教程:李阳疯狂英语口语速成之方法速成  浏览:16006  
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    W:Good morning.I'm here to see Mr. Addison.;早上好.我来拜访安德森 先生.
    M:Mr.Addison went to Washington last Monday for a conference;安德森先生上周一去参加 一个会议,
    and he will be back on Thursday night.;周四晚上才回来.
    If you like,you may come again on Friday morning.;如果你愿意的话,周五上 午再来吧.
    Q:When will Mr. Addison return? A)On Thursday night.;安德森先生何时回来? 周四晚上.
    第八焦点 口语突破考试;
    1.In the past twenty years there have been great changes in our hometown.;在过去的20年中,我们 的家乡发生了翻天覆地 地变化。
    A:In the past twenty years there have been great changes in our hometown.;在过去的20年中,我们 的家乡发生了翻天覆地 地变化。
    B1:I know.The progress here is amazing. I could hardly recognize it.;我知道。这儿的进步真 是惊人,我几乎都认 不出来了。
    B2:That's great.I'd like to know more!;太好了。我想知道更多 的情况。
    2.A:I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Stone.;我想周六请你吃饭。
    B:I'm very sorry,but I have other plans. Maybe next time.;对不起,我还有其它的 计划。也许下次吧。
    3.He's watching TV? He's supposed to be cleaning his room.;居然他在看电视? 他理应在清扫房间。
    A:He's watching TV? He's supposed to be cleaning his room.;居然他在看电视? 他理应在清扫房间。
    B:Give him a break. He's a good kid.;别为难他了。 他是个好孩子。
    4.You were late again this morning.;今天早上你又迟到了。
    I think you had better [start being] on time.;我想你最好开始守时,
    Otherwise,you're out of here.You're fired.;否则,你就离开这里。
    A:You were late again this morning.;今天早晨你又迟到了。
    I think you had better [start being] on time.;我想你最好开始守时,
    Otherwise,you're out of here.You're fired.;否则,你就离开这里。
    B:I'm sorry.Let me explain.;对不起,让我解释一下。
    第九焦点 学一句算一句, 说一句顶十句!;
    1.You'll never know what you can do till you try.;除非你尝试,否则你永远 不知道自己能做什么。
    A:You'll never know what you can do till you try.;除非你尝试,否则你永远 不知道自己能做什么。
    B:Thanks for your encouragement.;谢谢你的鼓励。
    2.I think you're making a lot of progress.;我看你进步很快。
    A:I think you're making a lot of progress.;我看你进步很快。
    B:Really?I've been working extra hard lately.;真的吗?最近我特别用功
    3.How long have you been studying English?;你学习英语多长时间了?
    A:How long have you been studying English?;你学习英语多长时间了?
    B:I just started studying Crazy English seriously this year.;我只是从今年开始认真 学习“疯狂英语”。
    4.I'm afraid I won't be able to come.;我恐怕不能来。
    A:I'm afraid I won't be able to come. B:That's too bad. Maybe next time!;我恐怕不能来。 太遗憾了。也许下次吧。
    5.I see your point, but I still can't agree with you.;我明白你的意思,但我 仍然不能同意你。
    A:I see your point, but I still can't agree with you.;我明白你的意思,但我 仍然不能同意你。
    B:I'm sorry you feel that way.;我很抱歉你这么想,
    I thought we saw eye to eye on this matter.;我还以为我们俩 见解相同呢。
    第十焦点 一年的零碎时间 足以攻克英语!;
    1.Don't take it seriously.;不要那么当真。
    A1:I lost my job and lost my girlfriend. A2:My boss really yelled at me today.;我丢掉了工作和女友。 今天我的老板冲着我 大喊大叫。
    B:Don't take it seriously.;不要那么当真。
    2.It doesn't make any difference.;那没有关系。 无所谓。都一样。
    A:Where do you want to have dinner tonight?;今晚你想去哪里吃饭?
    B:It doesn't make any difference.;都一样。
    3.That's the best news I've heard for a long time.;这是我很久以来听到的 最好的消息。
    A:I've got a promotion and a big raise.;我获得升职和大幅度 加薪。
    B:That's the best news I've heard for a long time.;这是我很久以来听到的 最好的消息。
    4.Great minds think alike.;英雄所见略同。 不谋而合。
    A:I'm going to take a Crazy English course.;我要参加一个疯狂英语 的课程。
    B:Great minds think alike.;不谋而合。我们都很聪明
    5.The way you look at it seems to be so different from the way I look at it.;你的看法和我的似乎很 不一样。
    A:The way you look at it seems to be so different from the way I look at it.;你的看法和我的似乎很 不一样。
    B:That's because we're from different cultures.;那是因为我们来自 不同的文化。
    A:Thanks B:Sure.;谢谢。 没问题。
    2.I really appreciate it.;我很感谢。
    A:I really appreciate it. B:Don't mention it.;我很感谢。 别客气。
    3.You're one in a million.;你真是大好人。
    A:You're one in a million. B:I'm flattered.;你真是大好人。 你过奖了。
    4.You're the greatest.;你最棒了。
    A:You're the greatest.;你最棒了。
    B:You're embarrassing me!;你真让我不好意思。
    5.You saved my life.;你救了我一命。
    A:You saved my life. B:Forget it.You'd do the same for me.;你救了我一命。 别提了,你也曾经 救过我。
    6.Thanks to you,we made it on time.;多亏了你,我们才能 准时完成。
    A:Thanks to you,we made it on time.;多亏了你,我们才能 准时完成。
    B:It was the least I could do.;这是我应该做的。
    7.I couldn't have done it without you.;若是没有你,我不 可能做到。
    A:I couldn't have done it without you. B:You're too modest.;若是没有你,我不 可能做到。 你太谦虚了。
    8.I'm so grateful for your help.;我非常感激你的帮助。
    A:I'm so grateful for your help.;我非常感激你的帮助。
    B:I'm glad I could help.;能帮上忙我很高兴。
    9.Your help was greatly appreciated.;你的帮助备受感谢。
    A:Your help was greatly appreciated.;你的帮助备受感谢。
    B:It was really my pleasure.;这全是我的荣幸。
    10:I'd like to express my gratitude.;我要表达我的谢忱。
    A:I'd like to express my gratitude.;我要表达我的谢忱。
    B:There's no need.;没这个必要。
    第三部分 熟能生巧;
    Start your day: Practice English whenever you can!;开始你的一天: 无论何时能练习英语就 练.
    Practice English in your dreams.;在梦里练英语.
    Practice English when you wake up in the morning.;早晨醒来练英语.
    Practice English When you wash your face!;洗脸时练英语.
    Practice English When you brush your teeth!;刷牙时练英语.
    Practice English when you comb your hair!;梳头时练英语.
    Practice English when you put on your clothes!;穿衣服时练英语.
    On the way: Practice English on the bus.;在路上: 在公共汽车上练英语.
    Practice English in the car. Practice English on your way to work!;在汽车里练英语. 在你上班路上练英语.
    Practice English on your way to school.;在你上学路上练英语.
    On the way: Practice English on the bus.;在路上: 在公共汽车上练英语.
    Practice English in the car. Practice English on your way to work!;在汽车里练英语. 在你上班路上练英语.
    Practice English on your way to school. Practice English when you walk.;在你上学路上练英语. 走路时练英语.
    Practice English when you run.;跑步时练英语.
    Practice English even when you fall down.;甚至在跌倒时也练英语.
    Everywhere: Practice English when you go shopping;到处: 购物时练英语.
    Practice English in restaurants. Practice English in elevators.;在饭店里练英语. 在电梯里练英语.
    Practice English in Karaoke.;唱卡拉OK时练英语.
    Eating: Practice English before you eat to get hungry.;吃饭: 饭前练英语直到饿.
    Practice English after you eat to digest.;饭后练英语助消化.
    But don't practice English while you eat.;但吃饭时不要练英语.
    Bathroom: Practice English when you are in the bathroom!;浴室: 在浴室时练英语.
    Practice,yell,and even sing English when you're taking a shower.;洗澡时练习,喊叫,甚至 唱英语.
    In the evening: Practice English while you clean up your room.;晚上: 清理房间时练习英语.
    Practice English instead of watching TV.;不看电视而练英语.
    Practice English when you go to sleep at night.;夜里睡觉时练英语.
    Practice English anytime you can catch the chance.;一有机会就练英语.
    Practice English hard until you can speak English in your dreams.;努力练习英语直到你在 睡梦中也能说英语.
    Practice,practice, and practice,;练习,练习,练习.
    This is the only way to speak perfect English.;这是说一口漂亮英语的 唯一方法.
    第四部分 疯狂奋斗;
    第一节: Winners;胜利者
    Winners are people like you. Winners take chances;胜利者就是像你这样的 一群人。胜利者敢于冒险
    Like everyone else, they fear failing,but they refuse to let fear control them;跟别人一样,他们也害怕 失败,但他们不会臣服于 恐惧。
    Winners don't give up.;胜利者不会放弃!
    When life gets rough they hang in there until the going gets better.;当环境变得困难,他们会 咬牙坚持,一直到事情 出现转机。
    Winners are flexible;胜利者也会灵活处事。
    They realize there is more than one way and are willing to try others.;他们相信条条大路通罗马 不会在一棵树上吊死。
    Winners know they are not perfect.;胜利者知道他们并不完美
    They respect their weaknesses while making the most of their strengths.;他们正视自己的弱点, 并最大限度地发挥自己的 优点。
    Winners fall,but they don't stay down;胜利者也会摔倒,但他们 不会躺着不动。
    They stubbornly refuse to let a fall keep them from climbing.;摔倒根本不能阻止他们 继续攀登。
    Winners don't blame fate for their failures nor luck for their successes.;胜利者不会因为失败而 埋怨命运,也不会把 成功归功于运气。
    Winners accept responsibility for their lives.;胜利者承担生命的责任。
    Winners are positive thinkers who see good in all things.;胜利者乐观向上,能够 从世间杂事之中发现 真善美。
    From the ordinary, they make the extraordinary.;他们能够把平凡变为 非凡。
    Winners believe in the path they have chosen even when it's hard,;胜利者相信他们选择的 道路,尽管路途艰险,
    even when others can't see where they are going.;尽管别人认为他们 前路茫茫。
    Winners are patient. They know a goal is only as worthy;胜利者充满耐心, 他们知道
    as the effort that's required to achieve it.;付出越多,目标的价值 就越大。
    第二节: Never underestimate the power of a dream;永远不要低估梦想的 威力!
    Always Have A Dream;永不放弃梦想
    Forget about the days when it's been cloudy,;忘掉你的失意日子/ 忘记乌云密布的日子,
    but don't forget your hours in the sun.;但不要忘记黄金的时光/ 但不要忘记阳光灿烂的 时刻。
    Forget about the times you've been defeated,;忘掉你的一次次失败,
    but don't forget the victories you've won;但不要忘记你夺取的胜利
    Forget about the misfortunes you've encountered,;忘掉你遭遇的不幸,
    but don't forget the times your luck has turned.;但不要忘记你的 时来运转。
    Forget about the days when you've been lonely.;忘掉你的孤独的日子,
    but don't forget the friendly smiles you've seen.;但不要忘记你得到的 友善的微笑。
    Forget about the plans that didn't seem to work out right,;忘掉你没有得以顺利实施 的计划,
    but don't forget to always have a dream. Let's dream together You're not alone.;但不要放弃你的梦想。 让我们一起梦想。 你并不孤独!
    Let's win together. I'm always by your side.;让我们一起赢得人生! 我永远支持你。
    第三节: Life;生命
    The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow.;生命的历险在于学习。 生命的目标在于成长。
    The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome.;生命的本质在于改变。 生命的挑战在于克服。
    The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to serve.;生命的精华在于关怀。 生命的机遇在于服务。
    The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend.;生命的秘密在于勇气。 生命的多彩在于交友。
    The beauty of life is to give. The joy of life is to love.;生命的美丽在于付出。 生命的乐趣在于相爱。
    Do you agree,Jim? I agree one hundred percent.;吉姆,你同意吗? 我举双手赞成.
    The first Chinese idiom I learned was "一箭双雕",;我学的第一个中国成语 是"一箭双雕",
    in America we say 'to kill two birds with one stone'.;我们美国人这样说: '一石二鸟'.
    In this tape we've tried to do both--;这个带子里我们努力做 到两点--
    to help you improve your English while giving you some good advice;;给各位一些好的建议以 帮助各位提高英语;
    to help you in your journey through life.;在你的人生之路上提 供一点点帮助.
    Remember,practice makes perfect.;记住,熟能生巧.
    It doesn't matter how long you have studied English,;不在于你学了有多久,
    it matters how long you have practiced English.So,keep practicing!;而在于你练了有多久. 所以,坚持练习!
    English can't be studied.English can't be learned.English can only be practiced.;英语是学不出来的. 英语是记不出来的. 英语只能练出来.
    Open your mouth widely and practice now!;张大嘴,现在就开始练!
    So,from the heart of Guangzhou and,from the bottom of our hearts,;在广州市中心,从我们心 底,
    this is Jim saying 'So long!';吉姆在此向各位说, 再见!
    My dear friends all over China,I sincerely hope you enjoy this recording.;中国各地的朋友们,我 衷心希望你们喜欢这盘 录音带.
    Please make the best use of it.Listen! Repeat!Yell!Follow!;请充分利用它.听它! 重复它!喊它!跟着它!
    Imitate! Enthusiastically and passionately.Again and again and again.;模仿它!狂热地,热切地! 一遍,又一遍,又一遍.
    Ten times,one hundred times,one thousand times,until you master it all.;十次,一百次,一千次... 直到你彻底征服它.
    Good luck.And keep in touch.;祝好运.保持联络.
    This is Li Yang saying goodbye from Guangzhou;李阳在广州跟你说再见 了.
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