!哦,又看见卡萝mm了!如果我有种,辞掉工作的话,哼,那我就可以给《纽约客》杂志供稿。我将以幽默为生。当然我现在的工作也满有意思的,明天不用戴领带。如果当年我答应去Merrill Lynch证券交易所工作的话呢?什么?Merrill Lynch?我有个按摩客户在那儿上班,他说我有做股票的潜质。那你怎么没去?因为当时,我认为押韵的事会接二连三的发生!如果我做股票经济,我就得住在盒子里,只能吃熏鲑鱼,还养只狐狸当宠物。嘿,如果生活像刚才说的那样,我们还会是好朋友吗?“千斤小姐”莫妮卡 !瑞秋仍是购物狂,并与巴利生活。菲比是华尔街证券精英,烟瘾极大。乔伊仍饰演瑞摩瑞医生,少女们追逐的对象。钱德立志写作罗斯苦练空手道,并一再勾引卡萝。* 换种活法 *天啊! 瑞秋格林?鲍伯提曼?不,我是罗斯!对不起,罗斯提曼!不,不, 罗斯盖勒。对了,莫妮卡的哥哥!对哇!你好吗?!很好,我结婚了。哦!我也结婚了!婚姻岂不是妙不可言?的确莫妮卡怎么样?很好!她就在附近街上,去跟她打个招呼怎么样?好极了。她会很激动的!好啊!走吧! 等一下,你不是要买杂志吗?这本——《性感女郎》?没关系的,是个小孩叫我代买的,咱们别管他了是吗?好吧莫妮卡,你还在和“乏味医生”交往吗?他并不乏味!他只是比较低调而已。你要的榛果拿铁咖啡。多谢其实榛果并不是果实,而是种子。哇!!还有什么种子看来像果实呢?那我得好好想想。嘿嘿怎么啦?又收到一封退稿信。他们说我写得倒是很有趣,但不是他们要的那种。宝贝,我得回医院了。去吧,好回见再见,对了,答案就是,巴西豆!他是不是在问什么比他更乏味?你又被退稿,真替你难过。需要我借钱给你救急吗?嘿,我人穷志不短。当真?呃——我想乔伊也许不用借钱给你,电视明星不都有助理吗?好主意!我雇个助理,你就可以从她那儿领钱!乔伊,不! 你可以雇钱德啊!他可以代你给影迷回信什么的!棒极了!就这么干!这样我就有钱维持生活;也有时间写作了。真好!欢迎入伙!好!现在我去洗手间,我入厕不需要助理,所以,你放假!好耶!嘿!嘿菲比!知道吗?什么?乔伊刚刚雇了钱德当助理!好可爱!哦,别挂!等等!!!讲!! 不!不!我是说到50点就售出!50,是个数字,排在49后面!算了,你犯点小错没什么。我开玩笑的,你当然被炒了!嘿,莫妮卡! 嘿!看我碰见谁了!天啊! 瑞秋!!你真漂亮!你也是! 你减肥了?你好可爱,竟然注意到了!我减肥了3.5磅!还记得我的好友钱德吧嘿。哦,你好。那边是菲比你好。坐!我们多长时间没见面了?1987, 圣诞节过后那天,在肖恩迈克曼家派对上最后一次见面。我为你表演了我的作品之一,《太阳系的求爱仪式》对啊。现在你还玩音乐吗?有时候,你应该常常来,我可以为你演奏几曲上帝啊! 大明星乔伊崔比昂尼,演《光辉岁月》的,居然走了进来!瑞秋,他是我们的朋友。你们竟和瑞摩瑞医生交上了朋友?和瑞摩瑞交朋友难度蛮高的,他那么忙,而且,他只是个虚拟人物。嘿,我可以把琴带过来给你表演!他过来了!他过来了!乔伊!知道了,给你!!哦,不是说这个! 我的高中同学瑞秋嗨!嗨!我爱死了你的戏!每天必看! 你明知你前妻意图杀你,还捐肾给她和影迷见面总是这么愉快啊!她不疯不傻吧?不.过得怎么样?等等!等等!讲吧!你是谁?哦,你想给我打工啊。叫什么名字?布润蒂算是个什么名字?住口!从今天起你就改叫琼,姓什么你自己定。嘿,你在这儿呢哦,老板驾到!这是你今天的任务列表。谢谢你替我干活!!我要去工作了,给一对双胞胎接生但只有其中之一,是我的孩子!把我的衣服送去干洗;带上维他命;教我拼写“维他命”;把我的新牛仔裤穿穿大你知道你是什么角色了什么?你像他的女人.不!! 不!!你不会坐到我的奇巧(巧克力)上面了吧不是!股市小震荡,我损失了1300万美金。但奇巧尚安然无恙吧?如何是好?我不能告诉交易所,他们会杀了我!我不能告诉我的客户,他们会自杀!好极了,胸部巨痛怎么了?!胸部巨痛! 无法呼吸了菲比, 你是否心脏病猝发?如果是的话,左臂会不会上下牵痛?是的!!那就是心脏病。天啊!菲比,住院并不糟糕!若有机会休假,很多人都会欣喜若狂他们厌倦工作,而我爱工作!三个小时没干活了,我快疯了。我挂念琼。宝贝,心脏病是上帝要你放慢节奏的信号。我还以为是上帝要人死的信号!当然你死不了。我是说,你将来会死,但不是今天。我真该死我们出去走走。把你的废话都留给你的破杂志去你怎么回事?我对空手道着迷。卡萝对你仍旧爱理不理?是啊你没有性生活多长时间了?上个周末~那还不算太糟就到两个月了是吗自从我放弃努力算起也许你该给性生活加点猛料你是说?你们可以互相捆绑;还可以把食物弄在对方身上并吃掉它哦讲下流话,使用情趣用品哇!角色扮演:你扮监狱长而她扮囚犯。你扮海盗而她与你通奸。我明白了你们还可以扮两个证券经济人,裸身在众人面前滚来滚去纯属虚构那边的小酒馆,我做完手术后常常光顾真棒!还有呢?那是一大块电视仪器那是个老头,嘿,老爷子!嘿!来我家怎么样?哇!我很想去,但不行为什么?为什么地球不能为你我停止转动?这是台词吧?!是啊,但是,我虽然多次重复过这句话,但只有这一刻,我是真心的这也是句台词!你电视看太多了乔,你要的鲜榨橙汁谢了!里面居然有果肉!不行吗?我有言在先。我不喜欢果肉,有果肉就不是汁,要纯果汁,你明白?对不起,但我喜欢果肉对不起我真粗鲁。瑞秋,要喝点什么吗,钱德会飞快跑去拿的冰茶好了冰茶先生您要点什么?- 我刚才不是告诉他了?- 你是说了钱德, 这次听清楚!你想把果汁泼我身上对吗?这不是纯果汁! 宝贝,今早真有趣,你洗澡的时候我跳到你身上也许我们家该有两个卫生间卡萝,我想,我们也许需要给生活加点调味料是什么呢?卡萝,最近我们的性生活不大和谐爸爸!! 小伙子!嘿,把鞋穿上怎么样?回房穿鞋给爸爸看!耶! 耶!说真的,也许我们也许该尝试一些新花样,来找乐子比如说?互相捆绑?吃掉对方身上的食物——是挺恶心的说些下流话或者“三人行”我喜欢!谁?是谁把故事卖给Archie漫画了?!天啊,太好了!你的作品出版了!真想送礼物给你!啊.等一下!我最后一块奇巧!分吃如何?好呀!!嘿! 钱德,我知道你很生气,我真的很抱歉我是混蛋,不晓得分寸不过我真的讨厌果肉!你知道莫妮卡对低脂蛋黄酱的感觉对吧?那根本不是蛋黄酱!!我只想说对不起这是什么?鲜榨橙汁,带果肉的,是你喜欢的那种!谢谢乔伊,钱德卖了篇故事给Archie漫画!恭喜你!太棒了!讲什么的?你不会喜欢的,很傻的漫画书故事开什么玩笑?! 我爱Archie!里面所有角色我都爱!Archie需要钱修理破飞机,但他不想接受Reggie的施舍于是Reggie雇他当助——当管家之后指使他做很多蠢事,例如叫他去拿没有煤块的奶昔等一下,听来好耳熟!是不是登过这样的故事啊,我想我读过!老莫,我得打听清楚,乔伊崔比昂尼邀我上他家,他是不是常常带女孩回家?很多次!很多,很多!而我居然是其中之一!难以置信,和乔伊崔比昂尼!我无意多管闲事,但你不是结婚了吗?我只是偶尔希望我没结过婚而已就是希望分手一阵子结婚有什么不好你是单身,你多好,可以和任何人上床!是啊!你还别不信,我就是可以!一直和男人鬼混都可以!莫妮卡.你做过的对吗?当然啦!你以为我是30岁的老处女吗?天啊! 你居然是30岁的老处女!再大声点,后面远处那个男人还没听见。(后面远处那个男人):我听见了我并非没有机会。我只是等待完美的男人。我不是在和罗杰医生约会吗?他很完美,但……也许应该等待时机献出我的花朵天啊,事不宜迟!你等太久了宝贝!你说得对!性没什么大不了!!不应该有什么规矩和限制!我们想跟谁睡就跟谁!瑞秋! 但我还是认为你对丈夫不忠不太好你知道什么?老处女!菲比, 洗手间里怎么冒烟?!大夫说这是治疗引起的副作用菲比! 把烟熄掉!我没抽烟!冒烟的是我!熄掉它!!好吧!你来了可真好得了,我知道你抽烟了给我有电话?我来!你好? 她现在没法接电话没问题,再见是工作的事?他们发火了?是杰克对吗?他吼叫了?放轻松,没人吼叫。杰克打电话问候你的病情。谢天谢地没错,她给解雇了威斯利医生,你已经尽力了。让她走吧拜拜,上帝保佑你,布蕾蒂别急着下结论!威斯利瑞摩瑞!威斯利!我来告诉你,你不配当医生!那女人的大脑,没病!哦!幸好!霍普! 霍普!缀克!你不会死了,霍普,你会长命百岁,和我一起哦缀克好!我决定了!嗨, 乔伊!我是瑞秋!我明晚有空。好的,我带些三明治来-完-


    The One That Could Have Been

    [Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there as Rachel enters.]

    Rachel: Hey, you guys! Guess what? Barry and Mindy are getting a divorce!

    Monica: Oh my God!

    Phoebe: Wow!

    Joey: (To Ross) What is the matter with you?!

    Phoebe: No! Barry and Mindy.

    Joey: Oh sorry, I hear divorce I immediately go to Ross. (To Rachel) Who-who’s Barry and Mindy?

    Rachel: Barry was the guy that I was almost married and Mindy was my best friend.

    Joey: Ohh-oh, wasn’t he cheating on you with her?

    Rachel: Yeah, but that just means that he was falling asleep on top of her instead of me.

    Monica: Why did they get divorced?

    Rachel: Well, apparently she caught him cheating on her with someone else. Isn’t that sad? (Giggles.) God, could you imagine if I actually married him?! I mean how different would my life be?

    Ross: I know what you mean, I’ve always wondered how different my life would be if-if I’d never gotten divorced.

    Phoebe: Which time?

    Ross: The first time! No seriously, imagine if Carol hadn’t realized she was a lesbian.

    Joey: (starts to imagine it) I can’t. I keep seeing it the good way.

    Ross: I’d bet I’d still be doing my kara-tay. (That’s karate, he’s just saying it that way.) Towards the end of our marriage I was doing a lot of kara-tay as a way of releasing the tension from y’know, not doing anything else physical.

    Chandler: Maybe the problem was you were pronouncing it kara-tay.

    Monica: And what if I was still fat? (To Chandler) Well, you wouldn’t be dating me, that’s for sure.

    Chandler: Sure I would!

    All: (simultaneously) Oh yeah! Come on! Yeah right!

    Chandler: What, you guys really think that I’m that shallow?

    Ross: No, I just think Monica was that fat.

    Joey: Hey, imagine if I never got fired off Days Of Our Lives! (Closes his eyes to do so.) Oh-hey, there’s Carol again!

    Chandler: What if I had had the guts to quit my job? I’d probably be writing for the New Yorker, getting paid to be funny. But my job’s fun too! I mean tomorrow, I-I don’t have to wear a tie.

    Phoebe: What if I had taken that job at Merrill Lynch?

    Ross: What?!

    Rachel: Merrill Lynch?

    Phoebe: Yeah, I had a massage client who worked there and-and he said I had a knack for stocks.

    Rachel: Well why didn’t you take the job?

    Phoebe: Because at that time you see, I thought everything that rhymed was true. So I thought y’know that if I’d work with stocks, I’d have to live in a box, and only eat lox, and have a pet fox.

    Ross: Hey, do you guys think that if all those things happened, we’d still hang out?

    Opening Credits

    {Transcriber’s note: This is where the opening credits are, but they’re not the usual opening credits. Oh no! These credits are based on the world that would have been created had all of the above actually happened. It starts out with all of them at the fountain sitting on the couch as Fat Monica runs up and sits on the arm of the couch, tilting the whole thing towards her. It then goes on to show Rachel’s still a shop-aholic and with Barry. Fat Monica is sweating while cooking and dancing while eating a donut. Phoebe as the Wall Street shark smoking while on two cell phones. Then they’re dancing in the fountain. Joey entering as Dr. Drake Remoray and meeting a groupie. Chandler trying to write as a bird does its business on his shoulder and falling asleep while typing. Ross doing some kara-tay and trying to get Carol into bed. And finally, some more dancing in the fountain, them all flexing, and the turning out the lamp and shutting off all the lights bit from the first season. Just remember one thing, this is an alternate universe. Everything from every other episode doesn’t apply, for instance, Ross and Rachel have no history. And in fact have not seen each other in years in this world.}

    [Scene: A newsstand, Ross is buying a magazine and gets in line behind a woman.]

    Ross: (recognizing her) Oh my God! Rachel Green?

    Rachel: (gasps) Rob Tillman!

    Ross: No-no. It’s-it’s me, Ross!

    Rachel: Oh, I’m sorry. Ross Tillman.

    Ross: No, no-no, Ross Geller.

    Rachel: Ohh, of course Monica’s brother!

    Ross: Yeah. Right.

    Rachel: Wow! How are you?!

    Ross: Good-good, I’m-I’m married. (Shows her his ring.)

    Rachel: Ohh! Me too!

    Ross: Is-isn’t it the best?

    Rachel: Oh, it’s the best! (They both exhale contemplating the joys of marriage.) So, umm how’s Monica?

    Ross: Oh really, really great! Yeah! A-actually she’s right down the street, umm, do-do you know what? You should stop bye and say hi.

    Rachel: Ohh, I would love too.

    Ross: Yeah? Oh-oh, she’d be so excited!

    Rachel: Ohh! Okay!

    Ross: Come on! (They start to leave.)

    Rachel: Oh wait, don’t you have to pay for your, (looks at his magazine) Busty Ladies?

    Ross: No, it’s okay. Some-some kid asked me to pick it up for him, but I don’t…

    Rachel: (laughs) Oh yeah? Okay.

    Ross: (putting the magazine back and holding the money for it) Okay.

    Rachel: But! Don’t you have to give him his money back?

    Ross: Uh-huh. (Steps to a random kid nearby and hands him his money.) Hey, here you go buddy. Sorry, no porn for you. (To Rachel) Okay, let’s go see Monica!

    [Scene: Central Perk, Joey, Fat Monica, and her boyfriend are sitting on the couch. Monica’s boyfriend is getting up to get something. For future reference, for the rest of this episode Monica’s fat, I won’t be calling her Fat Monica throughout.]

    Joey: So Monica, still going out with Dr. Boring huh?

    Monica: He’s not boring! He’s just-he’s just low key.

    Monica's Boyfriend: (returning) Here we go, one Hazelnut Latte. (Hands it to Monica and sits down.)

    Monica: Thanks.

    Monica's Boyfriend: Yeah. Y’know, the hazelnut actually not a nut, it’s a seed.

    Joey: (not impressed) Wow!!

    Monica's Boyfriend: Can anyone else name a well known seed that’s been masquerading as a nut?

    Joey: Oh dear God, let me think. (Starts to sarcastically think about it.)

    Chandler: (entering, depressed) Hey.

    Joey: Hey.

    Monica: Oh no! What’s the matter?

    Chandler: Oh I just got another rejection letter. They said my writing was funny, just not "Archie Comic funny."

    Monica's Boyfriend: Y’know what honey? I got to get back to the hospital.

    Monica: Okay.

    Monica's Boyfriend: (kisses her) Okay.

    Monica: Bye.

    Monica's Boyfriend: Bye-bye. (Gets up to leave.) Oh uh, by the way, the answer is, the Brazil nut. (Exits.)

    Chandler: Was his question what’s more boring than him?

    Joey: Hey man, look sorry about that Archie thing. Do uh, do you need me to give you some money?

    Chandler: Hey, I may have no money, but I still have my pride.

    Joey: Really?

    Chandler: Ehh.

    Monica: Maybe Joey doesn’t have to give you the money, TV stars have assistants right?

    Joey: That’s an idea! (To Chandler) Hey, if I hired an assistant, would-would you take money from her?

    Monica: No Joey! Chandler could be your assistant! See, he could answer all of your fan mail and stuff!

    Joey: That’s great! That would be great! Let’s do that!

    Chandler: I could use the money; it could give me time to write.

    Joey: Oh right great! Welcome aboard!

    Chandler: Okay!

    Joey: All right! Now hey, I need to use the bathroom. Since I don’t need any assistance in there, take a break!

    Chandler: All right!

    (As Joey goes to the bathroom, Corporate Phoebe enters. She’s wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase.)

    Phoebe: (entering) Hey!

    Monica: Hey Phoebe! Guess what?

    Phoebe: What?

    Monica: Joey just hired Chandler to be his assistant!

    Phoebe: Ohh that’s so sweet! (Her cell phone rings.) Oh! Hang on! (Quickly grabs a cigarette and starts to light it as her phone rings.) Hang onnnnnn!!! (Gets the cigarette lighted and answers the phone.) (On phone.) Go!! No! No-no! I said sell when it hits 50! 5-0, it’s a number! It comes after 4-9!! No, it’s okay. It’s okay, you’re allowed one mistake. Just kidding, you are of course fired.

    (She hangs up as Ross and Rachel enter.)

    Ross: Hey Mon!

    Monica: Hey!

    Ross: Mon, look who I ran into! (Gestures towards Rachel.)

    Monica: (gets up and gasps) Oh my God! Rachel!! (Rachel is stunned to see that her long lost friend is still fat.) (Monica goes over and gives Rachel a big bear hug, which is quite easy for her.) You look terrific!

    Rachel: Ohh, so do you! Did you lose weight? (She’s not quite sure of that one.)

    Monica: You are so sweet to notice! Yes, I lost three and a half pounds!

    Ross: And, and uh, you-you remember my friend Chandler. (Points to him.)

    Chandler: Hey.

    Rachel: Oh yeah.

    Ross: And that’s Phoebe over there! (Points to her.)

    Phoebe: Hi!

    Monica: Oh my God, sit down! Sit down! How long as it been since we’ve seen each other?

    Ross: (answering it) 1987, the day after Christmas, at Sean McMahon’s party. I played you one of my songs, y’know Interplanetary Courtship Ritual.

    Rachel: Oh yeah. Right. So now, are—do you, do you still do music?

    Ross: Sometimes, you should come over (Joey returns from the bathroom) sometime! I’ll play you one of my other…

    Rachel: (interrupting him and seeing Joey) Oh my God! Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives, just walked in here!

    Monica: Rach, he’s a friend of ours.

    Rachel: (stunned) You are friends with Dr. Drake Remoray?

    Chandler: Well it’s kinda hard to be friends with Drake because of his busy schedule and the fact that he’s not real.

    Ross: (To Rachel) Hey-hey, or I could bring my keyboard over here sometime!

    Rachel: He’s coming over! He’s coming over!

    Monica: (getting up) Joey!

    Joey: (holding a plate of what looks like Rice Crispies Treats) I know, here-here!! (Hands her the plate.)

    Monica: Ohhh! (Takes the plate.) No! This is my friend Rachel, we went to High School together.

    Rachel: (giggles and can’t look at him) Hi!

    Joey: (shaking Rachel’s hand) Hi!

    Rachel: (still not quite able to look at him) Hi! I love you on that show! I watch you everyday! I mean, when you took out your own kidney to save your ex-wife even though she tired to kill you…

    Joey: Well, it’s always nice to meet the fans.

    Rachel: Ah!

    Joey: (turning and whispering to Monica) She’s not crazy is she?

    Monica: No.

    Joey: (To Rachel) So uh, how you doin’?

    [Scene: Monica and Phoebe's, Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe are there. Phoebe’s cell phone rings and she goes through her little routine of lighting a cigarette before answering the phone.]

    Phoebe: Hang on! Hang on! Hang on! (Answering the phone.) Go!! Who’s this? (Listens) Oh okay, you’re gonna like working for me. What’s your name? (Listens) What kind of name is Brendy? I… Whatever… Stop talking! All right, from now on your name is Joan. You can pick your own last name.

    Joey: (entering) Hey there you are!

    Chandler: Uh-oh, it’s my boss!

    Joey: All right, here’s a list of things for you to do today. Man, this going to be so great! Thank you so much! All right, I got to go to work I’m delivering twins today, but only one of them is mine! (Exits.)

    Chandler: (reading the list) Drop off my dry cleaning. Pick up my vitamins. Teach me how to spell vitamins. Wear in my new jeans.

    Monica: (laughs) You realize what you are don’t you?

    Chandler: What?

    Monica: You’re his bitch.

    Phoebe: (yelling from Monica’s room) No-no!! No!!

    Monica: (panicked) Oh wait! You didn’t just sit on my Kit-Kats did you?!!

    Phoebe: No! There-there was a little, a little diff in the market and I lost 13 million dollars.

    Chandler: But the Kit-Kats are all right?!

    Phoebe: What am I gonna do?! What am I gonna do?! I can’t call my office they’ll kill me! I can’t call my clients they’ll kill themselves! Great, now my chest hearts.

    Monica: What?!

    Phoebe: (louder) My chest hurts! Oh, and now I-I can’t breathe.

    Chandler: Phoebe, are you having a heart attack?!

    Phoebe: Oh, if I were, would-would I have shooting pains up and down my left arm?

    Monica: Yes!!

    Phoebe: Then yes that is what I’m having. (Takes another puff of the cigarette.)

    Monica: Oh my God!

    Commercial Break

    [Scene: A hospital, Phoebe is recovering from her heart attack as Ross, Monica, and Chandler are there to comfort and support her.]

    Ross: Come on Pheebs, it’s not that bad! Y’know most people would be excited if they didn’t have to work for a couple of weeks.

    Phoebe: Most people don’t like their jobs, I love my job! I have not been working for three hours and I’m already going crazy. I miss Joan.

    Monica: Honey, having a heart attack is nature’s way of telling you to slow it down.

    Chandler: I always thought having a heart attack was nature’s way of telling you to die! (Phoebe glares at him.) But you’re not gonna die. I mean, you are going to die, but you’re not gonna die today. I wish I was dead.

    Monica: Let’s take a walk. (They start to leave.) Y’know maybe you should consider writing for Talking Out of Your Ass magazine! (They exit.)

    Phoebe: (To Ross) So what’s going on with you?

    Ross: Well umm, I’ve been doing a lot more of my kara-tay.

    Phoebe: Still going through that dry spell with Carol?

    Ross: Yeah.

    Phoebe: How long has it been since you had sex?

    Ross: Well, last weekend…

    Phoebe: Oh that’s not so bad.

    Ross: …will be two months…

    Phoebe: That is.

    Ross: …since I stopped trying.

    Phoebe: Maybe you need to spice things up a little.

    Ross: What-what do you mean?

    Phoebe: I don’t know. You could tie her up, she could tie you up; you could eat stuff off each other…

    Ross: Oh.

    Phoebe: Y’know, dirty talk, ménage à trois, toys…

    Ross: Wow!

    Phoebe: Roll playing… You could be the warden; she could be the prisoner. You could be the pirate; she could be the wench!

    Ross: Okay, I think I got it.

    Phoebe: Yeah! Or too, you could be two stockbrokers and you’re-you’re-you’re rolling around naked on the trading floor and everybody’s watching! (Ross looks at her.) It never happened.

    [Scene: A hospital hallway, Chandler is sitting on a gurney with his hands spread out behind his back. Then Monica comes and plops down on the gurney and one of his hands. Chandler immediately recoils in extreme pain.]

    Monica: Sorry. So how’s it going with Joey?

    Chandler: Oh just great. He beeps me now with codes. One is, "Bring me food." Two is, "I’m with a girl, bring us food." Three is, "I’m lost and I can’t find food."

    Joey: (entering) Hey! Is uh, is she gonna be all right?

    Monica: Yeah! She’s right in there! (Points to Phoebe’s room.)

    Joey: Oh great. (Starts to go in.) (To Chandler) Hey! Go take off those pants, they look ready!

    [Scene: Silvercup Studios, Joey is showing Rachel around the set.]

    Joey: All right, and over there is Brady’s Pub where I like to unwind after a long day of surgeoning.

    Rachel: Wow! This is so amazing! What else? What else?

    Joey: Well, that is a large piece of television equipment. (Points at a large piece of television equipment as an old man walks by.) And uh that is an old man! Hey old man!

    Rachel: Hey!

    Joey: All righty, what do you say we head back to my place?

    Rachel: (laughs) Wow! Umm, y’know, I-I would really love to, but I-I shouldn’t.

    Joey: Why? (In Drake’s voice.) Why can’t the world stop turning, just for a moment? Just for us?

    Rachel: (awestruck, then not) Isn’t that a line from the show?!

    Joey: Uh, yeah but uh, (In Drake’s voice) I may have said those things before but, I never truly meant them. Until now.

    Rachel: That’s a line from the show too!

    Joey: Okay, you watch too much TV.

    Chandler: (approaching) Here you go Joe, here’s the freshly squeezed orange juice you asked for. (Hands it to him.)

    Joey: Thanks! (Looks at it.) Yeah, there’s pulp in that. (Hands it back.)

    Chandler: Yeah?

    Joey: I thought we talked about this. I don’t like pulp. No pulp. Pulp isn’t juice. All juice, okay?

    Chandler: I’m sorry, I guess I just like the pulp.

    Joey: Oh my God, I’m sorry, I’m being so rude. (Turns to Rachel.) Rachel, would like a soda or something? Because Chandler would run right out and get it.

    Rachel: Yeah sure, iced tea would be great.

    Joey: (To Chandler) Iced tea.

    Chandler: Okay, anything for you sir?

    Joey: (To Rachel) Did I not just tell him?

    Rachel: (mouthing it to him) Yes, you did.

    Joey: (To Chandler) Okay look, Chandler, if this (Motions back and forth indicating the arrangement.) you have got to listen! (Tugs on his ear.) (Chandler glares at him.) You’re gonna throw that juice at me, aren’t ya?

    Chandler: It’s not all juice! (Rachel quickly gets out of the way.)

    [Scene: Ross and Carol's, Ross is trying to talk to Carol about what Phoebe told him.]

    Ross: So honey, this morning was fun, huh? Me hopping in on you in the shower there.

    Carol: Yeah! And maybe someday we could get a place with two bathrooms.

    Ross: Look Carol umm, I was, I was thinking maybe uh, maybe we can spice things up a little.

    Carol: What do you mean?

    Ross: Carol our sex life is—it’s just not working…

    Ben: (entering) Dad!! (Runs and hugs him.)

    Ross: Hey there little fella! Hey, uh-hey, why don’t we get some shoes on ya, huh? Hey, why don’t you show dad how you can put your shoes on, in your room! Yay!!

    Ben: Yay! (Runs off.)

    Ross: Yay! (To Carol) Seriously, our sex life… I was thinking, maybe I don’t know, we could try some-some new things. Y’know? For fun?

    Carol: Like what?

    Ross: Well I don’t know umm, (Pause) what if we were too tie each other up? (Carol’s shocked and obviously doesn’t like that idea.) Umm, some people eat stuff off one another. (Carol doesn’t like that idea either.) Nah! Umm, y’know we-we could try dirty talk? (Carol still says no.) Umm, we could, we could have a threesome.

    Carol: (quickly) I love that idea!

    [Scene: Monica and Phoebe's, Monica is eating breakfast as Chandler enters.]

    Chandler: Who sold a story to Archie Comics?!

    Monica: Oh my God! That’s great! Oh wow! (Hugs him.) You’re a published writer! I wish I had a present for you!

    Chandler: Aww.

    Monica: Wait a minute! (Quickly checks her pockets and pulls out…) My last Kit-Kat bar!

    (Chandler tries to take it, but Monica won’t let go. He tugs harder, and she still doesn’t budge.)

    Chandler: You wanna share it?

    Monica: Okay!!

    Joey: (entering) Hey! Hey Chandler look, I know you’re mad, but I just want to say I’m sorry. I-I was a total jerk. Completely o-over the line. Uh, I just I hate pulp! Y’know? I mean, y’know how Monica feels about low fat mayonnaise?

    Monica: It’s not mayonnaise!!

    Joey: Yeah, o-o-o-o-okay anyway, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. Here. (Hands him a cup.)

    Chandler: What’s this?

    Joey: Fresh squeezed orange juice, with pulp! Just the way you like it.

    Chandler: Aww, thanks man. (They hug.)

    Monica: Hey Joey, Chandler sold a story to Archie Comics!

    Joey: Oh my God! That’s great! Congratulations! What’s the story?!

    Chandler: Oh you wouldn’t uh, care. It’s just a stupid comic book story.

    Joey: Are you kidding me?! I love Archie! And the whole gang!

    Chandler: Well uh, Archie needs money to fix his jalopy (Joey laughs), uh but he doesn’t want Reggie to just give him the money. So Reggie hires him as his assist—as his butler. And then makes him do all these crazy things like bring him milkshakes that can’t have lumps in them.

    Joey: Wait a minute. That sounds a little familiar! Did they already do that one? ‘Cause I think I read it!

    [Scene: Central Perk, Monica is there as Rachel enters.]

    Rachel: Oh Mon, listen I have to ask! Okay, Joey Tribbiani invited me back to his apartment, now does he do this with a lot of girls?

    Monica: Yeah, a lot. A lot, a lot!

    Rachel: Ohh! And I’m one of them!! Wow! Oh, I just cannot believe this! I mean, Joey Tribbiani!

    Monica: Well, y’know it’s none of my business, but aren’t you married?

    Rachel: Yeah. Oh I just wish we could not be married for a little bit! Y’know I just wish we could be like on a break!

    Monica: Well, you’re not.

    Rachel: Oh, it’s so easy for you I mean, you’re not married, you get to have sex with who ever you want!

    Monica: Yeah I can! (Laughs) And don’t think I don’t, because I do! I mean all the time, you betcha! (Laughs.)

    Rachel: Monica. You’ve, you’ve done it right?

    Monica: (giggles) Of course I have! What do you think, I’m some 30 year old virgin?

    Rachel: Oh my God! You’re a 30 year old virgin!

    Monica: Say it louder, I don’t think the guy all the way in the back heard you!

    Guy All the Way in the Back: Yeah, I heard it.

    Monica: It’s not like, I haven’t any opportunities. I mean, y’know, I’m just waiting for the perfect guy. I’m seeing this guy Roger, all right? He’s not perfect, but umm, I think maybe I should just get it over with. Y’know, give him my flower.

    Rachel: Oh my God!! Do it!! Honey, you’ve waited long enough!!

    Monica: Y’know what? You are right?!

    Rachel: Yes!! I mean sex does not have to be a big deal! There shouldn’t be all this rules and restrictions! Y’know, people should be able to sleep with who ever they want, whenever…

    Monica: Rachel! I’m never gonna think it’s okay for you to cheat on your husband!

    Rachel: Oh what do you know? Virgin!

    [Scene: The hospital, Ross and Monica are in Phoebe’s room. Phoebe is in the bathroom and Monica notices smoke coming out from underneath the door.]

    Monica: Phoebe, why is smoke coming out of the bathroom?!

    Phoebe: Oh yeah, the doctor said that could be one of the side effects.

    Monica: Phoebe! Put that cigarette out!

    Phoebe: No! It’s not a cigarette! The smoke is coming out of me!

    Monica: Put it out!!

    Phoebe: Okay! Okay! (Puts it out and comes out of the bathroom.) I’m so glad you’re here.

    Ross: Come on. (Helps her into bed as her phone rings.) I got it.

    Phoebe: Oh, give it to me.

    Ross: I got it!

    Phoebe: Give it!

    (He does a kara-tay move to silence her, then answers the phone.)

    Ross: (on the phone) Hello? (Listens.) No she can’t come to the phone right now. (Listens.) Oh, right no problem. Okay, bye-bye. (Hangs up.)

    Phoebe: Was it my work? Were they mad? Was it Jack? Did he yell?!

    Ross: J-j-just relax, nobody yelled. Jack just was calling to make sure that you were getting better.

    Phoebe: Thank God.

    Ross: (To Monica) Yeah, she’s fired.

    [Scene: Rachel and Barry’s bedroom, Rachel is watching Days of Our Lives. Of course it’s a Dr. Drake Remoray scene. It’s set in a hospital room, and Dr. Wesley and a nurse are talking about a female patient with a bandage around her head.]

    Nurse: You’ve done all you can Dr. Wesley. You have got to let her go.

    Dr. Wesley: Good-bye and God speed, Hope Brady.

    (He goes to turn off a machine. Suddenly, Dr. Drake Remoray appears at the door with two cops!)

    Dr. Drake Remoray: Not so fast Wesley! (Rachel does a silent clap.)

    Dr. Wesley: (with evil dripping off his tongue) Remoray!

    Dr. Drake Remoray: That’s right Wesley! I just stopped by to say that, you’re not a real doctor! And that woman’s brain, is fine!

    Rachel: (very relived) Oh! Thank God!

    [Cut back to the TV, the cops are leading Dr. Wesley out, and as they pass Remoray and Wesley exchange evil glances.]

    Dr. Drake Remoray: Hope! Hope!

    Hope: (sleepily) Drake!

    Dr. Drake Remoray: You’re not dying Hope, you’re gonna live a long, healthy life. With me.

    Hope: Oh Drake.

    [Drake and Hope kiss.]

    Rachel: Okay! (She picks up the phone, Joey’s phone number, and starts to dial.) Here we go! Okay! (On phone.) Hi, Joey! It’s Rachel! Umm, I am free tomorrow night. Yeah, sure, sure I can bring some sandwiches.

    Commercial Break

    {Transcriber’s Note: This is where Part II begins, which means this is now episode 616.}

    [Scene: Ross and Carol's, Carol is working on something at the table and Ross is reading a newspaper on the couch.]

    Ross: So honey this uh, this threesome thing umm, I mean how-how are you gonna start to find…

    Carol: Ooh, actually I’ve been making a list of all the women I know who might be into doing this!

    Ross: Oh. (He takes the notepad she was using and looks at it.) Wow! (Flips to another page.) Huh. (Flips another page.) Boy! (Flips another page.) Well, someone’s been doing their homework. (Flips two more pages.)

    Carol: Yeah. Ooh, and I know Gail Rosten is in there twice, but she is so…

    Ross: Oh, I know. (Laughs) Y’know, just-just talking about it is getting me kinda…

    Carol: Oh, me too.

    Ross: Yeah? Well, I-I think Ben’s asleep.

    Carol: Oh umm, y’know I think it would be better if we just save it.

    Ross: Yeah. Right. Save it. I can do that. (Gets up and does a little kara-tay.)

    [Scene: The hospital, Chandler and Monica are there with Phoebe as Ross enters.]

    Ross: Hey, Pheebs!

    Phoebe: Hey.

    Ross: Hey, how’s it going?

    Phoebe: Well, I’ve got to get out of this bed, I’m going crazy here. Crazy!

    Monica: (handing her a cup) Here you go sweetie.

    Phoebe: What the hell is this, herbal tea? I hate herbal tea!

    Monica: But, I put some honey in it.

    (Phoebe mocks what Monica just said. Ross pulls Chandler aside.)

    Ross: She doesn’t know she was fired yet, does she?

    Chandler: No, the doctors say it may kill her.

    Phoebe: What are you two girls whispering about over there?!

    Chandler: (To Ross) But I think we should tell her.

    Ross: Hey Pheebs, maybe this whole heart attack thing is a sign, that-that you should start think about getting a different job.

    Phoebe: Okay, what is this? A stupid contest? Because we got a winner here! (Points at Ross.)

    Chandler: Listen Phoebe, he’s right. People are not supposed to have heart attacks at 31.

    Phoebe: I know! But if I didn’t work there, what else would I do?

    Monica: Well, you used to like playing the guitar.

    Phoebe: Yeah that was lucrative! Smart like your brother!

    Chandler: Uh, what about y’know the massage thing? That never gave you a heart attack.

    Phoebe: Hmm, pulling in a salary in the high six figures or rubbing gross naked people for chump change—ooh, what do I do?! What will I do?!

    [Scene: Joey's apartment, (The one he had when he was Dr. Drake Remoray, because he still is.) Rachel is there and admiring the big ceramic fake dog.]

    Rachel: Ohh, I mean it’s just so realistic!

    Joey: I know. (Joey is sitting in this tall chair that is made up of balls on polls. You’ll have to see it to know what I mean.) Yeah, his name is Pat.

    Rachel: Pat the dog. Oh! Oh! I get it!! (Laughs and finishes her drink.)

    Joey: (climbing down from his chair) Do you uh, do you—ready for a refill?

    Rachel: Oh, I probably shouldn’t—so I will! (Joey starts making her refill and Rachel notices that rain thing Joey has.) Oh! Wow! It’s like it’s raining!

    Joey: Pretty cool, huh? But if you’re thinking you can put a fish in there and it wouldn’t get sucked up into the mechanism, well you’d be wrong.

    Rachel: Umm, can I use your bathroom?

    Joey: It’s uh, right through there. (Points.)

    Rachel: Okay. (Starts to go.) God y’know, if someone told me a week ago that I would be peeing in Joey Tribbiani’s apartment…

    Joey: Yeah, life’s pretty great isn’t it?

    Rachel: Yeah, it sure is!

    [Scene: Monica and Phoebe's, Monica is pouring wine for her boyfriend, Dr. Roger.]

    Monica: I hope you’re hungry, we’re starting with oysters. And y’know what they say about oysters, don’t you?

    Dr. Roger: They have parasites?

    Monica: No! Umm well, some people say that Oysters are an aphrodisiac.

    Dr. Roger: What people?

    Monica: People! People say it! Come here! (She grabs him and kisses him.)

    Dr. Roger: So oysters, huh?

    Monica: And then we’re gonna have a little Middle Eastern cous-cous. Something we can eat, with our hands.

    Dr. Roger: Y’know, it’s funny, but when we were studying communicable diseases…

    Monica: No-no-no, no! It’s sensual!

    Dr. Roger: Ohh! Didn’t know! Okay!

    Monica: Okay! (They kiss again and his beeper goes off.) Ohhh no!

    Dr. Roger: I’m sorry sweetie, it’s the hospital. The food looks great, maybe save me some?

    Monica: I can’t promise anything. (She starts to dig in.)

    [Scene: Ross and Carol's, Ross and Carol are waiting anxiously for their new partner to arrive.]

    Ross: We’re really gonna do this, huh?

    Carol: Looks like it.

    Ross: Y’know, if, if this is too weird for you, we can still back out at… (A knock on the door interrupts him.)

    Carol: (jumping up to get it) I got it!

    Ross: Okay.

    Carol: (opening the door) Susan! Hi! (Who’d you think it was gonna be?)

    Susan: Hey! (They hug.)

    Carol: Thank you so much for coming.

    Susan: Oh, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

    (They start moving towards the bedroom, never taking their eyes off each other. They move past Ross and stop.)

    Ross: I’m-I’m Ross by the way.

    Susan: (not taking her eyes off Carol) Hello Ross. (Takes off her coat and hands it to him.) I love what you’ve done with this space.

    Carol: Thank you so much.

    (They disappear into the bedroom leaving Ross standing in the living room holding Susan’s coat.)

    Ross: How hot is this?!

    [Scene: Monica and Phoebe's, Chandler and Monica are eating Monica’s dinner.]

    Chandler: I’m sorry you’re here with me instead of Roger.

    Monica: Yeah, me too.

    Chandler: Well, I could make it seem like he’s here. (Imitates him.) "Here’s some little known facts about cous-cous. They didn’t add the second cous until 1979." (Mumbles something further.)

    Monica: Stop it!! That’s not funny!!

    Chandler: Okay.

    Monica: I’m sorry, okay? It just—tonight was supposed to be y’know, it was supposed to be a big deal.

    Chandler: What was tonight?

    Monica: You don’t want to know what tonight was.

    Chandler: Okay. (Pause.) What was tonight?

    Monica: Well, tonight was—was going to be my first time.

    Chandler: With Roger? (Monica shyly looks away.) Not just with Roger?! (Monica shrugs.) Oh my God!

    Monica: All right relax Mr. I’ve Had Sex Four Times!

    Chandler: Four different women! I’ve had sex way more times!

    Monica: How many?

    Chandler: Nine.

    Monica: I was just waiting for the perfect guy.

    Chandler: Well good, good for you. You really think that Roger is the perfect guy?

    Monica: No. He’s not a horrible guy.

    Chandler: Hey that’s what I tell girls about me.

    Monica: Chandler, I’m gonna die a virgin!

    Chandler: No you are not! You are sweet and wonderful and this is gonna happen for you.

    Monica: Oh really? When? Do you wanna do it with me?

    Chandler: Okay. (They both realize what he just said.)

    Monica: I was kidding.

    Chandler: So was I.

    [Scene: Joey's apartment, Rachel is now three sheets to the wind and Joey is watching her.]

    Rachel: Joey, you’re such an amazing actor! (He smiles.) How do you know where Dr. Drake Remoray leaves off and Joey Tribbiani begins?

    Joey: Well, with Dr. Drake they always tell me what to say. And with Joey, I pretty much have to make it up on my own.

    Rachel: Wow! Tell me something Joey—(She falls off the couch)—Whoa! I just fell right off the couch there.

    Joey: Yeah you did.

    Rachel: Okay. (She climbs back onto the couch.)

    Joey: Here you go. Let me ask you a question.

    Rachel: Yeah?

    Joey: When was the last time someone told you just how beautiful you are?

    Rachel: Wow! I can’t, I can’t feel my hands.

    Joey: Come, come here.

    (He takes her hands in his and kisses each one, then kisses her on the lips. When the break the kiss, Rachel starts to get nauseous and throw up. Joey backs away in horror.)

    [Scene: Monica and Phoebe's, continued from earlier. Monica and Chandler are still discussing the previous question.]

    Chandler: We can’t do this.

    Monica: No! (They both laugh.) Oyster?

    Chandler: Yeah! (Takes it.) If-if-if we did do this there would be a lot of pressure on me, y’know? Because you’ve been waiting a very long time and I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.

    Monica: Yeah but see I have nothing to compare it too. So even if you’re horrible, how would I know?

    Chandler: I do like that.

    Monica: It’s harder for me! I have those four other women to compete with!

    Chandler: Well, if it helps there were only three. So it would just be for tonight, right?

    Monica: Absolutely! It would just be one friend (Points at Chandler) helping out another friend. (Points at herself.)

    Chandler: Stop it! We’re doing this! Let’s do it!

    Monica: Noo!! Okay!!

    Chandler: Okay! (They both get up.)

    Monica: Umm, do you have any uhh, moves?

    Chandler: I have some moves.

    Monica: I have no moves. (He moves in to kiss her and she laughs and backs away.) Okay, whatcha doin’ there?! (Giggles.) Oh y’know what? I’m sorry, this is just too weird.

    Chandler: Yeah, let’s just forget it.

    Monica: What if I turn out the lights? (Runs to shut them off.)

    Chandler: Okay!

    (She turns out the lights and in the darkened room Chandler starts to moan.)

    Chandler: Oh yeah.

    Monica: Chandler?

    Chandler: (sexily) Yeah?

    Monica: That’s the couch.

    Commercial Break

    [Scene: Monica’s bedroom, she has just lost her flower to Chandler.]

    Chandler: Oh my God!

    Monica: I know! I’ll tell you something, we are gonna do that again!

    Chandler: Oh, okay! (He rolls over to do that again.)

    [Scene: Joey's apartment, the next morning, Rachel is passed out on the couch.]

    Joey: (entering) Morning!

    Rachel: (wakes up suddenly and realizes where she is) Oh right.

    Joey: Yeah.

    Rachel: (groans) Oh God. Oh I can’t believe Joey Tribbiani heard me throw up!

    Joey: Well he actually saw you a little bit too.

    Rachel: Noo! Oh God we did—we didn’t, we didn’t uhh…

    Joey: No! No! No, not after seeing that.

    Rachel: God I’m just a horrible person.

    Joey: Wh-why?

    Rachel: Because I’m married. That’s right, I am a married woman! And I came to a TV star’s apartment to have an affair! Uck!

    Joey: That’s ridiculous! I’m not a "Star," just a regular famous actor.

    Rachel: Yeah and I’m a horrible, horrible person.

    Joey: Rachel, would you stop saying that?! Hey-hey look, remember on the show when-when Caprice was dying and she gave me…

    Rachel: The ring from the cave, yeah.

    Joey: Wow! Uh okay, well uh… (He gets up, opens a drawer, and pulls out the ring.)

    Rachel: (seeing the ring and gasping) Oh my God, they let you keep that stuff?!

    Joey: Sure! As long as they don’t find out you can keep whatever you want! And I want you to have it.

    Rachel: No! No-no-no…

    Joey: Yes! Yes!! And every time you look at it, I want you to remember that you are a good person. Okay, you’ve had the chance to cheat, and with me, but you didn’t. And that’s what this ring stands for.

    Rachel: But I thought that ring stood for Caprice’s undying love for her brother.

    Joey: Look, do you want the ring or not?!

    Rachel: Yeah!

    [Scene: Phoebe’s hospital room, Joey and Ross enter as Phoebe comes out of the bathroom wearing her robe.]

    Ross: Hey!

    Joey: Hey!

    Ross: Look at you! You’re up!

    Joey: All right!

    Phoebe: I thought I’d try to take a walk. Would you pour me some water? I’ll be back soon.

    Joey: Whoa-whoa-whoa! You’re not gonna use the pay phone to call work, are ya?

    Phoebe: No. I’ve learned my lesson.

    (She goes out into the hall and when she’s there and the door is closed; she rips off her robe to reveal her work clothes.)

    Phoebe: Let’s go! Come on! Move it! (Grabs her coat.) Come on! (To an old man who’s holding her shoes and briefcase.) Shoes! Briefcase! (Takes them both.) Thanks Lou, good luck with the gall bladder. (She leaves.)

    [Cut back to her room, Joey and Ross are sitting there waiting for her.]

    Ross: Hey Joe did… Did you ever have a threesome?

    Joey: (not quite sure of how to answer that) Well uh, look Ross I uh, I think Carol’s great and I’m sure you’re a very attractive man, but I….

    Ross: No! The reason I’m asking is that… I sorta had one last night.

    Joey: You?

    Ross: Yeah!

    Joey: Wow!

    Ross: Yeah!

    Joey: All right! So, was it amazing?

    Ross: It was, it was okay.

    Joey: Just okay—Did you do it right?!

    Ross: Look, it’s just did, did you ever go to a party and think, "Would really anyone miss me if I weren’t here?"

    Joey: Huh. But still Ross, you’re worst day with two women, pretty much better than any other day! Y’know what I mean?

    Ross: Oh-oh, absolutely!

    (They both laugh.)

    Ross: It’s just, my part seemed to be over pretty quickly and then, and then there was a lot of waiting around.

    Joey: But you got to be with both of them, right?

    Ross: Not-not really. Th-th-there was just Carol.

    Joey: Not the other one?

    Ross: No, she kept kicking me away!

    Joey: Yeah, you don’t want that.

    Ross: No!

    Joey: Well hey, at least you got to see a lot of stuff, right?

    Ross: Oh I a lot of stuff!

    Joey: You got a little bored?

    Ross: A little. Yeah. I made a snack.

    Joey: Yeah? What did ya have?

    Ross: Just a sandwich. Turkey, a little mustard…

    Joey: Sounds good.

    Ross: It really was!

    [Scene: Monica and Phoebe's, Monica is making a sandwich as Chandler enters.]

    Chandler: Hey!

    Monica: Hey!

    Chandler: Let me tell you about this chick I scored with last night! Oh no wait a minute that was you!

    Monica: Hey, check me out, I’m a slut!

    Chandler: So you uh, want to do something tonight?

    Monica: Oh I can’t. Dr. Roger is coming over again.

    Chandler: Oh. Oh right! Right! Because you’re still seeing him and uh, he’s a good guy. I mean, I remember a time when… (He fakes falling asleep.)

    Monica: Are you okay?

    Chandler: Yeah! Totally! Totally, and you?

    Monica: Great! It’s so amazing! I mean, last time Dr. Roger came over, I was so nervous, but then after being with you I’m all like, "Can the doctor see me now?"

    Chandler: I bet he can.

    Monica: Y’know, I don’t have an appointment, but I sure could use a physical. (He laughs halfheartedly) Are you sure you’re okay?

    Chandler: Oh yeah! Yeah! Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine! (Does a kara-tay move.)

    [Scene: Rachel and Barry’s bedroom, Rachel is returning from her disastrous attempt at an affair to find that Barry was much, much more successful with his.]

    Rachel: Ohh! My God! Barry!!

    Barry: You-you-you said you were gonna be away all weekend!

    Rachel: Oh that’s right! I’m sorry! I-I am early! Finish! Please!!

    [Scene: Phoebe’s office, she is arriving without the knowledge that she’s been fired.]

    Phoebe: Surprise! Look who’s back!

    Arthur: Hey Pheebs!

    Phoebe: Hey!

    Arthur: (To another coworker) Call security. (To Phoebe) Pheebs, didn’t you get fired?

    Phoebe: Uh, I don’t think so!

    Jack: Phoebe?

    Phoebe: Jack!! Hey!

    Jack: What are you doing here?

    Phoebe: All better! Back to work! Except this clown from research told me I was fired. He should do his research, huh?

    Jack: Well, you were fired.

    Phoebe: Nu-uh!

    Jack: I told that guy who answered your phone.

    Phoebe: Oh, okay I didn’t get that message. So this doesn’t count—Anyway, I’ll be in my office.

    Jack: Uh, Phoebe you-you don’t have an office.

    Phoebe: That’s all right, I’ll work here. This is goo, next to this plant. (She picks a place in the lobby next to a plant.)

    Jack: (approaches her) Phoebe, listen…

    Phoebe: You’re in my office! Look, I have made a lot of cash for this company! Okay? I am talking big bucks! Pesos! Yen! Rubles! You make one little mistake…

    Jack: You lost 13 million dollars.

    Phoebe: Oh, so this is all about money! Y’know it’s bad enough that—Ow! Oh, you have got to be kidding!

    Jack: Are you all right?

    Phoebe: I’m having another heart attack!

    Jack: What?!

    Phoebe: I’m having another heart attack!! Call 9-1-1!!

    Jack: Take it easy. (Sits her down.)

    Phoebe: (to Arthur, he’s the guy calling 9-1-1) Dumbass!

    Woman: Hey Pheebs! How’s it going?!

    Phoebe: Well, they fired me and I’m having heart attack.

    Woman: Wow! Well, welcome back!

    Phoebe: Yeah.

    [Scene: Central Perk, Ross is there as Rachel storms in.]

    Rachel: Hi Ross!

    Ross: Hey Rachel.

    Rachel: Is Joey Tribbiani here?

    Ross: Umm, no.

    Rachel: Well, if you see him, will you please tell him that I’m looking for him and that this I am not gonna throw up!

    Ross: That-that’s always good news. Are you okay?

    Rachel: Me? I’m great! I’m fine! I’m sooo good!! But, you know who’s not great?! Men! You’re a man right Ross?!

    Ross: Yeah.

    Rachel: Sit down!

    Ross: Okay. (He does so.)

    Rachel: Let me uh, let me ask you something, do wedding vows mean squat to you people?! And why is it that the second we tell you we’re going out of town, bamn there you are in bed with the neighbor’s dog walker?!

    Ross: We’re sorry.

    Rachel: No seriously! Seriously! What has happened to the sanctity of marriage?

    Ross: Didn’t you spend last night at Joey’s?

    Rachel: Aw what are you?! A detective?

    Ross: Look I-I don’t know what’s going on with you and your husband and what is hopefully an adult dog walker, look can I just say not all men are like that.

    Rachel: Oh. (Doesn’t believe it.)

    Ross: Hey! There are some men who will do whatever it takes to make their marriage work! Okay? There are some men who will stand by and-and watch as their wives engage in-in what only can be described as a twosome with some-some woman she barely knows from the gym!

    Rachel: Who are these men?

    Ross: Men. I guy I know.

    Rachel: Well, you might want to tell him it sounds like his wife is (whispers) gay.

    Ross: She is not… (Realizes) She’s gay. Oh my God. She is so gay! I can’t believe this.

    Rachel: Good day for married people huh?

    Ross: I’m sorry your husband cheated on you.

    Rachel: I’m sorry your wife is gay. I guess women aren’t that great either.

    Ross: Try telling my wife that.

    [Scene: Monica and Phoebe's, Monica is blowing out a candle as Chandler enters.]

    Chandler: (sticking his head in the door) Okay to come in?

    Monica: Yeah, come on, eat, whatever you want. Dr. Roger got beeped again.

    Chandler: Yeah I know, guess who beeped him?

    Monica: What?!

    Chandler: I’m the ruptured spleen. (Laughs.)

    Monica: Why would you do that?

    Chandler: Because you shouldn’t be with him. (Pause.) You should be with me.

    Monica: Really?

    Chandler: Yeah! When you were talking about Roger, that was killing me! Look, things like last night they don’t just happen. Y’know? Or at least not to me. Or with the other two women, in the morning y’know I was just lying there and I couldn’t wait to just go hang out with my friends, but with you I always y’know with a friend.

    Monica: Chandler!

    Chandler: I know you probably don’t want to go out with me, y’know because I make too many jokes and I’ve never been in a serious relationship and I guess I’m not technically a "doctor…"

    (Monica runs over and kisses him.)

    Monica: There was just one woman, wasn’t there?

    Chandler: No, there were two.

    Monica: Including me?

    Chandler: Oh yeah.

    Ending Credits

    [Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is singing a new song as the gang looks on.]

    Phoebe: (singing)

    It only takes two heart attacks to finally make you see…
    One of them won’t do it, but the second one will set you free…
    Tell all your hate and anger, it’s time to say good-bye…
    And that is just what I will do, soon as those bastards I work for die!
    La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la……


      上一篇:老友记第六季The One Where Chandler Can Cry 下一篇:老友记第六季The One That Could Have Been


