88 Hire a bodyguard 雇一个保镖
When my new job required me to transport valuables, I decided I needed a gun for protection. Since I knew next to nothing about firearms, I joined a pistol club. After watching and evaluating my technique for a few weeks, the instructor pulled me aside. “Are you open to a suggestion?” he asked. “Absolutely,” I replied. “Hire a bodyguard,” he said.我的新职务需要我运送一些贵重物品。我觉得我应该有一支枪来保护自己。由于我对武器几乎一窍不通,就参加了一个手枪俱乐部。教员对我的技能观察和评价了几个星期之后,把我叫到一边。他问我:“你愿意听我的建议吗?”我说:“那当然。”他说:“雇一个保镖吧。”