68 Pneumonia and Smoking 肺炎和抽烟
I'm an attendant in a laundromat. A woman came in, sat near my counter and chain-smoked cigarette after cigarette. The smoke was both-ering me, so I turned on a fan. “Could you please point that thing in another direction?” she asked. “I'm just getting over pneumonia and the last thing I need is a breeze blowing on me.”我在一家自助洗衣店当营业员。一个女人走进来,坐在我的柜台旁边,一支接一支地抽烟。烟味熏得我受不了,我打开了电风扇。她对我说:“你能不能把那东西换一个方向?我的肺炎刚好。最怕吹风。”