Situation 14:
At the Party
You guys finally made it!
Thanks to you.
Yeah,Sarah,thanks a lot.
Don't mention it.What fun is a sorority
party if no guys show up?
True,but I really appreciate you
getting me in on such short notice.
Dont't mention it.Any friend of
Mike's is a friend of mine.Hey,that's a nice tie;
is it a clip-on?
(sarah smiles.Mike and Bill try not to laugh.)
No,I tied it myself.Do you really like it?
Yeah,and the stripes make you look taller.
I'll take all the help I can get.
Come on Charles,Sarah's my date.Let me talk to her a
little.Why don't you and Bill go meet
some nice girls?
I didn't come here to meet nice girls.
You devil.I know what kind of girls you like.
Then introduce me to a couple of them.
I'm sorry,Bill,but you'll just have to be content with one tonight.
Whatever you say.Where is she?
Give me a second and I'll find someone.
Okay,but only one second.
At the Party
You guys finally made it!
Thanks to you.
Yeah,Sarah,thanks a lot.
Don't mention it.What fun is a sorority
party if no guys show up?
True,but I really appreciate you
getting me in on such short notice.
Dont't mention it.Any friend of
Mike's is a friend of mine.Hey,that's a nice tie;
is it a clip-on?
(sarah smiles.Mike and Bill try not to laugh.)
No,I tied it myself.Do you really like it?
Yeah,and the stripes make you look taller.
I'll take all the help I can get.
Come on Charles,Sarah's my date.Let me talk to her a
little.Why don't you and Bill go meet
some nice girls?
I didn't come here to meet nice girls.
You devil.I know what kind of girls you like.
Then introduce me to a couple of them.
I'm sorry,Bill,but you'll just have to be content with one tonight.
Whatever you say.Where is she?
Give me a second and I'll find someone.
Okay,but only one second.