Situation 7:
Arriving in Los Angeles(Mr.Pak and Su-mi finish their flight
and arrive in Los Angeles.)
Su-mi, how was the flight?
It was long and boring, but the movies were fun.
Really?I don't know because I was asleep most of the time.
Where do we go now?
Now we have to go through immigration
Immigration,what's that?
Immigration is where they check your passport.
Don't worry,it's very easy.
Okay,I won't worry if we can go through immigration together.
(Su-mi and Mr.Pak go to immigration together. )
Hello,may I please see your passports?
Yes, here they are.
Is she your daughter?
Yes,she is.
What will you do in America?
We are going to see Los Angeles and San Francisco.
And the Grand Canyon!
Oh,yes,and the Grand Canyon.
And where will you be staying?
My sister lives in L. A. . We will be staying at her house.
All right.I hope you have a nice trip.
No,you should say "Thank you, sir."
It's more polite.
Oh,I'm sorry.Thank you,sir.
ou are very welcome.(Mr. Pak and Su-mi go out of immigration and
meet with Mr. Pak's sister, Mrs.Kim.)
Chun-hyok,it is so good to see you. And Su-mi,you are so big.
How old are you now?
I am fifteen years old.I was only eleven years old the
last time I saw you.
Well, you have grown a lot.You are now a young woman.
Chun-hyok,you must be tired. Let's go to my house.
Yes,I am very tired.Let's go to your house now.
Situation 7:
Arriving in Los Angeles(Mr.Pak and Su-mi finish their flight
and arrive in Los Angeles.)
Su-mi, how was the flight?
It was long and boring, but the movies were fun.
Really?I don't know because I was asleep most of the time.
Where do we go now?
Now we have to go through immigration
Immigration,what's that?
Immigration is where they check your passport.
Don't worry,it's very easy.
Okay,I won't worry if we can go through immigration together.
(Su-mi and Mr.Pak go to immigration together. )
Hello,may I please see your passports?
Yes, here they are.
Is she your daughter?
Yes,she is.
What will you do in America?
We are going to see Los Angeles and San Francisco.
And the Grand Canyon!
Oh,yes,and the Grand Canyon.
And where will you be staying?
My sister lives in L. A. . We will be staying at her house.
All right.I hope you have a nice trip.
No,you should say "Thank you, sir."
It's more polite.
Oh,I'm sorry.Thank you,sir.
ou are very welcome.(Mr. Pak and Su-mi go out of immigration and
meet with Mr. Pak's sister, Mrs.Kim.)
Chun-hyok,it is so good to see you. And Su-mi,you are so big.
How old are you now?
I am fifteen years old.I was only eleven years old the
last time I saw you.
Well, you have grown a lot.You are now a young woman.
Chun-hyok,you must be tired. Let's go to my house.
Yes,I am very tired.Let's go to your house now.