Situation 7:
The Secretary
I'll call my secretary and have her
make copies of your outline.
Are you sure that's okay? I mean,she doesn't really
work for me.What if she gets angry?
No problem.She works for me,and you
and I are working on this project together.Watch and learn.(Steve
picks up the phone.)
Lisa,could you come in here please?
I can but I won't.It's only eight fifty-five and I don't start
work until nine o'clock.
Well,Steve,I guess she knows who's the boss.
Very funny.We'll just have to wait for five minutes,that's all.
Whatever you say.
(At two minutes after nine o'clock)Lisa,do you think you
could come in here now?
Of course,Mr.Dawson;I'll be right in.( Lisa comes
into the office.)What do you need,sir?
Could you make Mr.Goddard here about
twenty copies of his outline?
Why,doesn't he have a secretary?
(A little angry)
Of course he does,but we're working on a
project togetherand I would really
appreciate it if you would just cooperate
with me right now.
All right,all right.You don't have
to get mad.Did you say ten or twenty copies?
Actually,ten will be fine.It's a small group today.
But I said twenty so make it twenty.
The Secretary
I'll call my secretary and have her
make copies of your outline.
Are you sure that's okay? I mean,she doesn't really
work for me.What if she gets angry?
No problem.She works for me,and you
and I are working on this project together.Watch and learn.(Steve
picks up the phone.)
Lisa,could you come in here please?
I can but I won't.It's only eight fifty-five and I don't start
work until nine o'clock.
Well,Steve,I guess she knows who's the boss.
Very funny.We'll just have to wait for five minutes,that's all.
Whatever you say.
(At two minutes after nine o'clock)Lisa,do you think you
could come in here now?
Of course,Mr.Dawson;I'll be right in.( Lisa comes
into the office.)What do you need,sir?
Could you make Mr.Goddard here about
twenty copies of his outline?
Why,doesn't he have a secretary?
(A little angry)
Of course he does,but we're working on a
project togetherand I would really
appreciate it if you would just cooperate
with me right now.
All right,all right.You don't have
to get mad.Did you say ten or twenty copies?
Actually,ten will be fine.It's a small group today.
But I said twenty so make it twenty.