62 A Scary Man 可怕的人
I was browsing in a military surplus store when a young couple came in pushing a little boy in a stroller. I couldn't help noticing the father was in full punk regalia: spiked hair, black leather gloves, snake tattoos visible on his arms. Later I saw him running through the store frantically calling for his son. Relieved when he found the boy in another aisle, he embraced him and admonished, “Don't go where Mommy and Daddy aren't able to see you. A scary man might grab you.”我在一家军队剩余物资商店里浏览,这时候一对年轻夫妇用手推车推着一个男孩进来了。我忍不住看了一眼,那个爸爸是全套的庞克华丽装束:像鹿角那样的头发、黑色皮手套、两条胳膊上都是蛇的刺青。过了一会儿,我看见他发疯似的跑着喊着,满商店找他的儿子。当他在另一条过道上找到他儿子的时候,松了一口气。他搂着儿子,细声细语地说:“不要到爸爸妈妈看不见你的地方去。可怕的人会把你抓走的。”